

Hello Team~Abundance,

I hope that Mark was inspiring and empowering for you. He just blows me away.

Just wanted to go over a couple of things ...

First, I do not yet speak fluent Blog ... I am definitely self taught and have figured out that as Blog creator, I am the only one that can edit existing posts and that there is no way to keep our running comments at the top of the page so from here on out just select NEW POST and write and publish.

If you want to add or remove a picture or edit something already posted, just let me know and I will be happy to do it for you.

By the way, Mark didn't mention his entire thinking around retyping your notes.
Listening to the information puts it into your brain, taking hand written notes takes it to another level of learning and understanding and then typing up the info ... clarifying thoughts, etc helps improve your recall plus you will have the ability to retrieve it when you need it.

Thank you each again for taking this risk, investing in yourselves and trusting Mark, me and each other. I can't wait for our personal sessions! Talk with you each in a day or so. Love, San

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