
Week Two - We're Cookin'

Gals -

Just wanted to put a note on the blog to let you all know how proud I am of this group. We are actually leading a team of people who are coming back each week. This is only going to grow from here. I love Mark for giving us the tools and the confidence to bring this thing to life. Props to Gerri and San for taking the lead on the development of each session. Your passion and commitment are inspiring.

Kate, Gin, Suzanne - you are the soul of this group. I am so proud to be walking this path with all of you.

We are changed, empowered wonderful women.

Love, Tee



Mornin' Ladies!! Feeling almost human again! Much better today, thanks.....
I think I may have lost the 5 pounds I was looking to lose, not a good way though and I am sure if I drink only water for the next few days I will gain it back, because of the way I lost it.
Oh Kate, so sorry about your accident. I wonder, what's great about it? Needed a new car?
First day back to my pilates, felt good, so easy to get out of the habit, so I will get back on track and I started that today. Being hopeful and trusting, I am where I am supposed to be and good times are already in place.
Thanks for the work on the program San and Gerri! Hang in there Kate, that was a good excuse to go crazy with food and you didn't! Make it a Great Weekend T and Suzanne and I will talk with you all Monday, except our 'One Happy Island' Girl, have a great trip Suzanne!
Love You All!


I got in a bad car accident yesterday and the worse part...it was my fault.....I was on my lunch hour going to see my therapist and BAM....the craziest part is that my therapist got in a car accident at approximately the same time. I've been shaken up quite a bit, but I didn't blow everything by stuffing my face. I just went to bed and slept for a long time.
I'm doing better with food....thank God.
Love, Kate


Checking In

Hi All,
Busy day. I met Gerri at 8:30 to walk and am just walking in now 11pm from a Networking event and social time afterwards. I am very tired tonight.
Ginny, hope that you are feeling better.
Gerri, thanks for letting Kate know that we are at 6 PM on the 16th.
Kate, so glad that you are beginning to feel better!
Tee, missed you the other night though I saw the pics of Larry's party on Face book and it looked like good times with great friends.
Suzanne, Tee and all ... hope that you'll check in soon. Love, San
PS... still on track!!

Keeping On Keeping On

It's amazing how easy it is to get out of the habit of checking the blog and checking in. Life really does creep in and before I know it a few days have passed.

Kate - glad you're starting to feel better and are continuing to look at options. And I do understand what you mean when you say you miss Mark's book. Sometimes as I'm reading his book I feel like I hear his voice tho - so try to visualize that!

We'll soon be on the 8pm call schedule but not just yet! Next week our call is Monday at 6 pm and hopefully everyone can get on because it will be our last call before our new program begins. I've got two people that are considering this, one already uses autoship so she meets all qualifications. I think the idea of allowing the first call to be complementary may help with both of them - thanks Tee for that suggestion!

Weight is maintaining. I think I'm going to have to push a little extra the next few days to break thru to 141 which I really am committed to doing this week. I love to hear that San is on track for her goal. And I'm sure our laps at the mall today helped too!

Take care everyone - blog even if it's just to say hi!

Love - Gerri


Groan....you can tell I haven't been reading the blogs or I would have been on the call, sorry...and oh Ginny...I don't get wireless service at my home so my cell is turned off when I'm home.
I will be better about readin and writing...Yesterday I went to Boston to meet with a Bariatric Surgical team to discuss that type of surgery to see if it would be a fit for me. It was a tremendously emotional day for me. I don't know how I ever got to this point...lots of denial.
Anyway, generally I'm doing better and I hope everyone else is too. I must admit I do miss hearing Mark's voice.
Is the next call on Monday at 8?

Love, Kate

Keep Me Accountable!

I shared on the last call that I committed to a mini challenge with one of our first new members, Tina DeLuca for a blast of effort between the 7th and 20th. Ten pounds ... which because I had regained five will take me to 169!! I will be so thrilled to break that 170 lb mark. I am ready to shake things up and get going again before the launch of our Program.
To date I am right on track! I am asking you all to keep me accountable! Love, San


Yard Work - Great Work Out!

What a beautiful, beautiful day. I spent the greater part of yesterday working a Women's Fair - which did yield some sales and new contacts - so that was good. But I missed being able to really enjoy the weather. So this morning Mark and I got out in the yard and did some Spring cleaning. Raking, picking up branches, weeding, pulling away the old dead leaves to reveal new sprouts. It felt good to do something physical.

The windows are open - which the cats really love! And I'm listening to birdsong and the neighborhood waking up as well. I love the energy of Spring!

I'm looking forward to our call. I feel like I did better this week even tho I didn't lose that 'one more pound', but I was more consistently in the 142-143 range so I know I'm ready for the next push to reach my goal.

Tonight's Call

Good Morning Team Abundance,

Just preparing for our call tonight and wanted to remind you all that we are at 8:30 so that Suzanne can get home from work.

Looking forward to hearing from you all then. Love, San


I think I might have shared this before but I love it so ...

'You as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection'. The Buddha

Miracle Mind Set

I just started to read, again, Wayne Dyer's book '10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace' and this part I had to share. Mark's book is inspiring me to read all these good books I have.

'Refuse to allow yourself to have low expectations about what you're capable of creating. As Michelangelo suggested, the greater danger is not that your hopes are too high and you fail to reach them; it's that they are too low and you do.'

We can do whatever we set our beautiful open minds to!
Love You All You Beautiful Women!


New Day!

Proud of myself, got my Pilate's workout done 3 days in a row, and counting.....going to try every day this week to honor our commitment.
San, I don't think it was grouchy as much as a level of frustration and yearning for this to succeed. I don't think you need to apologize, it was a wake up for me....
SO.......I re-commit to our Abundant Healthy Living program. Let me know what else I can do, other than to be there on the calls!
Ice and snow here too. It was too cold to shovel yesterday and blowing like crazy, but now it's a mess out there and my neighbor Sue got stuck in my driveway trying to escape hers!
Love You All!
More later.....


Met my commitment for extra movement!

Whew! Mother Nature gave me the opportunity to kick it up a notch with exercise today. Lots of snow and a driveway to clear so I can make it to the Road Show!

Now I just need a plow to come down our sidestreet at least once to make it easier to get thru.

It's definitely pretty outside. AND I'm glad the snow has stopped!


Let's stay in touch ...

Hi All,

I apologize that I was grouchy tonight. I just want us to pull this off and that is going to take each of us making a commitment to the Program's success.

Yes, Tee, you have the schedule correct. Hopefully it will settle out as we go forward.

I attended a Meditation Retreat on Saturday and have been literally exhausted since then. I think that a Meditation practice is going to be a huge step in my personal growth and wellness so I know that the effort that this course is taking will be worth it.

Tonight Team~Abundance decided to set another short term goal for next Sunday evening, March 8th! We will loose one more pound from where we weigh in the morning and we will increase our level of physical movement this week ... one more mile, lap, day etc.

Let's stay in touch and cheer each other on throughout the week. Love, San

Sunday call

Do we have a call tonight? I just saw Gerri's post. I think my e-mail has been sporadic when I pick it up from my Blackberry. I figured the call for tomorrow was canceled because of the road show but I don't remember that we moved it to tonight. I am traveling to California on the 5th and will be back late on the 6th.

I have the calls on Monday's at 8:00pm going forward. Is that correct? I will miss the call on March 9th because it is my husband's 40th birthday and we are going out to celebrate.

I have our EHF starting on the 23rd. That is still correct? I am really looking forward to that!!

I have hit 164 on the scale and am looking forward to 160.

I have one Arbonne event booked for March and am working to get others - one-on-one's, presentations, re-launch party, etc. Looking forward to getting some Mojo back in my business.

I apologize for being sooo disconnected. I promise I am working hard to get some balance back to all areas of my life and begin to play full oput again.

Somebody please give me the calendar update or I will continue to be a mess!

Love you guys.

Gerri - SOOOOO proud of the breakthrough. You are awesome!