
My Wii Age

We got a Wii and A Wii Fit for Christmas. I have been using it off and on since Christmas night. It is fun. Tonight I re-did my Fit Test and my Wii Fit age went down - from 53 to 48. I was excited. That means I am making progress. It will be great when my Wii Fit age is the same as my real age or younger.

One day at a time.


Love, Tee

Dinner tonight

Mark and I went out to dinner with friends - Baltimore Restaurant week - went to The Bicycle Bistro. And my least favorite course was dessert - what a change. When looking at the menu and the choices, I really didn't see one that I really wanted but because we were doing the Prie Fixe selections I had to pick one. In the past, it was always the best way to finish a meal out - have a cup of coffee and a rich dessert. I could have skipped the dessert altogether and just had the french pressed coffee.

Instead I savored my first 2 courses - Squash soup and then Salmon with fresh vegetables. And I brought half the salmon home because it was a large piece. I had one glass of wine with dinner along with 2 glasses of water (and my Going, Going Gone supplement!). I did finish with decaf coffee and had the Bananas Foster Bread Pudding - I think I had a total of 3 small bites of this. Just didn't have the taste for it.

Eating out was still an indulgence and I know I shared a bit of this with jawz, but all in all I'm proud of making healthier choices.


Panera's vs Burger King

Major cravings for lunch and I was gravitating towards Burger King...those cravings seem to happen once or twice a year so it's not like it's a weekly event. But, thankfully, we have a Panera's in the same shopping center. I still ordered and ate too much (soup and sandwich) but it was still a better choice than Burger King. I must admit I feel over-full. Guess that means my stomach is getting more used to a grazing approach to food as well. Now that I have that craving behind me I can get back to the business of healthy living!

RECOMMIT seems to be the word of the week!
The bed won this morning....rats...It's such a split second that the decision is made. Tomorrow is a definite swim since Brian and I go together.
San can you tell us about the sugar cane in the new shake? And a question for everyone else....how are you liking it?
Have a great day everyone,
Love, Kate


Hi girls...
I went to the Y and did my routine before work...I don't know why it's so hard to get out of bed all of a sudden. My brain was really trying to talk myself out of it, but the H&F me won this time. I'm also blogging...however the food stinks...eee-gads...sugar and carbs is all I think about at work...recommit,recommit as Tee just said.
Love, Kate

Today was a JAWZ Day...

They are bound to happen. Recommit. Recommit. Recommit.

Love, Tee

Thursday - got my mojo going

Morning Mojo - woke around 6 and thought about staying snuggled in the warm covers but then I remembered Ginny and San both saying they were stepping up morning routines. So I actually did some of my stretching before getting up. Then made the bed so I wouldn't be tempted to get back in! My morning also included Pilates so I feel good about all of that!

I'm going to get Mark to show me the cooking software we have so I can plug in the Protein Bar recipe and get that out. These bars really are tasty and I don't need a very big piece to keep me going. And I just ordered The UltraMind Solution - can't wait to get into that.

Looking forward to Kate's Blog and Suzanne's too! I expect to hear from you!


Morning Mojo

I'm really getting this morning thing - I, too, have gotten a bit too relaxed about it. So, not only am I going to get up when I wake up, like Ginny, I'm also going to do something to get my mojo going - in honor of Kate.

I want to do something first thing in the morning to just warm me up, so I will alternate between 10-15 minutes of stretching and 10-15 minutes of elliptical. Just enough to stir up those brain and body cells!

Today's exercise inspired by weather

Well, maybe 'inspired' is not the right word. Our driveway was a skating rink and even tho the temp got up to around 40, it didn't warm up fast enough to get the driveway cleared without help. At least the ice was melted underneath, making it easier to dislodge. Still a workout.

I may need to soak tonight!
Updating....I went to the psych last Thurs. and he actually increased the medication I'm on. I feel absolutlely no different. I see him again next week. The wait to feel "normal" is excrutiating. I really need help tho', because my eating is so outta control...what the heck..I just had a salad, apple fritter, pistachio muffin, and about 20 choc kisses. I'm worried I'm going to start treating the last 3 months like a diet that I failed on like everything else. My water jogging is becoming erratic. I went Monday, but not today or yesterday and not at all last week.
Ginny we gotta get out of that bed and get our mojo working.

So, I'm going to re-commit this minute....

I'm going to blog every day no matter how I feel.

Love to you all....
Gerri you look like a babe.
Love, Kate

The Early Bird

I resolve to getting up when I wake up! I have been lazing in bed after waking up, I've been blaming it on the weather and no cigarette with my coffee....no more of that. There will be no excuse for me to skip my exercise before work! And like every day I commit to eating healthy!
Looking forward to seeing the 'Units' for Healthy Living!

Sun Salutations

OK, so the thing I am going to add to bump up my results is morning Sun Salutations! I have been wanting to get back into Yoga and this is the right time!!
Downward Dog, San


From Mark ...

I was just brought up to date on ALL of you by San and … wow!!!! How exciting… I love that you’ve kept this team going!!! And I love that you never give up on each other (or yourselves)… and if someone seems to be falling behind… go after them and pull them back up.

CREATE a GREAT week!!!!
With love, support & appreciation,

Enjoy this beautiful snowy day ...

Great call last night though we totally missed you Kate.

We decided with just 11 weeks until NTC we all wanted to crank it up a notch so we would each think of something we could embrace and post it to share with each other. If we all add six new actions we will fly off this plateau.

Progress is being made on our program and more info will roll out soon. For now be thinking of Team members and clients that you can invite to the Healthy Living program.

Enjoy this beautiful snowy day. Love, San

PS. The H&F ME just got back in from shoveling the front walk and getting the recycling bins and mail. The old me would have waited for Rog to do these things. Breathing cold fresh air and moving, I wasn't even cold.


Figure 8 Protein Bars - Yummy!

At the Wellness Event on Sat, we were able to taste Protein bars made with our Figure 8 Protein shake - the recipe is still written based on our old protein shake but I took a stab at it anyway. Will bring some of this batch to try at the Bethesda Opp meeting tonight and if they pass - I'll redo the recipe and post it! So stay tuned!

Wonderful and Positive Changes

Good Morning Team~Abundance,

It's been great to see our lists of all the wonderful and positive changes we have made by embracing Mark's teachings and through inspiring and supporting each other.

I am looking forward to our call tonight at 6 PM. 'See' you then! Love, San

Love the New Pic

Looks like you gals had fun. Can't wait to learn all the great stuff you heard from Dr. Judy V. Suzanne - good to see you again - even if it is a photo! Can't wait to see you at NTC.

Love, Tee


The Best Outlook

Hello Team! I know you have no uses for excuses! So I am just going to go ahead and post how this whole experience has changed me, for the better!
I have become even more positive about my health and fitness
I take it more seriously as I have to admit I am on the other side of my life, the over 50 side
I am much more aware of how I eat and what I eat
I am taking my physical well being to heart and am exercising more than I have in the past
I quit smoking which is a major change of my nature
This whole experience has enhanced all the work I have done on myself over the years
A couple of years ago I resolved to always look at the glass half full and I had a good run of it. So many things and books and talks with Sandra have all aligned with what I try and do with myself
It's been a challenging year and I wouldn't say I was over the hump yet, but I will. Finances are stopping me from doing so amny things. I will continue to focus my energy on my whole well being, health and fitness right there on the top of the list.
I have learned how to commit and I am able to do it daily, that was a new concept, it has blocked failure from getting a hold of me!
Thank You All for the inspiration and support.
Love You Much!


Wonderful Nutritional Info from Judi V today!

What a great day! And I loved sharing it with San and Suzanne! San and I drove up to NJ and Suzanne met us at a Health and Wellness event hosted by Rebecca Thompson and featuring Dr Judi Valentine. Judi's talk was based on a book called the UltraMind Solution by Dr Mark Hyman which was fascinating. In his book, Dr Hyman proposes that all modern diseases have their roots in 7 biological imbalances. Judi talked to us about this main information in a way that was mind altering - so much to learn. I'm sure you'll be hearing nuggets about this from all three of us in future blogs, on Monday Morning Forum calls and more.

For now, I just wanted to say that learning today was exciting and empowering. I'm so glad Suzanne was able to share the day and a healthy lunch afterwards with us. Suzanne - you will blog about this! And San will be getting Judi's presentation as well to help us share this information better.

More to come...you're going to love this stuff!!


Evidence of Healthy Changes

This list is incomplete, but I wanted to start posting it. Doing this is definitely empowering!
  • Size 8 jeans Fit! and I actually believe that size 6 is achievable AND maintainable!
  • I recognize when foods I eat are poison and make the decision more and more not to eat them.
  • I am now doing pilates with an instructor once a week – gladly
  • I eat something healthy before going over friends or going to a party – knowing that there will be more poison than fuel.
  • I pick up magazines more often that have health related topics and read them
  • I am more willing to make the healthy choice when going out with friends, even when others don’t.
  • I stand and move around more when I’m talking on the phone
  • I feel like I’ve missed something in my day if I haven’t done something to exercise my body, whether that’s walking, elliptical, pilates or something else.
  • I so get that guilt doesn’t help; recommitting daily is empowering.
  • I stopped Capitalizing jawz – I took back my power to make healthy choices
  • I don’t NEED dessert when we go out to eat. I don’t see it as something I deserve any more. I deserve to make healthier choices.
  • Social events don’t revolve around wine; I still enjoy wine now and then, but it’s importance is diminished.
  • I find myself applying fuel vs poison thinking with my business as well – finding habits and thoughts that don’t serve and working on replacing them with empowering ones.
  • I actually enjoy trying on clothes now – especially in smaller sizes!
  • I feel the passion deep inside when I talk about Arbonne's Figure 8 products and the work we're doing in our E!H&F program.

Ways I am Changed

Hello Gals -

Sorry to be late with the assignment. Here we go:
  • I am aware
  • I have stopped beating myself up when I fall off the wagon
  • Each day really is a new day
  • My pants are loose - I am almost a real size 8
  • I feel committed - I am not afraid to gop against the grain and make the healthy choice when we go out
  • I can see myself at my goal
  • I am open to all possibilities
  • I am learning to like my physical self
  • I feel more confident
  • I feel pretty - something I have never felt before
  • I understand committing and recommitting
  • I am learning patience when it comes to my goals
  • I am setting a better example for my children
It is all so good!!!

Love, Tee



I can remember more than two years ago looking at the Democratic field and thinking that I was going to support Barack Obama. I was impressed by his willingness to say things that needed to be said to the people of this country. I cried that day I voted for him in both the primary and general elections. This man inspires me.

I am putting a picture of our new President on my dream board. He inspires me in so many ways. He is a devoted husband and father. He is committed to our country and to our success as a people and to our image as a positive worldwide example. He is five years older than me!

He is interested in being a healthy fit person in so many ways. I am excited to see what direction our country will go starting at noon today.

Whether you voted for him or not - let's all raise of NRG Go Fizzy Drink in his honor.

Peace and love,

Evidence that I have already changed ... San

  • I am much more optimistic about my life. I am filled with LOVE and intent.
  • I am also optimistic about my Arbonne career and what this Team will accomplish.
  • I understand that my actions should support my goals ... dah!
  • I am more aware of what I am eating ... Poison or Fuel
  • I make a point to add FUEL items to our weekly food cart. Some items specifically for me!
  • Social outings do not have to include food.
  • I know that I am OK!
  • I am more eager to start each day.
  • I am moving more ... walking twice or more a week, getting up and walking around during phone calls, sitting on the Pilates ball as a chair, purchased the Rebounder and started bouncing, doing sit ups during conference calls, etc. Much, much better!
  • I am coaching two 'official' new people and one unofficial ... (she doesn't know it. Ha-Ha!)
  • I am 22-25 pounds less than when I started.
  • I am looking forward to losing the next 25 lbs. and believe I will do it!
  • I believe, really believe some new thoughts ... Everything always works out, Anything is Better than Nothing, Comfort isn't that comfortable and will not get me where I want to go.
  • I can make a difference for others
  • I have found my voice about some issues and feel so much better for speaking it.
  • I look for ways to empower others
  • I have a feeling of hope and confidence that just wasn't there before we started.

I do believe that I could just go on and on. I really needed to see this progress. I hope this assignment is powerful for you too!!


Feeling Empowerful! about our Figure8 Products!

Hi all. Yesterday I had an open house with a teammate, Jenifer, and it really turned out nice. It was for 4 hours and we had about 8 guests - which worked out nice because each of them got some individual time with us. I had tastings of our Fizzy Tabs and the Vanilla Protein shake with Fiber Booster, as well as chews and Detox tea guests could try. Our tasting area was definitely the center of attention.

Even more so, I was able to really talk from the heart and from a deep conviction on how these products have worked for me. I remember in the past of talking about using the shakes and chews but not really being able to say that they worked as far as weight loss. I now know different and people can really tell when I talk about my experience. I know that both Jenifer and I made sales yesterday because of this.

I also talked about our working as an Empowerful! team because I know this group has been an amazing support, especially when jawz comes knocking. And others really do get that it's easier to make healthy changes with a support group. So I am spreading the word!

So, onward and upward. I'd really like to hit the 20 pound mark by the end of this month. And that means 3 more pounds over the next two weeks. I had actually gotten within 2 pounds of my goal but today it's up a bit - I know it's a natural fluxuation for me, and that's ok. I might even manage a walk outside today - it's going to feel balmy at 40 degrees!

Hope everyone is having great weekends. I'm looking forward to watching the various inaugural broadcasts as the next few days progress. This will be a healthy change for the whole country.

Love you all - Gerri



What an Incredible Bunch! Thank You Mark for your blog, we wouldn't be here without you! As far as hanging in and going forward...WE ARE!! Love You All!
I like myself best when I am connected to you all!

From Mark ...

Hi ladies… I may be gone from your Monday activities… but I’m still here in spirit.
I continue to read your blogs and send you all positive energy and love.
For what it’s worth, you are actually doing very well!
Normally there is a steep decline immediately after I step out of a group because I am not there to hold everyone accountable (when the cats away…).
But in this case you are doing a fabulous job of supporting each other.
Kate I know if feels like you’ve failed with the ten lb gain… but its still 7 pounds less than you once gain for the holidays… just think of it as using up some of the reserve you had build up during the holidays.
The important thing for ALL of you is to focus on the IMPROVEMENTS, ignore the ‘back slips’. Although it will take longer to get there, even if you lose 20 pounds and put back on 10 then lose 20 and put back on 10, you can eventually lose 200 pounds! How many pounds have each of you lost and how many have you put back on since we began? Are you still ahead of the game? If so… than you’re winning!
Keep in mind… the ultimate goal here isn’t weight loss… it is to turn you into a Healthy Fit human being… are you becoming that? Do you think and feel differently than before? If so… then you are winning… the weight will eventually keep coming off because this is becoming your nature.
The problem with surgery Kate is that it’s a crutch… it doesn’t address the real issue which is your psychological predisposition toward being unhealthy and unfit. So even surgery wont make you ‘Healthy & Fit’ it will just make it less obvious to the outside world. Due to your diabetes and my lack of a medical degree I can’t advise you against getting it, but CAN say that the REAL ‘cure’ will be in staying on track with your efforts to alter your perceptions and habits (whether you get the procedure or not).
And when it comes to ‘being hungry all the time’… figure out WHY. Is it psychological or is it because you are burning so many calories that you NEED the extra food to keep from wasting away. Chances are… its all in your head… it’s a habit… its in your programming… its just JAWZ messing with your head. So what do we do when our habits take over? First recognize them for what they are… accept that you really aren’t ‘hungry’… it just SEEMS that way. Will you starve if you don’t eat more? What need is this food really filling? Can you fill it in some other way? Can you fill the pit in your stomach with water or healthy Arbonne products that expand your stomach without expanding your waistline… until the hunger pangs go away or until you change your focus? Once you accept that you probably don’t really need more food, it allows you to look for other alternative. And this ‘always hungry’ thing will eventually go away.

As for you Suzanne… we know why you’re hiding… and we understand because you are more like us than you realize. But in every group there is someone at the front of the charge and someone trailing… never are they all progressing at the exact same rate. Girls… just as the geese do when a comrade falls behind… we need to increase our efforts to drop back and pull her up. In helping Suzanne to believe in herself and get on track, WE too will become stronger.

Love to ALL of you!!! And NEVER… NEVER… NEVER… NEVER… NEVER give up on YOURSELF… it’s the one ‘sure thing’ you will ALWAYS have! If you never give up, sooner or later you WILL master your nature! Mark

Quote from the Buddha

You as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. ~ The Buddha



Hey Suzanne,
I have news ...

I am coming up to a wellness event hosted by RVP, Rebecca on the 24th from ten to noon.
It gets better ... it is in Mount Laurel!
It gets even better ... Gerri is coming with me!!
PLEASE TELL ME you can rearrange your schedule and join us!!
Call me as soon as you can, we miss you. Love, San

From RealAge.com

Here’s a simple way to slash major calories from some of your favorite comfort foods -- and you won’t miss a thing. When you’re making lasagna, sloppy joes, chili, and other ground beef dishes, use chopped mushrooms instead of meat. If you’re like the people in a recent study, you’ll naturally eat about 420 fewer calories with these mushroom-enriched meals. (Need help losing holiday pounds? Try the amazing soup diet in our New Year, New You Center.) The Other Red MeatPeople in the study also said the mushroom makeovers tasted just as good and kept them feeling full just as long as the beef versions did. And not only did the mushroom-based dishes mean a lower-calorie meal, but the mushroom eaters also ate fewer calories and less fat throughout the day than the beef eaters did. (Check out the Savory Mushroom Stroganoff recipe in this article.) Switching beef for mushrooms is just one way to cut calories and fat.

What is it about mushrooms that makes meatless eating so satisfying? Their rich taste, earthy aroma, and -- yes -- meaty texture. Give every kind a try with this cookbook,
Mushroom Magic: 100 Fabulous Fungi Feasts and Marvelous Mushroom Meals . The name says it all.
For more recommendations,check out our
RealAge Marketplace!

To sign up for more info like this …



I am in awe ... you are all amazing. I just simply love how we have connected to the core.

Kate, my weight has gone up and down ... no one ever said, it would go straight down.
Be kind to yourself ... LOVE YOURSELF! You are so worth it. Mark has taught us that we are OKAY ... AND WE ALL ARE!

I am full to the brim with love and positive expectation for us. I have so much it is
just overflowing into everything I do. Where ever we are in this moment, just recommit and we will be better than fine.

Enjoy the weekend ahead and the historic Inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Obama! This is the time of hope and change and WE are part of it!!

Because I am forever changed, I am sending an abundance of Love and Gratitude to Mark and each of you. San

I LOVE our Empowerful! Team!!

Wow - I thought I checked the blog yesterday but I must not have because I've been busy catching up, writing comments and feeling so charged up by what I've read.

Kate - my Heart and Love and Belief in YOU is so strong - I hope that you feel all the positive supportive energy that surrounds you from all of us.

Tee - your blogs come from such a wonderful deep, grounded place of knowing that I always find myself coming back into focus about what's importantafter reading anything from you.

Ginny - even in your blogs I hear that cheerfulness in your voice that I love, and can see your lungs expanding with fresh air that helps us all.

Suzanne - our often silent partner, but no less an important part of who we are. When you do speak up and share, I want to listen and learn.

San - I will never tire of telling you how much you inspire me. I really do like myself best when I'm with you!

Can't do a love fest blog without letting Mark know that I feel like I'm in the presence of a truly enlightened soul. You expand us all (except for the waistlines!) :-D

Overflowing with Empowerful! Love! Gerri


Oh Ya...this is so hard..
Well, I have gained 10 pound since the New Year.
I am absolutely hungry all of the time. I started with a therapist on Wednesday an she suggested after 15 minutes with me (she's known me for 12 years) that I have bariatric surgery. I felt so sad...like a failure.

So, on a good note, I continue with my water jogging every morning except Sunday....I can now put my socks on. And I don't have to use the handicap stairs to get in and out of the pool.

I love you all,

Powerful and Empowered!

Since we are both powerful and empowered we can do whatever we set our heart and mind to. Tee, I totally see you as an NVP with a big and ever expanding Team. In fact I see each of us in that way.
It has taken me a time and learning to arrive where I am today ... with a clear awareness to stop wanting it so badly and enjoy the journey. To stay in touch with everything I love about our company, our products and each person on my Team and especially our Team and my life. From this place of peace and gratitude blended with solid activity my desires will come to fruition. It has been a long time since I have felt so sure my goals will manifest. I am excited about all Arbonne has in store for us.
At the same time I know that I will continue to want more ... so the challenge is to acknowledge what we have accomplished and enjoy it along the way.
Today, let's celebrate the women we have grown to be just over the past few months!! WOW!


Good Morning Powerful Wonderful Women -

I am sititng her at my desk wishing to God it was me at the desk as an NVP and not an employee. There are a lot of benefits to working where I do since it is flexible enough to allow me to work on my Arbonne and I have developed a decent client base here. But this is not my passion. My passion is my family and my time. I feel like time is moving so fast and I resent having to spend 8 - 10 hours of each day here. Things are building to a boil in me. I can feel success in my business but I am frustrated by the feeling that I have to shoe-horn it in to the nooks and crannies of my day. I am planning to be a RVP by July 2010. When I sat down and mapped out my goals at the start of my business, that was how I envisioned things growing. I am hoping that by publicly proclaiming the promotion date it will make me more accountable to do the things required for success.

We learned from Mark that recommitment is required each day. A healthy fit person makes the commitment every day. That has become second nature to me now. I get up and say to myself each morning "I recommit myself to the efforts, behaviors, and successes of a healthy fit person." I have walked by my favorite bagel store EVERY day since we started in September and I have not bought a bagel. I have been eating from a smaller salad plate instead of a dinner plate EVERY night since we started in September. My consumption of snack cakes and cookies, and candy has dropped off so much and I continue to work to make my interest and cravings for them non-existent.

I am not sure where I am going with this post. I just knew I needed to write.

The dedication of each of you to this group inspires me everyday. I love you all.


ps: the cleanse mixed with the citrus surge fizzy is positively delicious. Who knew?


Great blogs San and Gerri! Looking forward to spending some time with those questions too! I also love the Seasource Gelee, it really works on those sore muscles and it smells delightful! I found this quote on my Starbucks coffee cup yesterday, I think it's quite profound and I just had to share it!

'The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating--in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.'
Anne Morriss
I like anything that reminds me to get 'out of my mind'!
Great Day All!
More Later......


A Healthy Day

Sometimes it's nice to just get through the day with small successes. It was a good walking day with San - did my six loops at the mall - about 6 miles - last four much easier with having San to talk to. Then my massage which felt great on this new, slimmer body. I'm on my last day of my 7 day detox too. Kept to healthier snacks and finished off the carrot soup for dinner - still yummy today!

Tomorrow it's back to pilates and this time I'm scheduling in a LONG SeaSource SOAK to end my day. And now I know where some key spots are for using the Gelee too! Hopefully this will mean my muscles won't complain as much. lol

Starting to contemplate our list of questions - definitely the right kind of food for thought.

Hope you've all had happily healthy days!

Love - Gerri

Abundant Health and Happiness Today and Always ...


Been up since 5 ... just so much good stuff on my mind! Wait `til you all see FC5!!!! VPs can order it today and I just did! This is going to be a winner!!

I am just back from walking 4 miles with Gerri ... I love our walks and talks!

Also wanted to report to the out of town Team that our Healthy Living with Arbonne format went really well last night. I think this will really build into something big for us.

My Rebounder came and I love it! I can't wait to really get started. Today with walking and later my Pilates session I will plan to really get bouncing in the morning. Today, I just step on it every time I pass it and jump a few jumps. Anything is better than nothing and it's FUN!

I feel like a kid.

Also want to report that I am half way through and do love The Art of Extreme Self Care ... transform your life one month at a time by Cheryl Richardson. It fits right in with the growth we are all working on. I can't wait to see our questions. I am going to take mine to my hair appt at 11. More soon.

Abundant Health and Happiness today and always, San


Hi All!

Wish me luck, today is my luncheon and presentation at The new Seabury Women's Club.
Have just gone over all my material and products to bring.
I love the questions and will address them later on. I'm with T, this will help keep us connected and allow us to keep helping each other!
Love You All!


From Extreme Self Care by Cheryl Richardson

End the Legacy of Deprivation Questions ...

Where do I feel deprived?
What do I need more of right now?
What do I need less of?
What do I want right now?
What am I yearning for?
Who or what is causing me to feel resentful and why?
What am I starving for?

Here we go, I will be looking forward to sharing our responses.

Questions coming ...

Love Tee's quote and love you all. I will post the questions as soon as I spend a few minutes with Rog. xoxo

We Can Do This

Thanks for tonight. I really love hearing from everyone and cheering on the progress. I think the assignments each week will go a long way to linking us together, providing fodder for discussion (we know how quiet we can be), and reminding us of our commitment to ourselves and to each other.

I think post holiday doldrums are normal. It occurs to me that we should celebrate the fact that we did some hard work during the hardest part of the year. Let's not beat ourselves up over a visit from JAWZ. Mark warned us that she might be back to try and tempt us to the dark side. We can do this. We have been doing it.

One of my favorite quotes (and I don't know who said it) was on a button someone sent to my Facebook page. It said - Be the kind of woman who when your feet hit the floor in the morning makes the Devil say, "Oh Crap! She's up." Just substitute JAWZ for the Devil and make that the mantra.

I love you guys.


I echo Gerri's thought about winter doldrums. I have been walking hand in hand with JAWZ the past few days. I feel like all I want to do is eat and there she is egging me on. I haven't gained any weight back but I am upset with myself for the lack of discipline. I feel like lack of discipline is following me around like a bad penny. I am looking forward to talking tonight.


One thing for sure - You guys are the best. Love you, Tee


Wow, Ginny! Since I grew up there I know what a committment it is to walk in the cold weather. Good for YOU!
And Gerri ... you too so consistent on the eliptical!
I am going to walk in my neighborhood before the sun gets any lower. Bitter cold here too but of course no snow yet.
I can't wait to talk with everyone tonight. xoxo

Winter Doldrums

It sounds like many of us are hitting a wall and finding jawz slipping back in. There isn't as much going on so I find myself easily distracted now and before I know it, I'm snacking. It's so easy to want to just curl up with that book and hot drink - at least my choice here is hot herbal tea!

I feel I have to be more diligent with my thoughts and also to sometimes push myself to take that first step towards the elliptical. Once I start my exercising, I'm fine. But, I have to work on revving up my mind first!

I guess that's where heating up the Blog helps. I SOOOOOooooo appreciate when I see a new entry and have a chance to reconnect and thus recommit. Let's help each other gals! I love hearing from YOU!


Looking forward to our talk tonight! Some days I want to be in Maryland so very badly! I feel I miss so much, so it's very important to connect with you all on the phone! My charge Ben, a lovey dovey chocolate lab, and I just got back from a long walk on the Boardwalk Beach.
It was still snowing, there was a lot of marsh grass on the boardwalk....we're having very high tides with the full moon and it being so close so it must have covered the walk. Huge ship heading into the canal...got some pics of Ben chasing the sea gulls and the ship.
Loving my Aero Pilates machine...doing good getting the exercises down. I was so psyched to try the cardio with the rebounder....OMG...MUCH harder than it looked, but it was a good workout and one day I will laugh at thinking it was so hard!
Day 12 of my 'Kicking Butts' and resolve is still strong...not that I don't have my moments!!
Later Everyone!
Love Ya!


We hosted a dinner party last night.

Jawz must have been invited because I ...

Ate too much
Drank too much
Had dessert
Stayed up too late

I'd really like a do-over but all I can do is



The Day After

Ok - Note to myself - On the day I have pilates, that night MUST be a Sea Soak night! I know Linda said the SeaSource Gelee would be good on sore muscles, but I didn't know which muscles would be sore! At least now I know.

I will have to keep reminding myself today that this is a good sign that I'm getting my body out of its comfort zone. :-}


Let's put some new pictures of us on the blog!!

Something Oprah Said

I'm sure Mark has said this too, but I wrote this down when watching Oprah's Tuesday Segment.

"You need to love yourself enough to know that you being healthy is worth it."

Just wanted to pass on this inspiration for all of us! Because we ARE WORTH IT!

Love - Gerri

My First Pilates Day

Well, I did it. I'm now scheduled for Pilates once a week. And I can definitely tell that my core has been very much neglected. Please don't ask me to roll up any more today! Some things were easy, and other things - hmmm - didn't know I had muscles there! All in all a good session. And Andi, my instructor, said that I had good mind/body coordination - so my other walking and cardio work is giving me a good basis. I know this is exactly what I need to be adding in right now to help me reach my goal weight by the end of February.

It definitely helps that Andi is convenient - 15 minute drive from home - and exceptionally good rates - since her current studio is in the basement of her parents house, she doesn't have to cover any overhead, so her prices reflect that too. And once the space is the way she wants it, she'll have her various pilates machines out too.

I enjoyed my time with her, and we even finished the session talking about Arbonne. She remembered getting bombarded with Arbonne reps when she had her studio in Savage Mill and pretty much tuned them out. But with me it was very low key and casual. I invited her to both DA and my Open House this month and she said yes to DA in Feb, and will probably come to my open house too!

So this has been a Win Win experience already!


What a team. Great posts Gerri and San.

I am struggling a bit this week. I had some snack cakes today and yesterday. I was aware the whole time but I decided I wanted them. Back on the wagon for me.

Off to do some dinner - healthy - followed by IPAs.

Hope you all are doing the do.

Love, Tee

Productive Day

Hi All,

It's been a very productive day ... sun is out so I got a nice walk in and delivered product to a neighbor.

Also it was a two shake day ... I can't tell you that I am not hungry though and I am going out to meet two women for dinner so I will have a cup of hot detox and a few chews before I leave.

I am creating order for everything I touch ... it is part of the new year thing for me.
I've been cleaning out drawers while I listen to conference calls, etc.

I'd love to hear from all of you ... are we going to beat the odds and stay focused on our goals?!?


Tuesday's Oprah - We're So There!

Tee - first of all, thank you for telling us about Oprah's Live Your Best Life Theme this week. I taped Tuesday's and watched that while I was on the elliptical this afternoon. Great way to combine exercise for my body and healthy 'food' for my brain!

I thought of Ginny and Suzanne especially when Laura's story was shared - a smoker for 30 years. Using the Real Age Assessment, her real age was 60 - I think she was 44 years old. 1 year after working with Dr Oz's program, she had lost weight, quit smoking, began walking and her new real age was 41+. What a difference embracing a healthy lifestyle makes - just like we're all seeing too! This was a very inspirational episode.

I remember taking the real age assessment about a year ago and I think my assessment was 56 - definitely higher than my 'age'. Now I wish I had saved that one. I just retook the assessment and now I'm a real age of 42! And I know I'm still working on some areas! You can go to www.realage.com to take the assessment. I'm going to save this assessment and do this again in 6 months. I'm not done yet!

We are so doing the right things and thinking the right thoughts!


I am over the moon for you, Ginny. This is so exciting!
Have you officially started with your sister as well?
I know it's hard. I remember Rog quitting a few times but when he stopped for the final time (it's been ten years this month) he just did it.

Also I remember my parents quitting occasionally throughout my life and then when illness struck they just both stopped immediately. So, I know you can do it and I am supporting you ALL THE WAY!!

Also wanted to report that I am finally shifting into second gear, I am off the plateau and have started to drop pounds again. Whew!!

Sending Love, Joy and Support to Each of my Empowerful Partners! San

Good Mornin'!!

Hi All!
Yes, day 7 of my smoke free life.....oh what a struggle. Grrrrrr........
Thanks for all your encouraging words. Thanks T for the anti-smoking energy you're sending!
I trust it gets easier and I know it's worth it. I am finally getting over a nasty cold I got for the new year, but actually it has helped with not smoking, maybe I was supposed to be sick! I'm sorry I've been neglectful with the blog. I keep this room at 60, my bedroom too. I have three zone heating so the living room and kitchen are the only rooms I allow to be at 65 when I am home. I've gotten used to it, I am extremely warm in any higher temps. It has helped with the heating bill, of course, but it has also broken me of the habit of sitting at my computer for hours thinking I am working!
Icy morning here, supposed to turn to rain by noon. Good for you Gerri with your wine and girlfriends, you have worked so hard to get to where you are and good luck with your pilates tomorrow. I went and got myself a pilates machine, 4 payments of $86 a month. I spent that on cigarettes in a little over 2 weeks....that's how I justified it. It will be here tomorrow, now I just have to put it together and get that rebounder set up, can't wait, it'll be awesome!! Especially on days like this when weather doesn't permit me to walk out the door. Comes with DVD's and I can't wait to use it. Of course it'll be in my living room, I'll just pretend it's a new piece of furniture!
You hang in there is right Kate! It will get better, stay in the now My friend. Look what you are still doing, your pool work.... it's okay to be hungry....I tell myself that a million times a day....it's okay to want a cigarette, the wanting won't kill me!
Love You All, Lots and Lots. Look forward to our team forging new ground and the self development that goes along with it.
Eating healthy and loving myself today!
Thanks for your encouragement Mark....I just love 'anything is better than nothing'!
Make It A Great Day!


Interesting Evening

Tonight was one of those nights where I was often an observer of my own behavior and where I really did notice how different I am. I got together with 3 close girlfriends. It's always easy for us to sit around all night and talk and drink wine and snack. We still did all of that but I did the drinking and snacking in great moderation. Only 2 glasses of wine over 3+ hours and about twice as much water - I would have never balanced out the wine with water before. And my food consumption was also on the healthier (less poisonous! items) like the nuts, and cheese. Stayed away from the Fritos (mostly!).

My friends were all amazed and envious of the weight I've lost. And they are also unwilling at this time, to make the kind of commitment I have to being healthy and fit. I loved my time with them, but I was also the first one to call it quits for the evening and head home for a good night's sleep. It was enough for me.

I realize that doing things with some friends will change, is changing, because the focus is different for me. Feels a little bitter sweet. And yet I still know I'm better off. Can't say I'll ever get to the point that I won't enjoy a glass of wine, but that is just becoming more like background music, not a major part of my social activities. It's all good.
Hi....All you beautiful Womens....
I haven't been blogging, because I hate blogging when I'm down. I've been depressed ( as in the antidepressant isn't working ). I have an appt with a new psychiatrist on the 22nd, so I just have to hang on. I know things will work out. I've kept up my water jogging 6 days/week. I'm hungry ALL the time....I really have to fight against the idea that food will make me feel better.
I've loved reading the blogs...it's a big help.
Love, Kate


Feeling good ...

At tonight's Nation Meeting I wore the suit that I bought to be on stage at NTC as a new RVP in 2002!! I haven't worn it in at least five years.
So many people told me how good I looked. This feels really, really good.
How is everyone else doing??? Let's support each other! Sending Love and talk soon.

A Good Day

Today was just ... nice. Nothing dramatic, but jawz napped most of the time. I started my day with my 35 mins on the elliptical. Enjoyed the Abundance Monday Morning Forum - brain and heart food for my business. Grazed comfortably through the day and even got in some good IPAs for my business. And I called to schedule my first Pilates instruction - it will be Thursday!

Just enjoying the moment. And what's that Markism? Let tomorrow come what may, for I have fully lived today. :-D

Falling off the Wagon

Oprah this whole week is about what we have been working on for the past 12 weeks. If you can tivo or tape it, please do. It just serves as more proof that we are on the right track to changing who we are.

Oprah said something I felt was profound. She said that we should use falling off the wagon as a chance to fall in love with ourselves. She mentions that often times people turn to food because they don't know how to Love themselves, define happiness or put themselves first. All things we talked about.

Maybe, as we really get into 2009, we should take the time to schedule our health into our calendars and make them scared dates. Also we should think about the reasons why we love ourselves and write them down, hold them close, and remember them when we are reaching for the Poison vs the Fuel.

I love each of you so much for the strong, powerful women that you are and I continue to be blown away by how each of you recommit to your success each day.

How awesome will NTC be when we are all together and turning heads due to the confidence we'll be exuding.

Love, Tee

From Mark ...

Ginny… I also want to acknowledge YOU for your gains! I would love to encourage you to blog us about what you are up to so we don’t have to rely upon second-hand little birdie stories.
And how about the rest of you?
Where are those ‘daily blogs’… come on… tell us SOMETHING. Remember… ANYTHING is better than NOTHING!
Love to you all!


From Mark ...

As I read this blog I am truly inspired… I have goose bumps.
And you Gerri… you ROCKED my world with your last blogs!
Please… I want you all to know… being on that blog and sharing means more than you may ever realize.
Don’t worry about what you say… just say something… anything… you never know when what you have to share may be exactly what someone else needs to hear. And lets face it… nothing feels better than knowing that something we shared not only kept US on track, but it may have helped keep someone else on track as well.
We MUST get these messages out!
Just think of how many people we could be inspiring right NOW with this blog… with your stories… with your commitments… your passion… your purpose… AND your mounting achievements…
Start thinking of who you can invite to join in so they can start reading this blog as well… whose lives can we change? Who might be interested in Arbonne’s products if they could read what they’re doing for YOU?
Create a GREAT Sunday!!!
With Love & Support!
A little bird told me that Ginny has gone four days without a smoke!!! WooHoo! I am so proud of you. Your lungs are already working at repairing themselves. Keep up the good work. One minute at a time. Just think of all the new clothes you will be able to buy with all of the money you will save by not buying cigarettes.

I have been a bit silent the past few days. I feel like I have been cocooning with my family. I have been on and off the wagon the past few days. But tonight, I am recommitting myself to the habits of a healthy fit person. I am saying publicly that I will go from 170 to 165 by January 31. Then I would like to go from 165 to 160 by February 28. Then, I will work to get to my goal weight of 150 by NTC.

I have also been inconsistent with using the Figure 8 product line. I am going to commit to the Figure 8 Program. I tasted the new products and they are delicious.

These sessions have really gone a long way toward rewriting my brain. If I were younger and going to start a band I think I would have to name it Cognitive Dissonance. :)

As I use the principles we learned to change my health and fitness, I also want to apply the principles to my business. My business has not been "healthy and fit." But it needs to be in order for me to achieve my dreams. So I want to say that I recommit to my business and all that it can provide for me and my family. I believe in Arbonne, the products, the opportunity, and most importantly, me. I want to go to NTC as an Area Manager.

I love you all and look forward to keeping our group going. Blog away gals.


Something Bigger than Myself

Reflections of where I started and how far I've come:

When Sandra invited me to join the Empowerful! Health and Fitness program, I didn’t have very high expectations about what I could change about my weight. I knew I should lose weight and yet getting to that healthy weight seemed a distant dream. Weight issues, and challenges with my physical image, have been with me off and on most of my life. And in the past few years, I’ve felt I’ve been losing the battle and was pretty close to just accepting where I was, even though I knew it was an unhealthy weight. I’d recently been more consistent in walking at least 4 miles a day 5-6 days a week. And I’d also been using the Fig 8 products, though somewhat inconsistently, and nothing really changed…until this program.

For me this program is filling in the missing links. I know consistency is important – we hear it in our business and it’s the same here - and it's consistency in small steps. I have been amazed how one small step, consistently taken, can make such a big difference. I finally started using the Figure 8 products consistently and I began to learn how to think consistently as a healthy-fit person. The team is also crucial and essential. I’d always done it alone before, which also meant I rarely made any public commitments. Now with our calls, and especially with our blog, I feel part of something bigger, I learn from the challenges and successes of others. And I'm also humbled and grateful when one of you says that I helped inspire you. I'm sure that none of us realize the ripples we are creating and who they are touching. And finally, it’s been about replacing my thoughts with ones that serve the kind of person I really want to be. My new best friend is cognitive dissonance! I’ve lost 15 pounds over a time period that I typically gain 5 or more pounds. And what’s even more amazing, is that I know I’m not done yet – I still have 9 more pounds to lose – and I am doing it. I realize my journey towards being a fully realized healthy-fit person is only beginning. I continue to ‘wake up’ to habits and patterns that are not healthy, whether it’s in my eating, my relationships, my business, or any aspect of my life. And now I know I have the support, the thirst for knowledge and the growing awareness to make better choices and the strength and conviction to say goodbye to those thoughts and habits that do not serve me.

Thank You Mark for your amazing vision, belief, and ability to inspire and teach. Thank You San for the invitation, your wonderful example, and your priceless friendship. And Thank You Kate, Tee, Ginny and Suzanne for all that you have shared and continue to share. I now have a special connection with each of you that will alway have a special place in my heart.

Yes - Still Blogging!

Hi everyone!

I know check the blog every day, but don't always feel I have something to say. But I do want to be more consistent, especially as we transition to our next phase in this program. I think our commitment to blogging will be even more important. I know how much it inspires me to read someone else's latest blog - like San's about her Rebounder! I can't wait to hear about her experiences - there may be one of those in my future too!

Continuing to redefine my relationship with jaws. He still sneaks into my day - like today's bread pudding with caramel sauce. But I also went for a nice walk outside and was very good the rest of the day, so more steps forward than backward.

Tomorrow I'm calling for my first Pilates appointment, which will be later in the week - you'll all be hearing about that soon!

Love each of YOU! - Gerri


Hello Healthy Living Leaders!

I am so excited to report that ...
I just placed an order for my 40" Rebounder!!
I can't wait to for it to arrive so I can get started. I just read another Benefits of Rebounding list like the one Suzanne posted for us and the benefits are absolutely astounding. I have decided Rebounding will be one of the things that helps me reach my goal for NTC!!
As soon as it arrives and I have used it I will report on the quality, etc.

Wishing you all a fabulous Sunday and looking forward to you all checking in on the blog.
Love, San

PS Check out the charts for total calories burned vs jogging and for calories burned per your actual weight at ...


New Years Day and Every Day

Happy New Year to all of you - may it be one filled with healthy-fit experiences, habits, thoughts and successes. May you find many opportunities to smile, laugh, love and experience joy.

I know I'm starting this year more in touch with my healthy-fit lifestyle. Mark and I chose to stay home last night, enjoy an old black and white movie and each other's company. We turned down a party and felt good about it. This morning was bright and sunny, clear-headed and happy. Had a nice breakfast and worked on taking down Christmas decorations. Sorting out some for Good Will. Creating space for the wonderful possibilities for the new year.

I am amazed and thrilled to have gotten through this holiday season, losing 15 pounds since the end of September. And, I felt energized when reworking my yearly goals, like San, to see my weight and health related goal be one with new meaning.

Today, and every day, I recommit to my health, my business, my personal development and my relationships. It's so empowering to know that each day, each minute, I can start anew. And having your friendship and support is a priceless gift in all of this. You all teach me and touch me in ways you cannot imagine.

I am an Empowerful! Healthy-Fit Person Beginning NOW!

Much, Much Love - Gerri

Here's to a Healthy 2009

I am so grateful this morning. I made wonderful choices yesterday. The big one was deciding not to go to the New Year's Eve Party that we go to every year with good friends. It was Chinese food catered and I knew Jawz would be there. It was not in the best interest of my continued Health and Fitness.
I was thinking over the last three months and I'm so grateful to be where I am right now. I agree with San about this year really being different. I am very excited about where we go next.
On a more personal note, my depression comes and goes. It's so difficult at times for me, But I'm moving in the right direction. This week I secured a therapist AND a psychiatrist and I continue with my before work water jog. I know that because I am not giving up on myself, that everything will be OK. And I learned that here....
God Bless all of us in this New Year. We can accomplish anything we want.

Love, Kate