

Mornin' Ladies!! Feeling almost human again! Much better today, thanks.....
I think I may have lost the 5 pounds I was looking to lose, not a good way though and I am sure if I drink only water for the next few days I will gain it back, because of the way I lost it.
Oh Kate, so sorry about your accident. I wonder, what's great about it? Needed a new car?
First day back to my pilates, felt good, so easy to get out of the habit, so I will get back on track and I started that today. Being hopeful and trusting, I am where I am supposed to be and good times are already in place.
Thanks for the work on the program San and Gerri! Hang in there Kate, that was a good excuse to go crazy with food and you didn't! Make it a Great Weekend T and Suzanne and I will talk with you all Monday, except our 'One Happy Island' Girl, have a great trip Suzanne!
Love You All!

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