
If It's To Be It's Up To Me!

Good Morning You beautiful Women....You Too Mark!
Time for me to come up with a clear and concise plan! I just read a quote and it really got to me! 'If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.'
I have a life by design, not by default. I get to choose the right road for me.
My conversations with myself about my smoking are escalating. I will revisit my costs about smoking and add to them tonight.
It was a great call last night! Thanks for all your encouragement and love.
Make it a great dayy all.
More Later....

1 comment:

Tee said...

Add this to your list...

I want you to stop smoking so you'll be around to be a top ten income earner with me!

Love, Tee

ps: that goes for you, too Suzanne!