The wonderful Trampoline
Toxins or poisons can congrgate in the cells of the body for a number of reasons. They may have been introduced by ourselves, by smoking for example, or they may have entered through a cut or other broken skin, or by entering through the nose or mouth. Some toxins are produced during the normal course of the metabolic process. Most are fought off by the immune system and removed naturally through organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon and skin in the form of urine, feces and exhalation of air.
It is thought that the G force exerted on the body by the bodies motion on a trampoline, helps to "push out" the toxins and airborne the lower cell pressure permits the influx of nutrients and oxygen thus improving cell "exercise".
Bouncing for a healthy heart
Exercising on a trampoline has several benefits in terms of the body's cardiovascular system:
1- Increases strength and fitness of the muscles, especially of the legs to lighten the load on the heart when pumping blood around the body
2-Increases oxygen availability throughout the body
3-Maintains a healthy body weight and lessens the likelihood of obesity
4-Aids lymphatic circulation
5-Reduces levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
6-Stimulates the metabolism and digestive processes
Bones of Steel
Well, perhaps not quite, but it has been shown that this sort of high impace exercise, improves the bones mineral content and therefore the density of bones lessening the likelihood of fracures due to osteoporoses. Unlike other high impact exercise such as jogging, the bounciness of the trampoline absorbs the down force and won't cause jarring of the load bearing joints or spine.
Trampolining helps to develop motor skills because of the need to maintain height and balance simultaneously while responding to gravitational forces. Thus, all sides of the body and brain are involved in the exercise. You don't need a large trampoling to be able to benefit in the above benefits, small, portable ones, known as a rebounder will do just as well.
It's been great to read about your journeys to Empowerful! Health and Fitness. I love all of the wisdom and love being shared. We really ROCK!
This was a very different holiday for me, actually from a Spiritual perspective the past five or so years I have taken the emphasis off the food and put it on Gratitude and Giving.
This year, I didn't have to cook BUT where I was the food and stress were abundant. Food just wasn't that much of the event for me. I ate tiny portions and I have to laugh ... the kids are so wrapped up in their own drama that they not only didn't notice my portions but didn't notice our weight loss either!
One thing that happened is that I attracted another cold, really twice in one month is some kind of record for me. It took even more emphasis off the food, it's hard to eat when you can't breathe. So, WHAT's GREAT ABOUT THAT is that I lost two pounds over the weekend.
So, I am thrilled to say that after a full month long plateau, I am recommitting to my weight loss journey. Starting at 172, I am adjusting my December 31st Goal to 166 and I haven't seen the 160's since 1988!!
I look forward to getting caught up with all of you tomorrow night.
If you can join me early, I will be on the conference line by 5:45.
Love, Gratitude and Health! San
The Day After..
Love to you all.
Laugh it up
According to Dr. Diane Snustad at the University of Virginia, one hundred laughs are equal to 15 minutes on the stationary bike.
Thanks and Giving
Here is a card for all of you...I hope you can open it.
PUMPKIN PIE <http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=HY27482779>
Happy Thanksgiving
Love, Kate
My Gratitude to Each of You
Instead, today I have Kate, Tee, Ginny, Suzanne, San and Mark in MY corner - filling me with gratitude for your friendship, support, wisdom, honesty and trust. Thru these past two months I have gained so much from this Empowerful journey we are on together. I still take steps back, AND I take many, many more forward. I celebrate each of you today and always. I wouldn't have gotten to this place, this weight, this sense of confidence that the changes are real, without you.
A part of me is wherever you are today. So celebrate today with me.
With Love and Gratitude,
Where is the "Exercise Queen"?
This morning it was miserable...raining, cold, windy. That alarm went off...ouch...but I went...it's become a habit. I think it took about 3 weeks and then it became second nature. I'm actually shocked that this can be done. I just go. It's like automatic pilot. And the pride I feel after is like fireworks going off in my chest. I switched to going before work instead of on my lunch hour and I'm not a morning person, I'm a night owl.
I identify with you...take the first step.
Great call last night. I feel motivated. I love myself and all of you.
My short term goals...
to be able to put socks on while sitting in a chair. ( I go to work without socks cause I can't reach past my belly)
to be able to get out of the pool without the handicap stairs.
Love, Kate
Wonderfull call tonight
Thank you everyone for all of your support. I am going to use all of these great ideas and make this a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude.
Love, Kate
Lotosing weight over Tee Day
Look for a Turkey Trot activity in your area. We have a 5K Turkey Trot here in Montgomery County on Thanksgiving morning that benefits our local YMCA. A lot of families walk or run it together.
Sending you all super JAWZ fighting powers.
Whacking JAWZ on Thanksgiving
Here are a couple of tips I found on how to lose weight on Thanksgiving:
1 - Don't save calories from earlier meals for "the big one." You'll inevitably get too hungry and overeat to compensate for missing those meals. Graze, graze, graze. Drink your water (with Arbonne's fizzy tablet!). Then, you won't be too famished to practice portion control when dinnertime arrives.
2 - Don't Sleep it Off. Triptophan is a worthy adversary, but fight the urge to nap the evening away. Move more than usual -- take a walk -- or play with the kids -- or volunteer to do the dishes -- do anything that will help burn off a few more calories - not just Thursday - but that entire weekend. I've already told Mark we're doing our Christmas decorating that weekend so there's some extra effort planned in my weekend!
Happy Tee Day
I will use a smaller plate and take a taste of everything. Then I will get up and step away from the table. I will start the pots and pans while everyone else goes for seconds and thirds. I too, will invite everyone for a brisk walk after the dishes are done.
I realized that like San, I have had a block in terms of the pounds I am able to lose. Getting 10 pounds off has always seemed do-able but beyond that and I am in a rut. I want to push through the 10 pound barrier and hit 165. When I hit that goal weight, I will spend the day at the spa and then start on my second goal of losing 10 more.
I am grateful everyday for the support of this group but the coming Thanksgivng holiday magnifies that gratitude. This has been an amazing adventure and the transformations we have all made are stunning. Most importantly, I think we all now believe that anything is possible. How amazing is that! That belief is what is going to carry us all to the top of our business and to the top of who we are as fit, healthy, centered, grateful people.
Here's to whacking Jawz in the head with a turkey leg (versus eating the Turkey Leg like I would have done last year!)
Love you all,
Thanksgiving and the New ME
I know I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving for many reasons. JAWZ may think he's got an upper hand with tradition and family on his side, bringing in the reinforcements to encourage extra eating. I know I'm going to surprise him.
I'm feeling much too good about the progress I have made to spoil that progress to play with JAWZ. 12 pounds to date! I am looking forward to going over my sister-in-law's house and playing with my nieces - I may even let them convince me to play with them before AND after the meal! I do plan on eating some healthy veggies and plenty of water before leaving our house. I will make sure that more of my plate will be devoted to healthy items. Mark is making this great dish with brussel sprouts (didn't someone blog about that?!) and carmelized onions. And I know I want to stop eating before I feel full.
I am so grateful for each and every one of you, for the support I feel, for the things I am learning, for the ways I am changing. I want my family to see by my actions, even more than by my words, that I AM different. I can focus on enjoying their company and on reflecting the many other things I am grateful for in this life.
Looking forward to spending time with you on the call tomorrow night!
Where did we all go?!
If you are like me you have been using this time prior to Thanksgiving to work your business! I have had two vendor shows, one group, one networking event and lots of one on ones so I apologize for being among the missing!
How are you approaching Thanksgiving? With our E! H&F program we have new tools to handle the extra stress and calories. I had a great conversation with Gerri and we both feel like jaws is in for a big surprise this year!
For my Thanksgiving ... We are not cooking and we are spending the holiday with my stepson's mother ... otherwise known as Roger's first wife. I know, many think we are nuts but this is about what is right for my family and the fact that we are mature adults with big hearts. I never wanted to be one of those family's where the kids have to eat two turkey dinners to keep everyone happy. :-)
I know that my family will notice the way I look ... 23 pounds less than last year!!!
They will probably also notice the different choices I make. For me the holiday will be about gratitude, sharing and giving with far less emphasis on the meal.
I will also invite everyone to go for a walk after the dishes are done.
I'd love to hear from all of you about your plans.
With Gratitude and Love for YOU, San
PS I am sorry to say that I have a conflict for tomorrow night's call. Mark will join you at six and I will look forward to our personal coaching calls this week.
Tame the Belly, Manage the Brain
There is a 'Benefits of Quitting' (smoking) on my msn home page this morning which I just read....improvement in health in 20 minutes after stopping, then 12 hours later, then a week etc. It was great for my arsenal. Absolutely, I agree with T about my costs list....my children are more than enough reasons for me to stop!
So here is a synopsis from an article I read about eating and our brains.....Boston Globe, Nov 19.
Eating is as much about our brains as our stomaches. A hormone, gherlin, is released when your stomache is empty and growling and it may help stave off depression. Underfed mice with higher levels of this hormone showed fewer signs of depression and anxiety than their well-fed counterparts, swimming longer when put in water and more adventurous in a maze.
Goes on to say that some people may overeat because their brains simply don't get as much pleasure out of food, so they keep eating in an attempt to feel satisfied. We may have been hard wired like this in the womb. When a mother rat was fed a fatty diet her babies brains were wired with neurons that produce molecules that stimulate their appetite. Even mice that were stripped of their very ability to taste sweetness still preferred to sip sweet calorie laden drinks. Their brain pathways usually associated with tasting something scrumptious were activated when they consumed the sugary drink....even though they couldn't taste it!!
They raise the possibilty that high-fructose corn syrup, which is virtually unavoidable in processed foods, may trigger the brains reward circuitry more strongly than other types of sugars.
There is growing interest in how flavors and tastes impact the brain, because the brain is in control. If you want to understand abnormalities like obesity and anorexia you have to understand what brain practices are going awry.
So some of this may be our nature, but as we all know, we can change that!
Great Weekend and Much Love To Everyone!
From Mark, 8 ways to burn calories without noticing
From Mark ... Assignment for Thanksgiving
Announce to your whole family that this Thanksgiving you are going to loose one pound!
Then make a game of figuring out how to do it…
Share ideas on the blog… make a game of it… spend the whole week blogging support and different ways of making this Thanksgiving the first one ever where you actually lost weight!!!!!!!
Starting Over
I knew it would be 'harder', but I didn't realize how quickly I would feel the burn in my legs. There's definitely resistance at work with the machine that isn't there with my outdoor walks. And I admit I didn't last more than 15 minutes - ouch! Me, who walks for over an hour outside!
So, after allowing myself some momentary feelings of defeat, I realize this is a new challenge and not to be compared to what I was doing before. And it's all good! This may actually be the next natural step to energize my activity level even more ... (if I say this often enough....).
So tomorrow I plan to fit in 2 or 3 short sessions - keeping each to 10 or 15 minutes and building up as I go along. I do feel like I'm starting over. Though maybe this is really one of those times where I need to realize I've taken many steps forward and this may just be a couple of steps back. I'm not starting over, just changing things up and giving my body some new challenges.
Recommiting Again!!!
Have a great day and week
Recommit to Healthy and Fit
Today was our all-staff breakfast at work. Usually, I go nuts at these things. I was so proud of myself today. I walked right by the sausage, the eggs, the fried potatoes and the breakfast pastries. I had fruit and a health bar - dried fruit, nuts, in a dense scone like thing - two small pieces of bacon and a fizzy. I am trying to work on not getting hungry like Mark suggested. So two ours later I had a small bowl of fruit and a small pack of oatmeal with sliced banana and about 15 dark chocolate chips. I am headed out at noon for a half hour walk and then I'll make something healthy for lunch. I am not sure why I am posting my food log, but maybe it is because I like to celebrate when I say NO to temptation.
When we talked about re-examining our pros and cons list last night, one thing hit me. The most important reason for me to be healthy and fit is that I have a seven year old daughter. Frankly, no other pro or con on the list compares to that in my book. She watches me like a hawk. I do not want her to grow up and repeat this pattern of excess followed by self loathing. She is beautiful and I owe it to her not to screw it up. I'd like for her to say one day, "I learned to love myself and take care of myself because that's what my mom did. My mom lives her life to the fullest and takes really good care of her health and fitness." All other victories - while important - would pale in comparison to a success story like that.
Each day is a new day. I am thankful for the chance to experience more forward progess.
Sending you all a big hug.
Love, Tee
If It's To Be It's Up To Me!
Time for me to come up with a clear and concise plan! I just read a quote and it really got to me! 'If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.'
I have a life by design, not by default. I get to choose the right road for me.
My conversations with myself about my smoking are escalating. I will revisit my costs about smoking and add to them tonight.
It was a great call last night! Thanks for all your encouragement and love.
Make it a great dayy all.
More Later....
Lets Pilate!
Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer developed this exercise system in the 1920s. Pilates routine can benefit men and women of any age and no matter what physical condition you are in.
It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movements places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a stronger center. One of the exciting aspects of pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime. Some of the pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise, who can't squeeze in 10 mins out of your day to improve your health and well being?
Some of the basic principles of the pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions. Pilate movements also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.
Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and the mind, strengthens bone density, flexibility and posture, with pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress. You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increased joint range of motion, acquire a flat, lean stomach, improve circulation and have more stamina and coordination.
The pilates movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefits of pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilates routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm, along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.
Thanks Mark
Cardio-vascular disorders, kidney failure, blindness and foot amputations are just some of the typical consequences of an increased blood sugar level. The overall life expectancy of a diabetic is reduced by around a half. One in two sufferers die from premature heart disease and in total, approx. 30% of deaths caused by heart failure are diabetes-related. Diabetics are twice as likely to suffer a stroke than healthy people. What’s more, two in every three amputees are diabetics, as are 40% of all new dialysis patients and 30% of those registering as blind.

Omega-3 Fats
Posted by Chrissie Cole Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:23 PM ESTCategory: Major Medical
Tags: Protecting Your Family, Food Safety, Heart Disease, Omega-3, Heart Healthy, Diet & Nutrition, Healthy Living
American Heart Association on Omega-3 fatty acids
WebMD: Good Fat, Bad Fat: The Facts About Omega-3
MayoClinic: Menus for Heart-Healthy Eating: Cut the Fat and Salt
InjuryBoard on Heart Disease
IMAGE SOURCE:© Wikimedia Commons/ piece of salmon / author: Dezidor
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health and benefit the heart of healthy people and those at high risk of – or who have – heart disease. But their benefits may be missed because the American diet is loaded with omega-6 fatty acids (unsaturated fats).
The benefits of omega-3s are far reaching and include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, reducing symptoms of high blood pressure, depression, attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD), rheumatoid problems and certain types of skin ailments.
Some research has even suggested that omega-3s can boost the immune system and protect us from an array of illness including Alzheimer’s disease.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (fatty fish) at least twice a week. Fish is a good source of protein and doesn’t contain high saturated fat that fatty meat products do.
Stocking up on omega-3s is fairly simple once you know what foods to look for next time you stock up the fridge. Below are foods rich in omega-3s.
Anchovies & Sardines. Admittedly, not everyone’s favorite, but they are a good source of omega-3. The downside, they tend to be high in sodium.
Beans. Legumes are your best option. Other choices include: kidney, pinto and mungo beans.
Bluefin Tuna. This fatty fish is packed with omega-3s and low in omega-6. Choices: herring, mackerel, rainbow trout and tuna.
Broccoli & Cauliflower. These veggies are loaded with omega-3s.
Crustaceans. Fish is not your only choice of seafood packed with omega-3. Alaskan king crab, mollusks and shrimp are healthy choices.
Nuts & Seeds. A handful of flaxeed or walnuts added to your salad or yogurt can easily up your intake of omega-3s.
Oils. A dash of flaxseed oil on salad or cooking with canola oil gives a nice hit of omega-3.
Papaya. This may be the only fruit in your grocery store with more omega-3s than omega-6.
Salmon. Is a well known fatty fish full of omega-3.
Spinach. Popeye may have had it right. Spinach is good for you and loaded with omega-3.
WebMD offers some heart healthy omega-3 recipes. And the MayoClinic has Menus for heart-healthy eating: Cut the fat and salt.
Also read: Reduce Inflammation Naturally,
Check out Arbonne's RE9 REsist Supplement!!
Ready, Set, Stretch!
Pets are really wonderful teachers. One of my cats, Timba, is a master stretcher. In fact one of my affectionate nicknames for her is Stretcharoo - one of her favorite stretches is on her back, with back legs fully extended, head upside down and front paws stretched way in front and claws in the carpet to maximize the effect.
She reminds me and encourages me often to get down on the floor and stretch with her. So, I thought it only appropriate to make stretching the topic of this post.
Benefits of Stretching:
- Stretching increases flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring.
- Stretching improves range of motion of your joints. Good range of motion keeps you in better balance, which will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls — especially as you age.
- Stretching improves circulation. Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles. Improved circulation can speed recovery after muscle injuries. Increased blood circulation, of course, brings nutrients to our cells and removes waste byproducts.
- Stretching promotes better posture. Chronically tense and tight muscles contribute to poor posture, which in turn can affect the functioning of our internal organs, not to mention our appearance. Stretching the muscles of the lower back, shoulders and chest can help keep the back in better alignment and improve posture.
- Stretching can relieve stress. Stretching, done properly, helps to relax tense muscles which result from stress. The feeling of relaxation brings a sense of well-being and relief from tension.
- Stretching may help prevent injury. Preparing your muscles and joints for activity can protect you from injury, especially if your muscles or joints are tight. Greater flexibility and range of motion in the hamstrings and muscles of the hips and pelvis help to reduce the stress on your spine that causes lower back pain.
Stretching essentials
- Target major muscle groups. When you're stretching, focus on your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders. Also stretch muscles and joints that you routinely use at work or play.
- Warm up first. Stretching muscles when they're cold increases your risk of injury, including pulled muscles. Warm up by walking while gently pumping your arms, or do a favorite exercise at low intensity for five minutes. Better yet, stretch after you exercise — when your muscles are warm and more receptive to stretching. One caveat: If you plan to stretch only after your workout, increase the intensity of the activity more slowly than you would if you had stretched your muscles before exercising.
- Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. It takes time to lengthen tissues safely. Hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds — and up to 60 seconds for a really tight muscle or problem area. That can seem like a long time, so keep an eye on the clock or your watch. Then repeat the stretch on the other side. For most muscle groups, a single stretch is often enough if you hold it long enough.
- Don't bounce. Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears in the muscle. These tears leave scar tissue as the muscle heals, which tightens the muscle even further — making you less flexible and more prone to pain.
- Focus on a pain-free stretch. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching. If it hurts, you've gone too far. Back off to the point where you don't feel any pain, then hold the stretch.
- Relax and breathe freely. Don't hold your breath while you're stretching.
How often to stretch is up to you. As a general rule, stretch whenever you exercise. If you don't exercise regularly, you might want to stretch at least three times a week to maintain flexibility. If you have a problem area, such as tightness in the back of your leg, you might want to stretch every day or even twice a day.
Stretching comes naturally to all of us. You might notice that if you have been sitting in a particular position for a long time, you stretch unconsciously. It feels good! In addition to that good feeling, a consistent stretching program will produce large gains in flexibility and joint movement. Be kind to your muscles and they will be kind to you!
Feeling Snacky
I have been doing so well food wise that today is really surprising me. All I want to do is eat. Is this Jawz coming back? I had a chocolate donut, a bagel with cream cheese and a bowl of cheerios for breakfast. Normally I just have the cereal. I am trying to see if it is tied to anything emotional - I don't think so, I feel great. It's kind of freaking me out. I just finished a Healthy Choice meal for lunch and I am thinking about chocolate again. Maybe it's the rain. Who knows. Anyway - just trying to stay tuned in for any clues and keep away from the snack bowl.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Super Herbs...Basil
Essential oil of basil, obtained from its leaves, has demonstrated the ability to inhibit several species of pathogenic bacteria that have become resistant to commonly used antibiotic drugs. It makes good sense to include basil and thyme in more of your recipes, particularly for foods that are not cooked such as salads. Adding fresh thyme and/or basil to your next vinaigrette will not only enhance the flavor of your fresh greens, but will help ensure that the fresh produce you consume is safe to eat, killing bacteria that washing doesn't do.
The beta-carotene (anti-oxidant) found in basil may help to lessen the progression of cardiovascular disease, asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions which are caused by free radical damage. Basil is also a good source of magnesium, which provides cardiovascular health by prompting muscles and blood vessels to relax, thus improving blood flow and lessening the risk of irregular heart rhythms or a spasming of the heart muscle or a blood vessel. In addition to the health benefits and nutrients described above, basil is a very good source of iron, and calcium, and a good source of potassium and vitamin C.
Feelin Groovy
Just wanted to post today to let you all know that I can feel a shift - mentally and physically - since we started working together. The pieces are clicking into place. I am so glad that I am making this journey with all of you.
Last night we heard Michael Clouse speak about the keys to business success. I think because of all the work we have done with Mark, Michael's presentation was more powerful. I was more open to the concepts he shared.
I adapted our healthy and fit assignment to be a healthy and fit business builder assignment. Here is my list. A Healthy and Fit Business Builder
-is a product of the product;
-has biceps that are strong enough to lift even the heaviest phone;
-understands that No is not personal and moves on;
-recognizes that with every No, you have planted the seeds to help that person reach KNOW;
-recognizes that Arbonne is a gift - everyone loves to get gifts;
-realizes that this business must be built with heart and grace;
-knows that building a team is key and must be done with a servant heart;
-listens for clues to what a client or a team member needs;
-invests in their personal development;
-knows that momentum - IPAs in any number- are vital;
-believes in themselves, the products, the company, and the opportunity;
-visualizes their goals;
-recognizes that this is a business of peaks and valleys and maintains their vision;
-is grateful.
I can see it now - all of us walking across the stage at NTC - healthy, fit, non-smoking NVPs in glamorous gowns and fabulous shoes. What a great visual!
Love you all -
Beach Babe
Love the new picture! Now YOU look like an NVP on the beach in front of her fabulous summer house. Just make sure you invite me for a visit! :) Keep up the good work. Love, Tee
Thoughts of a fit healthy person
-A fit healthy person doesn't have many problems passing up sweets (poison)
-A fit healthy person finds it fun and rewarding finding new recipes that entice her family and yet are healthy
-A fit healthy person finds smoking repulsive and the smell of smoke makes them nauseous
-A fit healthy person loves discovering the world and meeting challenges with confidence and enthusiasm
-A fit healthy person gives to others with selfless love and enthusiasm, trying to walk in the footsteps of Christ daily and in doing so receives so much
-A fit healthy person spreads the seeds and concepts of health and fitness to everyone they can, changing the world one person at a time
-A fit healthy person learns to change will power into their nature as they find that "giving up things" is not longer difficult and actually empowering
-A fit healthy person feels helping and giving is a mission of life, always looking for opportunities to empower others
-A fit healthy person has a balanced life of God, family, work, and play
-A fit healthy person uses exercise to relieve stress instead of negative things like smoking or drinking
-A fit healthy person presents and feels happy, healthy, humbled yet confident
-A fit healthy person deals with life's problems in a constructive and positive manner, refusing to blame, always learning and effectively problem solving
-A fit healthy person finds joy and thanksgiving in living every moment of everyday
-A fit healthy person keeps healthy and fit by mind changes, striving to live each day breathing free, eating well and pushing to maximize our bodies capabilities
-A fit healthy person finds new and fun ways to challenge the mind and body
Brussel Sprouts
Yes We Can!
I feel like my core optimism has gotten a boost. And I know that optimism is definitely on my side when it comes to health and fitness too. One of the books I'm reading is "Chasing Life" by Sanjay Gupta, MD. It focuses on the aging process and discoveries that help us age less. It's really about the healthy & fit attitude and lifestyle. There's definitely a lot of information on diet and exercise - which supports what we are learning and becoming. The last chapter I read also talked about Optimism being a part of it! People who are optimistic tend to live longer, tend to take care of their bodies more, and tend to have stronger immune systems, among other things.
This also makes me think of Marci Shimoff's book "Happy for No Reason" and making our cells happy. We have a built in pharmacy in our brains and with that many happiness-enhancing "drugs":
- endorphins (the brain's painkiller, 3x stronger than morphine)
- serotonin (naturally calms anxiety and relieves depression)
- oxytocin (promotes personal relationships and bonding)
- dopamine (promotes alertness and a feeling of enjoyment)
So let's remember to Get on the Bright Train and look at life Sunny-side Up, and Laugh - it really is great medicine!
Depression and Food
A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and sugars is a common factor in depressive illness and alcohol can also have a severe depressant effect. Vitamin deficiencies may have specific effects on mental states. These are detailed below:
Vitamin C: generalised depression, extreme tiredness, outbursts of hysterical behaviour. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, kiwi fruits, broccoli, blackcurrants and potatoes, red pepper, parsley, green leafy vegetables (especially kale), green pepper, tomato puree, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage (especially savoy), strawberries, watercress, spinach, grapefruit, melon (all types), peas, raspberries, spring onions, swede and turnip, tomatoes.
Vitamin B12: general mental deterioration; psychotic behaviour, depression, loss of memory and paranoia. Vitamin B12 can be found in cheeses (especially cheddar, parmesan and edam), fortified yeast extract such as marmite, cottage cheese and milk.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine): depression, irritability, loss of memory, loss of concentration and exhaustion. Sources of Vitamin B1 include breakfast cereals, peas, sunflower seeds, millet, wheat germ, sesame seeds, soy beans, nuts (especially brazil, cashew nuts, almonds and walnuts), legumes (especially split peas, blackeye beans, kidney beans, lentils, chick peas), whole grains (especially brown rice and oatmeal), whole wheat, rye and potatoes.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): Psychosis, mental deterioration and depression. Sources of Vitamin B6 include wheat products (especially wheatgerm and oatmeal), nuts (especially walnuts), legumes, (especially soy beans, lentils, butter beans, haricot beans), barley, bananas, peanuts and peanut butter, avocados, buckwheat, wheat and rye, raisins and brussels sprouts.
Folic Acid: fatigue, irritability, insomnia, forgetfulness and confusion. Folic Acid can be found in dried baker's yeast, fortified yeast extract such as marmite, blackeye beans, kidney beans, endive, broccoli, legumes (especially chickpeas), soy beans, vegetables (especially spinach, brussels sprouts, spring greens, okra, cabbage), almonds, beetroot, parsnips, walnuts, oatmeal, brown rice, corn (on cob).
Vitamin B3 (niacin; niacinamide): loss of memory, mood swings, depression and anxiety. Sources of Vitamin B3 include fortified yeast extract (such as marmite), brewer's yeast, peanuts and peanut butter, sesame seeds, brown rice, wholemeal flour, wheatgerm, wholemeal spaghetti, wholemeal bread, barley, legumes (especially split peas) and cheeses (especially parmesan, cheddar and blue cheeses).
Biotin: severe lethargy, depression and constant sleeping. Biotin can be found in eggs.
Pantothenic Acid: insomnia, fatigue, depression and psychosis. Sources include broad beans, peanuts and peanut butter, legumes (especially split peas and soy beans), buckwheat, mushrooms, nuts (especially cashews and hazelnuts), avocados, broccoli and oatmeal.
Election Day Fitness Tip
First of all, I encourage you to vote today. I get really emotional when I think about the fact that we can participate in the election of our leaders without fear of persecution. Long lines are worth it. (off soapbox now!)
I saw this fun exercise tip in the Washington Post Express today. It was suggested as an alternative to election night celebration/drowning sorrows with food and wine. Instead they suggest exercise. Here is what they said - boiled down a bit.
As you watch the election returns do the following:
* everytime Joe the Plumber is mentioned - do five squats
* everytime a talking head refers to negative campaigning or negative campaign ads, do negative push ups (that's when you don't push up but instead you start with straight arms, go into a push up, allow yourself to get back up into position from your knees, and then do it again.) If the negative push up sounds weird or complicated, just do five regular ones (boy or girl style).
* If the subject of accepting public campaign financing comes up do five lunges on each side.
* When a network calls a state, see what percentage of polls are reporting and then make up the difference in mountain climbers (or marching in place as a modification). For example, if Maryland is called for Obama with 80% of the precincts reporting, then you need to do 20 mountain climbers or march in place for 20 seconds.
* During a commercial break see how many crunches you can do before the coverage returns. Shake things up a bit by doing regular crunches, side crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, etc.
* When a winner is announced run (or walk) victory laps at a location of your choosing. Since this is 2008 - shoot for 8 laps at a track if you have one nearby. (2 miles)
Anyway, thanks to the Washington Post. I thought this was fun and it spoke directly to our discussion last night about replacing the things in our life that give us pleasure but may sabatoge our goals, with things/activities that support our goals.
Love you all.
Helpful Fitness/Food info
Did you know that 1/2 hour in a spin class burns about 500 calories? I used to spin a lot. If you haven't been to a spin class, try one. Most classes just let you sit in and peddle for the first couple of times. It is a great way to get some hard core cardio and it's kind to your knees.
I have found a product that is saving me when I am out and feeling peckish or even as a snack or small meal replacement. I LOVE Clif MOJO Bars. They are made by the same people who do Clif Bars and Luna Bars. The ingredients are 70% organic and they have 9 grams of protein. I have found two flavors - Peanut Butter Pretzel and Mountain Mix. They are delicious and even a little decadent. I have only found them at Target so far. Try them.
Love you,
Halloween Candy - three days later
Seriously, my weekend was good. I actually asked for nutrition information from some of the restaurants we walked in to and made choices based on that information. So, I am proud of myself for that. I don't know what triggered the Tootsie Roll binge but I now feel like Tootsie Rolls taste gross.
Anyway, Looking forward to our call tonight. Feel like forever since we spoke - even though it's only been a week!
Love you all.
From Suzanne
Did you know this.......
Yoga is a known stress buster, but it's also one of the most effective workouts for fighting stubborn fat stores, especially the ones that crop up after age 40. The reason: Studies show that it lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity--a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat. The following workout will do just that while firming up your arms, legs, butt, and abs. Start now to see results in as little as 3 weeks
MAIN MOVE: Crescent [Firms abs, hips, and thighs]
Stand with feet together, toes forward, and arms at sides. Inhale and raise arms overhead, reaching fingertips toward ceiling. Exhale, and bend forward from hips, bringing hands to floor (it's okay to bend knees). Inhale, and as you exhale, step right leg back into a lunge (left knee bent about 90 degrees, knee over ankle; right leg extended and on ball of foot). Inhale and raise arms overhead; gaze forward. Hold, then return to standing and repeat, stepping left leg back.
Make it Harder: From end position, inhale and arch torso, arms, and head backward, gazing at fingertips.
Make it Easier: Lower right knee to touch floor as you step back into a lunge, and rest hands on left thigh.
MAIN MOVE: Willow [Firms sides of abs]
Stand with feet together, arms at sides. Place sole of left foot on inside of right thigh, knee bent to side. Touch palms in front of chest for 2 breaths. On third inhale, extend arms up, fingertips toward ceiling. Exhale, and on the inhale, bend torso to left. Inhale and straighten. Repeat 3 to 5 times, pressing foot into thigh; switch sides.
Make it Easier: Keep left foot on calf or touch toes to floor for balance.
Make it Harder: Close eyes as you balance and bend..
No guilt No remorse No nothing
Congratulations on how well you're doing.
I love you all
More Detox Info from San
4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)
2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C)
2 tsp dulse powder
Sea salt to taste
Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.
Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.
Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.
Or for those of us losing weight, perhaps on vegetables or eggs!
For more information check out www.rawfoodinfo.com
November - I Commit to My Core
So here we are, November 1, and I'm committing to some new goals for this month. I am going to focus on core strength this month, something I've neglected for a long, long time. I know some core exercises that my chiropractor has shown me and I have a Pilates mini flex-ball and CD. I am committing to adding into my healthy habits core exercises at least 5 days a week. And I am also setting a goal of losing 6 pounds by November 30th, which will put me at 148 pounds.
I KNOW I can do this! And I KNOW I'm in great company, ready to celebrate with each and every one of you as you reach and exceed your goals!
Let's make November ROCK!
November 1st and Life is Exciting!
I popped on the scale this morning and I am 174.5! OK, I am loving this progress and I have loved hearing from you all.
Mark asked me to share what I did to bump up the results in the last few days. I am not sure it is what Mark expects because I didn't race up and down my street or stairs all day long. I was just too busy with income producing activity to take the time to do that.
Here is what I did do ...
- I Prayed ... now there's a novel idea!
- My intention was so strong that I kept my focus! No slip ups.
- I defended my position several times with well meaning friends that told me it was crazy and I could do it safely and take longer. I knew I wouldn't if I didn't do it NOW!
- I took all of my Arbonne supplements, a shake once a day, 3 NRG fizzy Drinks a day, used Herbal Colon cleanse twice and ate a few chews.
- I increased my water intake and stuck to veggies, salads and lean protein once a day.
- I was prepared, I took a shake to a couple of engagements.
- My commitment to each of you and Mark was hugely important to me so it kept me focused.
- Mark offering the Bonus Coaching Session was a wonderful added incentive.
- Mark's coaching made me realize that if I didn't succeed I would once again let jaws take over my brain. I am not willing to do that at this point!
This feels great and now I am looking forward to what 160 will feel and look like!!
It is a gorgeous Saturday morning and I have a full weekend of work that I am looking forward to BUT, I am also planning on a nice long walk at the park and a SeaSource Spa Party in my gorgeous bathroom ... party of one! I know that allowing for and planning for time for self care is critical to my overall success.
My love to you all and I can't wait for us to schedule our bonus call with Mark!From Mark ...
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I officially owe you and your awesome team one free
Group coaching session! You inspire me!!!! MARK
I Learned Something!
It goes on to say when you strength train enough to add 3 lbs of muscle you increase your calorie burn by 6 to 8%, meaning you burn about an extra 100 calories a day. Aerobic exercise doesn't increase your body's lean muscle mass, the best way to do that is resistance training. So it's time to add some squats and push ups to my routine....maybe some 'smart' bells too!
Keep up the good work you beautiful womens!!