
I got in a bad car accident yesterday and the worse part...it was my fault.....I was on my lunch hour going to see my therapist and BAM....the craziest part is that my therapist got in a car accident at approximately the same time. I've been shaken up quite a bit, but I didn't blow everything by stuffing my face. I just went to bed and slept for a long time.
I'm doing better with food....thank God.
Love, Kate


Gerri said...

Oh My Gosh Kate! I hope that by blogging this means you are physically ok. You do need to take care of YOU!!
Love - Gerri

San said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I hope that you were not injured?!
Can you take some days off and get on top of great self care? Remember that I LOVE YOU and I am for you! San