
Inspiring Weekend!

This past weekend I spent with girlfriends in southern VA - several friends I have worked with at various times over my years with Verizon. There's usually plenty to eat and drink and I usually come back a couple of pounds heavier.

I DECIDED this time it would be different. I took my Going, Going Gone supplements, my vitamins, fizzy tablets and chews. And I made it my intention to focus more on the company and the conversation than on the food and wine. Now, mind you, I still enjoyed the food and wine, but it was less important. And I still had a 2nd homemade biscuit with dinner Sunday night, because Cathy makes them so very delicious. I had a great time. AND....when I got on the scale this morning - I had LOST 2 POUNDS!!!!

Wow - It is possible, Probable, and DOABLE to enjoy myself AND lose weight! An important experience knowing I'm going on a week's vacation in October with its own set of temptations. I know that my Arbonne products were a big help. And knowing that we, as a team, have all set our sights on long term and lasting goals to be happy, healthy and fit gave me more resolve to do my very best with a happy heart.

Whether you realize it or not, you are all a part of this success story!

1 comment:

San said...

Wonderful Gerri! Thanks for sharing. This is the kind of thing that will give us each more motivation. Love, San