
Where did we all go?!

Hello Team~Abundance,

If you are like me you have been using this time prior to Thanksgiving to work your business! I have had two vendor shows, one group, one networking event and lots of one on ones so I apologize for being among the missing!

How are you approaching Thanksgiving? With our E! H&F program we have new tools to handle the extra stress and calories. I had a great conversation with Gerri and we both feel like jaws is in for a big surprise this year!

For my Thanksgiving ... We are not cooking and we are spending the holiday with my stepson's mother ... otherwise known as Roger's first wife. I know, many think we are nuts but this is about what is right for my family and the fact that we are mature adults with big hearts. I never wanted to be one of those family's where the kids have to eat two turkey dinners to keep everyone happy. :-)

I know that my family will notice the way I look ... 23 pounds less than last year!!!
They will probably also notice the different choices I make. For me the holiday will be about gratitude, sharing and giving with far less emphasis on the meal.

I will also invite everyone to go for a walk after the dishes are done.

I'd love to hear from all of you about your plans.
With Gratitude and Love for YOU, San

PS I am sorry to say that I have a conflict for tomorrow night's call. Mark will join you at six and I will look forward to our personal coaching calls this week.

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