

If I were a part of this team I would commit to giving this my all.

I must admit, it's a little scary. I know I'm not a quitter, and I also know that there are things I do that get in the way of me giving it my all. I also know I have been looking for a challenge to help me step beyond the corporate skin I am shedding, to see myself truly anew; a challenge to identify and address those things that are holding me back, not just with my weight, also with who I AM overall. So often I think I have to figure this out on my own, to persever, to reflect, to act. And yet I see the greater challenge and the greater benefit to work with others, to be open to breaking barriers and to truly live the life I'm meant to live. And to do that in the company of others I care about and to be a part of their journey, that is even better.

Weight issues, and challenges with my physical image, have been with me off and on most of my life. I know that some of the same things that hold me back in truly being a healthy-fit person, are probably contributing to me not realizing my full potential in other areas. If being a part of this team can help me face and change those limiting beliefs, habits, and actions, then I know I can more confidently work with others, not just for physical health and wellness, but for overall acceptance, joy and openess to live life fully.

I know it's no accident that I am faced with this opportunity right now. And I know there is an inherent responsibility to pay it forward. This is something I want to do. Gerri

Empowerful! Health and Fitness!
If I were on this team I would be extremely honored!
I would so appreciate the opportunity to turn my business around, to help myself become unstuck and attract the people I want! This invitation is a wake up; it is giving me a chance to take a good look at myself. I have had a few small setbacks, very common in this business; and I’ve let it affect me more than is warranted.
I worked very hard getting myself in shape, with the help of Arbonne Figure 8 products and I walked daily for more than two years. Happy Healthy Wealthy and Wise is my walking mantra (you see my priorities)….I haven’t done it on a regular basis for more than a month, it’s insidious….’why do something that will make me feel good’ mentality. I’m back to feeling my aches and pains and my pants are getting tight. It’s permeated through my whole life… something goes out of balance and it affects all.
I am passionate about Arbonne, the products and my business. I love the company and all they do for me. My belief that this is going to work for me needs attention.
I am never quitting. I have a lot invested, the work I have done on myself and building what I have. I hear all the time ‘don’t quit before the paycheck’ and I am a firm believer in that!
I feel $75 a week is a nominal amount for me to invest in my future. More importantly I would get to connect with You Sandra, whom I adore, and the other women for whom I have great affection and respect. Thank you so much for the invitation Mark and San. I feel blessed and esteemed no matter what!

San, If I were on this team I would be totally committed to be open, honest and willing. I would also be the most grateful person I know, which I already am just to be invited. My commitment to you and the other members of this team is to never quit, just as I have made that commitment to my Arbonne business. My hopes are that I can get unstuck in my life, my health and my business and that I can learn to treat myself to the kind of love and friendship that I give to others.
Actually, I couldn't even sleep last night thinking about what this could do for me. Just thinking about the possibility of being able to achieve the kind of life I've always hoped for is very exciting.
I am ready to get going the second you say.

Thank you for believing in me and inviting me.
I am very grateful and cherish this opportunity.
I love you more than words can say. Love, Kate

Dear San, I listened to you and at first I wasn't sure what you were getting at, but then I started to get a small excited feeling that maybe you were actually going to invite ME to do this!!!!! I couldn't believe it, since I have been less than a go getter and successful at this business so far. I really felt like a load was being lifted from my shoulders, I could actually see my dark tunnel filling with the light of the future!!! I have been at such a dark place at work for such a long time and for so many reasons. Now, at last I feel like I am finally going to move forward in my business and all aspects of my life. I don't really care how you got to me, my name. Maybe a thought of possibility for me came to your mind or maybe I was the last name on the list, I DON'T CARE!!!!! I just know the opportunity of a lifetime just slapped me in the face and I so thank you!!
You are showing me the light, helping me over that last stubborn hurtle of hesitation and fear. I now can finally, clearly see my future and so welcome the work ahead for success!!

What would it mean to be on this team? This is such an opportunity to grow mentally, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I hope to overcome my fears and become a more holistic person, mind, body and soul so I can move on to all my possibilities in Arbonne and life and help bring others to theirs. I look forward to the work needed to get to this place. I am so excited, uplifted, honored and blessed to be considered for this awesome experience!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, I won't dissapoint you! Suzanne

Dear Sandra and Mark – Thank you for this opportunity to apply to join this empowering endeavor. It humbles me to think that you believe in me enough to include me in the group.

If I were chosen as a member of the group I would get out of my own way and open up to the thought of what can be. For the past few years I have felt like I have been on the verge of something huge and life changing – a granted wish, a sense of peace, financial security, time freedom. I feel it so much I literally taste the excitement it makes me feel. I have had some amazing things happen to me and I don’t discount those blessings but they don’t seem to be the ones to satisfy the feeling of “on the verge.”

This team would help me embrace discipline and accountability in my life and in my business. I know what I need to do to grow my business; I know it’s about reaching out and sharing the gift of Arbonne with people. I have amazing leaders on my team and I draw on their experience in my own business. But I feel fear about taking the steps necessary to move forward.

I have many negative messages to overcome. This may be more than you want to know about me but I did not grow up in a very positive or loving environment. My mother was abusive both physically and verbally. She lost no sleep over criticizing my sisters and me and we heard more often than not how much we didn’t deserve good or happy things. I have spent years and tons of money to come to a place in my life where my mother does not haunt my daily life but this message of not deserving is the last hurdle for me (I think) in finding true peace in my life and in allowing myself to bring the things into my life that I want and even deserve.

I am carrying around thirty extra pounds. I think this affects how I feel about myself and contributes to my fear. My doctor tells me I need to slim down and I know I need to as well. Reading about health and wellness related topics is something I am fascinated by. I want the weight off. I want to honor my children by providing them with a healthy, energetic mom as an example of how to live. I want to be around for them. I am a former runner who used to love to run in races but the weight has caused running to be uncomfortable for me. Running was my outlet. I’d like it back, please.

The fact that I would be part of a team is not lost on me. While I spent a lot of time talking about myself in this essay, I want you both to realize that not only would this work assist me in changing my own messages but it will be important for me to support each team member as they work toward their own empowerment.

I have an amazing husband and two awesome kids. I love them more than anything; they are the reason I get up in the morning. I want to change the messages in my head so that the cycle stops with me and my kids grow up believing that whatever they dream can be.

I recognize that this opportunity is a gift and regardless of whether I am selected to participate.
I thank you. With love, Tee

Dear Mark and Team Abundance,
Since I did not have this exact assignment, instead I want to share with you what it means that we are launching Empowerful! Health & Fitness together.
I believe that the perfect people came forth to create our alpha team. Wonderful things happen when you trust the Universe to deliver and here you all are!
I love each of you and am thrilled that you will so greatly benefit and grow from Mark's wisdom as I continue to do.
I am humbled with the love and belief that you have shown me.
I began this journey with Mark to get unstuck in my business. Coaching quickly became about getting unstuck in my life. During our coaching The Empowerful! Health and Fitness Program has unfolded. It is genius really because as I've learned about and improved myself, I am being equipped with the knowledge, tools and desire to help others do the same. I think this will also be true for you.
I agreed to play full out and it has paid off in many ways. I am much happier and I have more faith in myself than ever. I also have huge faith in Mark. This just feels exactly right. Mark tells me that I have no idea how big this is going to be. So hold on, we are about to launch our futures! Love to all, San

1 comment:

Gerri said...

Wow - I am so overwhelmed by the power of everyone's words and the passion behind them. As I read through them I feel inadequate and at the same time empowered. More importantly, I feel safe in your company. I don't have to be perfect, I just need to do the best that I can as much as I can. I don't know if the vibrations (butterflies and dragonflies) I feel inside me do anything for increasing my metabolism; I just know it's a good thing. :-D

Looking forward to our time together. And feeling soooo much gratitude for Mark and San for making this possible and believing in us.