Wishing each of you a JOYFILLED, HAPPY, HEALTHY AND FIT new year!
I am looking forward to all that we accomplish in 2009!!
xoxo, San
2009 Empowerful! Health & Fitness Goals
As I created my 2009 Goals I was so excited to have made progress this year.
For years ... perhaps even the past ten years ... I have moved my H & F goals forward to the new year with a totally futile feeling. Normally I have not lost a single pound and usually gained a few pounds. Each year I thought, this will be the year.
So as I close 2008 I am elated to have lost 23 pounds and have the total confidence that I will lose 25 more by NTC and 18 or so more by June to reach my healthy and fit goal. What a sense of empowerment and celebration!
Our journey to healthy and fit people has been very rewarding. My gratitude to Mark for teaching us his wisdom and to my incredible team mates for your support, inspiration and commitment. I can't wait to see what we accomplish next and truly can't wait to get us in one spot for a E! H & F Team-Abundance photo for the Blog and my desk.
I recommit to my H & F lifestyle NOW! Love, San
For years ... perhaps even the past ten years ... I have moved my H & F goals forward to the new year with a totally futile feeling. Normally I have not lost a single pound and usually gained a few pounds. Each year I thought, this will be the year.
So as I close 2008 I am elated to have lost 23 pounds and have the total confidence that I will lose 25 more by NTC and 18 or so more by June to reach my healthy and fit goal. What a sense of empowerment and celebration!
Our journey to healthy and fit people has been very rewarding. My gratitude to Mark for teaching us his wisdom and to my incredible team mates for your support, inspiration and commitment. I can't wait to see what we accomplish next and truly can't wait to get us in one spot for a E! H & F Team-Abundance photo for the Blog and my desk.
I recommit to my H & F lifestyle NOW! Love, San
Today and Everyday
I committ to increasing my exercise routine and to be smoke free starting NOW!
Thank You All! It was a great call last night! I don't speak up either Suzanne, and like you I am soaking it all up! Yes, we're doing it and I have told everybody I know!
I will be blogging about the changes I see and feel in me later....
Love To All!
Thank You All! It was a great call last night! I don't speak up either Suzanne, and like you I am soaking it all up! Yes, we're doing it and I have told everybody I know!
I will be blogging about the changes I see and feel in me later....
Love To All!
Thanks so much guys, this was a great night and I for one am so happy we'll be continuing on!!! I know I don't say much, but I'm collecting all the information in my little brain and am now moving forward with all of it!!!! All of your blogs have been so encouraging and inspiring. I'm alittle afraid of the smoking piece, I know in my mind I hang onto it, I tell myself I won't get through this or can't possibly do that without smoking. I know it just my JAWS trying to keep me where he thinks I'm happy, but hes going to be in for a big shock, because I'm not happy here and even though I hate the thought of looking older, I really hate the thought of rotting on the inside. So here we go Ginny, I know we can do it and we'll be two non smoking beautiful woman at NTC!!!!!!!
My Commitments
I commit to be smoke free by 31 Jan 2009 and to reach my goal weight of 150 by NTC, and I'm going to start RIGHT NOW
Beginning today...
Beginning today, I am comitting to lose 10 more pounds by January 31st.
Hurray fo us!
Love, Kate
Hurray fo us!
Love, Kate
When I joined this team in September, I wasn’t quite sure what I was signing up for or who Mark Fournier was, but I trusted Sandra who invited me to be a part of this, so I dove in with everything I had. I also brought a lot of baggage with me, which miraculously is being shed week by week. I’ve lost 30 pounds so far, but it’s a lot more than that. I’ve lost a lot of old ideas about who I am and what I’ve been placed on earth for. I’ve never been able to view food in the healthy way that I do now. I’ve never been able to exercise consistently without considering it drudgery. I’ve been viewing these things cockeyed my whole life and now I have the vision to see where I’m headed and I owe it all to Mark and this amazing team. I am moving forward day by day to become the beautiful healthy and fit woman that I’ve always wanted to be and to help others achieve the same. In the past, all through my adult life, I have gained about 15lbs. over the holidays ( between Thanksgiving and New Year's). One year, recently, it was 18lbs. This is the very first time that I have actually LOST weight during this season. It is amazing to me that I actually am learning how to live a life that isn't consumed by food. I am very grateful.
Love, Kate
Love, Kate
Being Aware
One of the greatest - if not the greatest - blessings from this whole EHF experience is the fact that I am aware. Awareness is so key to this whole thing. Each day, as I make decisions that affect my goals, I am fully aware. If I decide to "fall off the wagon", it is because I chose to - NOT because I am mindlessly eating candy bars or ordering martinis or choosing to skip working out. More often than not awareness has helped me to make the right decision. And when I fall off the wagon - I know that I am fine. I just re-commit and start living the healthy and fit lifestyle once again.
I want to work to become more aware in other areas of my life - so that I can be fully committed and play full out.
Thank you all for the support and encouragement as we travel the path to "enlightenment". I am so proud of how far we have all come.
Love to all,
I want to work to become more aware in other areas of my life - so that I can be fully committed and play full out.
Thank you all for the support and encouragement as we travel the path to "enlightenment". I am so proud of how far we have all come.
Love to all,
Tee's Goal
I commit to at least 30 minutes of cardio each day in support of reaching my goal weight of 155 lbs by NTC. And I AM STARTING NOW!!!
Love you guys!
Love you guys!
Empowerful! Health and Fitness NOW Goal
I am going to lose 9 more lbs by the end of Feb to reach my goal weight of 138 AND I will also work with a Pilates instructor 2-4 times a month beginning NOW.
Empowerfully! Yours! - Gerri
Empowerful! Health & Fitness Now Goal
Hello Awesome Team,
I commit to losing 25 additional pounds to reach 150 pounds by NTC (April 14th) and I am beginning now!
With Love and Excitement, San
I commit to losing 25 additional pounds to reach 150 pounds by NTC (April 14th) and I am beginning now!
With Love and Excitement, San
“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.”
—Nancy Coey; motivational speaker
This is the message I received in my inbox today from The Foundation for a Better Life. I thought it was appropriate to all of us and the work we are doing to better our health, ourselves, our businesses and ultimately our world.
Looking forward to hearing from you all tonight.
—Nancy Coey; motivational speaker
This is the message I received in my inbox today from The Foundation for a Better Life. I thought it was appropriate to all of us and the work we are doing to better our health, ourselves, our businesses and ultimately our world.
Looking forward to hearing from you all tonight.
Hi All!
Saturday afternoon and all is well! Lol...I did the same thing, one plateful Christmas Day. I did have a slice of pecan pie, but, that was it, considering all that was there, I felt that was a success!! Doing lots of exercise....Jillian brought her 'PX 90' DVDs and I have been doing that with her and walking so I feel good about that! I just might have to invest in that! My sister and I are quitting the butts together and she got me a sweatshirt for Christmas....it says NME on it (No More Excuses) and we announced to everyone what we were doing...so there you have it, counting down the days!
Look forward to our next chat all together!
Good to see you today Kate!
Love You All!
More Later!
Look forward to our next chat all together!
Good to see you today Kate!
Love You All!
More Later!
Good Morning Team~Abundance!
Good Morning Team~Abundance!
I have loved the recent posts and am ecstatic that we have a President setting an inspiring example! I am also thrilled for Kate's milestone in her journey to a happier healthier life. As always, Kate, you inspire me.
Our new Figure 8 products have arrived and they are fabulous!
The reformulated chocolate and vanilla shakes are made with 9 oz of water and have 160 calories. Both flavors are delicious!!
You can add one scoop of Fiber Booster for 60 calories and 48% of your daily recommended fiber. The shakes are very satisfying and really held off hunger for me.
The new Pomegranate Splash Fizzing Tablets are out too. My favorite is still Citrus Splash but my daughter likes the new ones better so it will be personal taste.
Also new is an updated brochure and new packaging for Going, Going Gone, Detox Tea and chews.
The special flavor for Chews is Cafe' Mocha ... YUMMY! So there is lots to look forward to.
Elissa, Ade and Madeline left for a few days at Lissa's Dad's so I am working like my month depended on it ... ha ha ... because it does!!
More soon. Lot's of Love, San
I have loved the recent posts and am ecstatic that we have a President setting an inspiring example! I am also thrilled for Kate's milestone in her journey to a happier healthier life. As always, Kate, you inspire me.
Our new Figure 8 products have arrived and they are fabulous!
The reformulated chocolate and vanilla shakes are made with 9 oz of water and have 160 calories. Both flavors are delicious!!
You can add one scoop of Fiber Booster for 60 calories and 48% of your daily recommended fiber. The shakes are very satisfying and really held off hunger for me.
The new Pomegranate Splash Fizzing Tablets are out too. My favorite is still Citrus Splash but my daughter likes the new ones better so it will be personal taste.
Also new is an updated brochure and new packaging for Going, Going Gone, Detox Tea and chews.
The special flavor for Chews is Cafe' Mocha ... YUMMY! So there is lots to look forward to.
Elissa, Ade and Madeline left for a few days at Lissa's Dad's so I am working like my month depended on it ... ha ha ... because it does!!
More soon. Lot's of Love, San
Hi Guys, Merry Christmas, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. We really had a wonderful time, Christmas eve we have a big family party and it was great!!! One of our Christmas presents was finding out Ernies daughter and her husband are pregnant!!!! I've done pretty good with the eating, I do the cooking and somehow when I cook so much I lose my appetite, haha jaws!!! Still have plenty of tempting things around!!!! Tried to keep smoking to a minimum, but I have to confess I have smoked, but all the things that Mark says wear heavy on my mind. Think about what he says often and I don't want to look older than I am hell, I'm old enought for real!!! Well guys have a very happy, healthy and blessed New Year, guess we'll be talking before that. Thanks always for being supportive and caring
This means alltogether I've lost 28#
My goal in September had been to lose 29# by Christmas and I almost made it. And honestly it feels great anyway.
My goal in September had been to lose 29# by Christmas and I almost made it. And honestly it feels great anyway.
Mindfullness at Work
Greetings all....Merry day after Christmas.
I took ONE plate....not even packed...and I made sure we used the smallest plates we own, which means we didn't use the fancy plates, and I not only didn't go back for seconds, but I LEFT SOME ON MY PLATE! This is really an absolute FIRST for me on a holiday. I was really paying attention to my eating and when I was starting to feel full. I was also under a lot of stress, so that's even a greater accomplishment.
I did eat some sugar stuff, but nothing even close to what I would have done.
I lost 5 pounds while I was "indisposed" and this morning that 5 pounds is still off. Wow. My biggest weight gaining season and I didn't gain even a pound.
I am walking on air today.
Thank you so much my wonderful team. I couldn't be doing this without you. I am restarting
my water jogging tomorrow.
Let's stay on the beam, shall we?
Love, Kate
I took ONE plate....not even packed...and I made sure we used the smallest plates we own, which means we didn't use the fancy plates, and I not only didn't go back for seconds, but I LEFT SOME ON MY PLATE! This is really an absolute FIRST for me on a holiday. I was really paying attention to my eating and when I was starting to feel full. I was also under a lot of stress, so that's even a greater accomplishment.
I did eat some sugar stuff, but nothing even close to what I would have done.
I lost 5 pounds while I was "indisposed" and this morning that 5 pounds is still off. Wow. My biggest weight gaining season and I didn't gain even a pound.
I am walking on air today.
Thank you so much my wonderful team. I couldn't be doing this without you. I am restarting
my water jogging tomorrow.
Let's stay on the beam, shall we?
Love, Kate
Obama - Setting a Healthy-Fit Example
Good Morning!
A front page article in the Washington Post yesterday was about Obama and his fitness mindset and commitment. Fitness and exercise, for him are a priority and a requirement. And it makes him happy. His exercising actually increased while campaining! How many of us, when busy and/or stressed, decide to cut out excercising (or used to!) because we didn't think we had time to do it all. For Obama, going to the gym allows him to relieve stress, maintain a routine and think without interruption and he does it every day like clockwork - in fact - he feels better and more revved up after he works out. And his favorite post-workout snack is a protein bar and organic iced tea. How I love the example he is setting for the rest of us!
And for Ginny and Suzanne - you have company on the smoking front - Obama is quitting as well - or as we say here - he's a non-smoker who occassionally decides to smoke!
I'm sure a presidential schedule may create even more challenges for Obama, but he is totally committed to a healthy-fit lifestyle. If he can do that on his schedule, I KNOW we can continue our healthy-fit journeys and commitments on ours!
A front page article in the Washington Post yesterday was about Obama and his fitness mindset and commitment. Fitness and exercise, for him are a priority and a requirement. And it makes him happy. His exercising actually increased while campaining! How many of us, when busy and/or stressed, decide to cut out excercising (or used to!) because we didn't think we had time to do it all. For Obama, going to the gym allows him to relieve stress, maintain a routine and think without interruption and he does it every day like clockwork - in fact - he feels better and more revved up after he works out. And his favorite post-workout snack is a protein bar and organic iced tea. How I love the example he is setting for the rest of us!
And for Ginny and Suzanne - you have company on the smoking front - Obama is quitting as well - or as we say here - he's a non-smoker who occassionally decides to smoke!
I'm sure a presidential schedule may create even more challenges for Obama, but he is totally committed to a healthy-fit lifestyle. If he can do that on his schedule, I KNOW we can continue our healthy-fit journeys and commitments on ours!
Happiest Wishes to All
Good Morning -
I am sitting here in my office - I think there may be 15 people here today (out of 80). There is something wonderful about this "down time" here at the office. I always feel very productive. I am thinking about a bagel piled high with cream cheese and jelly but enjoying my flax almond bar and applesauce and fizzy drink. :)
My Jawz came through a few times this week - mini peanut butter cups - but for the most part I have been very successful. I have four pounds to go until my first weight loss goal. So, needless to say, I am very motivated.
Tonight begins the festivities for us. Whatever you all are doing to celebrate the holiday I hope it brings you great joy. I am really looking forward to 2009 and celebrating the continued successes of this wonderful group.
Many blessings to you all!
Love, Tee
I am sitting here in my office - I think there may be 15 people here today (out of 80). There is something wonderful about this "down time" here at the office. I always feel very productive. I am thinking about a bagel piled high with cream cheese and jelly but enjoying my flax almond bar and applesauce and fizzy drink. :)
My Jawz came through a few times this week - mini peanut butter cups - but for the most part I have been very successful. I have four pounds to go until my first weight loss goal. So, needless to say, I am very motivated.
Tonight begins the festivities for us. Whatever you all are doing to celebrate the holiday I hope it brings you great joy. I am really looking forward to 2009 and celebrating the continued successes of this wonderful group.
Many blessings to you all!
Love, Tee
Weathering the Holidays
Ok - jawz is really, really working overtime with me and my enlightenment of his intentions doesn't always catch me in time. I know this too will work out and I constantly remind myself that I am committed to this process and to my healthy-fit consciousness.
It also seems that now that I'm so much closer to my goal weight that it's harder to stay the course. It's like I'm allowing more exceptions to creep in. I'm sure Mark F will have something to say about this!
Regardless, I KNOW I'm not the same person I was 3 months ago - not by a long shot. Mark and I are even talking about not going with friends next May to the St Michael's Wine Festival weekend, or at least cutting our participation to one day. It just doesn't have the same appeal to me now - and the only thing that's changed in this picture is me. So, I know this is working.
I've even picked out a couple of healthier dishes for Christmas morning - we always do a special breakfast - traditionally a stuffed french toast with real Vermont maple syrup. It's time for new traditions.
I hope that we're all tiring out jawz and he'll snooze more thru the remaining days of this holiday season. Sending you all the warmest, healthiest, and most empowerful! wishes for your Christmases. Love YOU! Gerri
It also seems that now that I'm so much closer to my goal weight that it's harder to stay the course. It's like I'm allowing more exceptions to creep in. I'm sure Mark F will have something to say about this!
Regardless, I KNOW I'm not the same person I was 3 months ago - not by a long shot. Mark and I are even talking about not going with friends next May to the St Michael's Wine Festival weekend, or at least cutting our participation to one day. It just doesn't have the same appeal to me now - and the only thing that's changed in this picture is me. So, I know this is working.
I've even picked out a couple of healthier dishes for Christmas morning - we always do a special breakfast - traditionally a stuffed french toast with real Vermont maple syrup. It's time for new traditions.
I hope that we're all tiring out jawz and he'll snooze more thru the remaining days of this holiday season. Sending you all the warmest, healthiest, and most empowerful! wishes for your Christmases. Love YOU! Gerri
Prep Prep and away!
Hi All,
Happy day before the day before. Hope that you are all enjoying the preparation and last minute 'whatevers'.
I have had a lovely day with my kids. Take out tonight, we are all to tired to cook.
Stay in touch and keep jawz at bay.
Sending you love, San
Happy day before the day before. Hope that you are all enjoying the preparation and last minute 'whatevers'.
I have had a lovely day with my kids. Take out tonight, we are all to tired to cook.
Stay in touch and keep jawz at bay.
Sending you love, San
Good Morning!
Hi Everyone! It seems I am always in a hurry when I am doing this....wanted to fit in a few words though before I get going with my day. Working at The Pad today and tomorrow, have a few more things to do buy and I'll finish up my wrapping tonight. Great call last night, so wonderful we have all this support and it's wonderful Mark isn't going to leave us before we are doing this as second nature!
Thanks Everyone for all your love and for being there! I loved when Mark said San was 'The One', she is and we all know she wouldn't nor couldn't let us down...I will do my best to not let any of you down too!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Everyone for all your love and for being there! I loved when Mark said San was 'The One', she is and we all know she wouldn't nor couldn't let us down...I will do my best to not let any of you down too!
Merry Christmas!
Mommy Stuff
Gals and Mark -
I am sorry I missed our call. I got caught up in some "mom" things here at home which couldn't be helped.
Love to all - Tee
I am sorry I missed our call. I got caught up in some "mom" things here at home which couldn't be helped.
Love to all - Tee
Good to hear from everyone ...
Hi All,
It is wonderful having Elissa, Ade and Maddie here. We did a bit of shopping and coffee this morning.
Home for lunch and I just read about five books and put Maddie down for a her nap while her parents headed to Arundel Mills for more shopping.
Loving every minute and looking forward to our time together with Mark.
See you all at 6.
Good to hear from everyone!!
It is wonderful having Elissa, Ade and Maddie here. We did a bit of shopping and coffee this morning.
Home for lunch and I just read about five books and put Maddie down for a her nap while her parents headed to Arundel Mills for more shopping.
Loving every minute and looking forward to our time together with Mark.
See you all at 6.
Good to hear from everyone!!
Good Morning Everyone!
I know San is busy with her house full of kids and being Gammy. How wonderful! I have been checking the blog daily but was flat on my back sick until yesterday afternoon. I feel much better and am looking forward to a lovely holiday with my family.
I am so surprised at how well I have done this season. Normally, I am neck deep in sweets and yummies, but this year I have largely avoided them. There have been a few indulgences - but they were never over the top. I have become a nut about portion control and label reading. I think I have had a few chocolates, a cookie here and there and maybe a cupcake. For the entire month of December - that is huge for me. I am realizing that I am losing my sweet tooth. I thought it would be tough to say good-bye to my old "friend." But really, it hasn't been. When I put something sweet in my mouth, a lot of times, my reaction is - "WoW - that was not worth it. Amazing.
As many of you know, my goal is to get to 165 by December 31. That would mean that I have taken off 15 pounds since we started. On the weekend, I weighed in at 169! I was thrilled. I started at 180 in September. I need to get four pounds off in 10 days. I am going to do everything within my power to get on the scale on 12/31/09 and weigh 165. If I do, then I have earned my spa day (do you think Elizabeth Arden eill let me use my own products??!! :) )
I think the universe may be working in my favor. I just heard from my parents that they changed the menu for Christmas dinner - and I am not sure I am crazy about their choices. So it may be a salad night for me!
Anyway, as the week heats up I am not sure how often I will be able to get to the blog. I just want all of you to know that you are important to me. This team has changed my life. I love you all.
ps: Kate - I am so glad you are back. Your voice was sorely missed. XOXO
I know San is busy with her house full of kids and being Gammy. How wonderful! I have been checking the blog daily but was flat on my back sick until yesterday afternoon. I feel much better and am looking forward to a lovely holiday with my family.
I am so surprised at how well I have done this season. Normally, I am neck deep in sweets and yummies, but this year I have largely avoided them. There have been a few indulgences - but they were never over the top. I have become a nut about portion control and label reading. I think I have had a few chocolates, a cookie here and there and maybe a cupcake. For the entire month of December - that is huge for me. I am realizing that I am losing my sweet tooth. I thought it would be tough to say good-bye to my old "friend." But really, it hasn't been. When I put something sweet in my mouth, a lot of times, my reaction is - "WoW - that was not worth it. Amazing.
As many of you know, my goal is to get to 165 by December 31. That would mean that I have taken off 15 pounds since we started. On the weekend, I weighed in at 169! I was thrilled. I started at 180 in September. I need to get four pounds off in 10 days. I am going to do everything within my power to get on the scale on 12/31/09 and weigh 165. If I do, then I have earned my spa day (do you think Elizabeth Arden eill let me use my own products??!! :) )
I think the universe may be working in my favor. I just heard from my parents that they changed the menu for Christmas dinner - and I am not sure I am crazy about their choices. So it may be a salad night for me!
Anyway, as the week heats up I am not sure how often I will be able to get to the blog. I just want all of you to know that you are important to me. This team has changed my life. I love you all.
ps: Kate - I am so glad you are back. Your voice was sorely missed. XOXO
Love this Group and our Blog!
It was SOOOO Nice to check in this morning and see so many great entries to catch up on - especially Kates!!! It truly energizes me to read your blogs and I feel so much closer to you each and every time. It reinforces the knowledge that we're in this together - always.
I recommit every day not only to my own Healthy-Fit lifestyle but also to our friendship and my support for each and every one of you.
Lots and Lots of LOVE! - Gerri
I recommit every day not only to my own Healthy-Fit lifestyle but also to our friendship and my support for each and every one of you.
Lots and Lots of LOVE! - Gerri
Hi Ladies,
I know I've been bad this week but I've been so busy, decorating, shopping, working!!!! I know you're all in the same position and none of you have any use for my excuses so I'll just say I'm sorry and I'll try to do better. Been doing really good at work with all the goodies around, I have succumb to a chocolate or two but for the most part have done really good and have even lost a few pounds!!! Doing fair with the cigs, good some days not so good others, but trying everyday and conquering one cigarette at a time and damn keep thinking of Marks comments on aging, I already knew that but coming from someone else really makes you think, makes me try harder!!! Some hard moments at work this week so close to the holidays and makes you even more grateful for the blessings you have. All my love and prayers for Kate, you are a strong, beautiful lady and I know you can conquer whatever you want to. I really do know how hard it is but you have been such a beacon of light for all of us I know we all want to shine our light on you and give you the encouragement and love you need to get right back in the game!! You can't fail because all our love and prayers will raise you right back up! Talk to you all tomorrow
I know I've been bad this week but I've been so busy, decorating, shopping, working!!!! I know you're all in the same position and none of you have any use for my excuses so I'll just say I'm sorry and I'll try to do better. Been doing really good at work with all the goodies around, I have succumb to a chocolate or two but for the most part have done really good and have even lost a few pounds!!! Doing fair with the cigs, good some days not so good others, but trying everyday and conquering one cigarette at a time and damn keep thinking of Marks comments on aging, I already knew that but coming from someone else really makes you think, makes me try harder!!! Some hard moments at work this week so close to the holidays and makes you even more grateful for the blessings you have. All my love and prayers for Kate, you are a strong, beautiful lady and I know you can conquer whatever you want to. I really do know how hard it is but you have been such a beacon of light for all of us I know we all want to shine our light on you and give you the encouragement and love you need to get right back in the game!! You can't fail because all our love and prayers will raise you right back up! Talk to you all tomorrow
Sending YOU so much love and healing energy.
It is wonderful to 'hear' your voice! Love, San
It is wonderful to 'hear' your voice! Love, San
Ladies and Gentle Man...
Here I am...finally. I feel like I've missed so much, but fear not, I will catch up. I just spent the last hour (yes it is 5am) reading all the blogs since my last visit. What a ton of good food for the soul. I am not beaten. I felt beaten for a while, but that's now in the past...Thank you for your true love and support. My Jawz thought he had the upper hand but my "Pandora" (meaning all-gifted from Greek mythology) shooed him away.
She may have a lot of dragons to slay over the next few weeks.
I have an intake for out-patient treatment that the hospital made at 5pm. for tomorrow, so I may be on the call late. I hope it doesn't take too long so that I can come on.
I love you all,
She may have a lot of dragons to slay over the next few weeks.
I have an intake for out-patient treatment that the hospital made at 5pm. for tomorrow, so I may be on the call late. I hope it doesn't take too long so that I can come on.
I love you all,
Checking In ...
The house is finally complete and looks like a Christmas wonderland for my kids and Maddie.
Most importantly, the house is full of LOVE and we are waiting for them to arrive.
Today, I signed up one and lined up another. That makes three signons for me and four ReIgnites. Still lots more to do to complete my month. I will fit lots in during quiet moments.
Gerri and I started the day with a great walk, I ate well though I still need more water.
Let's stay in touch to support us all during the holiday and associated temptations. Cookies and candy both arrived today. So far I say yuck but I need to keep ME in charge.
I pray that Kate is improving each day
and hope that ...
Tee is feeling better
Gerri is celebrating buying size 8 jeans
Ginny is totally enjoying Jillian being home for Christmas
Suzanne will check in soon and
Mark is not working too hard on his new website.
Love you all, San
Most importantly, the house is full of LOVE and we are waiting for them to arrive.
Today, I signed up one and lined up another. That makes three signons for me and four ReIgnites. Still lots more to do to complete my month. I will fit lots in during quiet moments.
Gerri and I started the day with a great walk, I ate well though I still need more water.
Let's stay in touch to support us all during the holiday and associated temptations. Cookies and candy both arrived today. So far I say yuck but I need to keep ME in charge.
I pray that Kate is improving each day
and hope that ...
Tee is feeling better
Gerri is celebrating buying size 8 jeans
Ginny is totally enjoying Jillian being home for Christmas
Suzanne will check in soon and
Mark is not working too hard on his new website.
Love you all, San
Empowerfully! Thrilled!
I was finishing up my holiday shopping with a couple of last items for my two nieces and decided to try on some jeans...size 8.
Oh My - THEY FIT!!!!
I couldn't pass up sharing this HUGE milestone with all of you because you are a part of this success story!
Grinning ear to ear. :-D
Oh My - THEY FIT!!!!
I couldn't pass up sharing this HUGE milestone with all of you because you are a part of this success story!
Grinning ear to ear. :-D
Good Morning Empowerful! Health & Fitness Team,
I am filled with JOY this morning because I am focusing on all that is right in my world.
Today is about choices that serve me and I started by being in a great mood, meeting Gerri to walk 4+ miles and home to complete my preparations for our family's arrival tonight.
For me to relax and enjoy our time together there are some Arbonne things that I must wrap up today so that will happen too.
Create a beautiful and powerful day! Love, San
I am filled with JOY this morning because I am focusing on all that is right in my world.
Today is about choices that serve me and I started by being in a great mood, meeting Gerri to walk 4+ miles and home to complete my preparations for our family's arrival tonight.
For me to relax and enjoy our time together there are some Arbonne things that I must wrap up today so that will happen too.
Create a beautiful and powerful day! Love, San
Yes, a goal for Friday!
Tomorrow all my choices will really, really serve me!
Food/fuel, water, exercise, movement, reaching out to others, IPAs and everything else.
Thanks, Gerri, I am going to get more water now. Love to all
Food/fuel, water, exercise, movement, reaching out to others, IPAs and everything else.
Thanks, Gerri, I am going to get more water now. Love to all
Met my Empowerful! Goals Today
Just finishing up the last of my water for the day. And I know I soaked quite a while in my detox bath - really felt 'drained'. Sorry for the water puns, can't resist. :-D
I know that I'm ready for a good night's sleep and then looking forward to another Healthy and Fit day tomorrow, starting with a walk with San.
Tomorrow? I think I'll STAND for all my phone calls!
Love you all - Gerri
I know that I'm ready for a good night's sleep and then looking forward to another Healthy and Fit day tomorrow, starting with a walk with San.
Tomorrow? I think I'll STAND for all my phone calls!
Love you all - Gerri
From Mark ...
I LOVE these blog posts!!!!
You inspire me!!!!!
And Gerri… what you said about not wanting to give your husband poison for Christmas was first-class ‘Healthy-Fit’ consciousness!!!!!!!!! You get an A++++++++
And Tee, I love how you wrote that it is becoming second nature to you… THAT is our goal!!!!!
Ginny, I also love how you tweaked my saying about the ‘sun always shinning’ adding ‘when we are grateful’. Cool!... You DO sound like me. J
Thank you San for the ‘intravenous love & light’ comment, that was fun!
Suzanne I would so love to see your feelings included on these daily blogs as well… it will make a difference to ALL of us.
And I hope you are ALL reaching out to our dear sweet Kate!!!!!!
When I think about the six of you and the effort you have put into this process and the fact that you’re all still in there fighting (and REcommitting every day)… it makes it impossible for me to leave you on your own once our three months have run out… so I am dedicating myself to finding a way to stay in your lives no matter what! I still don’t know how I will do it (especially with my book launch and charity taking up so much of my time right now, AND with my very real need to generate income to keep the bills paid for the charity), but I WILL think of something!!!!!!!! And if any of YOU can think of something… please share it with me!!!! The original plan was that each of you would bring in five people (as San has done with you), and they would each pay $25 per week to be on a larger call each week with me as well as a smaller call with San and then a one-on-one with YOU. And this approach would not only make sure we ALL remained in the process and in each others life (and helping you better master these principles through spaced repetition and teaching others) but it would also make sure that I could keep paying the bills for the charity. J However… it doesn’t appear that this version is going to happen, so we just need to come up with something else… and we WILL, because EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT!
I can hardly wait to see how THIS is going to ‘work out’!
Keep blogging every day… keep sharing… keep supporting and inspiring each other!!! Call Kate! Let her know we are here for her!!!!
With Love & Support!
You inspire me!!!!!
And Gerri… what you said about not wanting to give your husband poison for Christmas was first-class ‘Healthy-Fit’ consciousness!!!!!!!!! You get an A++++++++
And Tee, I love how you wrote that it is becoming second nature to you… THAT is our goal!!!!!
Ginny, I also love how you tweaked my saying about the ‘sun always shinning’ adding ‘when we are grateful’. Cool!... You DO sound like me. J
Thank you San for the ‘intravenous love & light’ comment, that was fun!
Suzanne I would so love to see your feelings included on these daily blogs as well… it will make a difference to ALL of us.
And I hope you are ALL reaching out to our dear sweet Kate!!!!!!
When I think about the six of you and the effort you have put into this process and the fact that you’re all still in there fighting (and REcommitting every day)… it makes it impossible for me to leave you on your own once our three months have run out… so I am dedicating myself to finding a way to stay in your lives no matter what! I still don’t know how I will do it (especially with my book launch and charity taking up so much of my time right now, AND with my very real need to generate income to keep the bills paid for the charity), but I WILL think of something!!!!!!!! And if any of YOU can think of something… please share it with me!!!! The original plan was that each of you would bring in five people (as San has done with you), and they would each pay $25 per week to be on a larger call each week with me as well as a smaller call with San and then a one-on-one with YOU. And this approach would not only make sure we ALL remained in the process and in each others life (and helping you better master these principles through spaced repetition and teaching others) but it would also make sure that I could keep paying the bills for the charity. J However… it doesn’t appear that this version is going to happen, so we just need to come up with something else… and we WILL, because EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT!
I can hardly wait to see how THIS is going to ‘work out’!
Keep blogging every day… keep sharing… keep supporting and inspiring each other!!! Call Kate! Let her know we are here for her!!!!
With Love & Support!
Jawz Tried To Seduce Me With Chocolate Truffles
Good day. Got my quota of water, as I intended. And it didn't feel hard to do. I'm sure my body appreciates it.
I went to the holiday luncheon / yankee swap put on by my former Verizon team. I ate very healthy, no rolls, filled up mostly on salad, and only had one cookie - oatmeal. For the swap, I did end up with a variety 6-pack of micro-brews (I don't drink beer so this is no temptation for me!) - Mark likes these - so maybe they'll be from Santa. Of course there's that voice in my head (Mark F) that now wonders why I would want to give my husband poison for Christmas! I'm not going to resolve this one tonight! :-}
The caterer is a friend of mine and I had given her a small gift as a thank you - and she in return gives me something - you guessed it chocolate truffles - a very generous box of them. I'm sure jawz helped pick these out! Trying to coax me back to the dark side. I did open the box and look, but that's it, had to employ the Kate stare. Mark had some - but I didn't. Now to get rid of the rest because they are not good for him either. And I still hear jawz whispering about them so the truffles do have to go!
Anyway, I feel very good about turning down this offering from jawz today.
Tomorrow, tomorrow - continue to hydrate and also treat myself to a nice detox spa bath - I'm a shower person, so these baths are not a ritual I have 'immersed' myself in yet. :-D
I went to the holiday luncheon / yankee swap put on by my former Verizon team. I ate very healthy, no rolls, filled up mostly on salad, and only had one cookie - oatmeal. For the swap, I did end up with a variety 6-pack of micro-brews (I don't drink beer so this is no temptation for me!) - Mark likes these - so maybe they'll be from Santa. Of course there's that voice in my head (Mark F) that now wonders why I would want to give my husband poison for Christmas! I'm not going to resolve this one tonight! :-}
The caterer is a friend of mine and I had given her a small gift as a thank you - and she in return gives me something - you guessed it chocolate truffles - a very generous box of them. I'm sure jawz helped pick these out! Trying to coax me back to the dark side. I did open the box and look, but that's it, had to employ the Kate stare. Mark had some - but I didn't. Now to get rid of the rest because they are not good for him either. And I still hear jawz whispering about them so the truffles do have to go!
Anyway, I feel very good about turning down this offering from jawz today.
Tomorrow, tomorrow - continue to hydrate and also treat myself to a nice detox spa bath - I'm a shower person, so these baths are not a ritual I have 'immersed' myself in yet. :-D
I had a lovely call with San this morning.
I caught some kind of cold and feel gross! I am taking care of myself by curling up on the sofa and resting. I should be doing IPAs but I just feel so run down.
Anyway, today I went to lunch at one of my favorite places and I was so proud of myself. I ordered a salad to start and then when my meal came, I halved it - at one half and packed up the other for lunch tomorrow. I really enjoyed the meal and did not feel deprived. Some of the strategies are seriously becoming second nature to me.
I am 5 pounds away from my goal of reaching 165 by December 31. I am going to really push to make it.
I feel like I am rambling. I think it's the cold.
Anyway - know that I love you all and am inspired by each of you.
I caught some kind of cold and feel gross! I am taking care of myself by curling up on the sofa and resting. I should be doing IPAs but I just feel so run down.
Anyway, today I went to lunch at one of my favorite places and I was so proud of myself. I ordered a salad to start and then when my meal came, I halved it - at one half and packed up the other for lunch tomorrow. I really enjoyed the meal and did not feel deprived. Some of the strategies are seriously becoming second nature to me.
I am 5 pounds away from my goal of reaching 165 by December 31. I am going to really push to make it.
I feel like I am rambling. I think it's the cold.
Anyway - know that I love you all and am inspired by each of you.
Gratitude Wednesday!
Today's the day! I am with Sandra, no poison day, all day and night! I am going to have a grateful heart today and see the miracle I am and everyone else too! The world opens up to us when we come from a place of gratitude. When we express it the universe glows a bit brighter and showers us with more blessings. Even when things are tough, if we can find something to be grateful for we can transform our realities! We don't want to miss all the abundance! The sun is always shining when we are grateful! The universe wants to shower us with blessings and the more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates us and gives us more goodness! Gee, I sound like Mark!! I think I got this lesson, just for today!
Much Love and Affection!
Much Love and Affection!
A Day for Listening
I love the Empowerful! lessons we are learning and using to not only deal with our own jawz, but to also use these lessons to help others.
Today was a day when I could bring part of that gift to a few others. One of my friends from Verizon called, stressed, taking time to talk, gain a new perspective, breath deep and live this moment now. I find myself using many of the things we've learned over the past several weeks. And that feels good. Giving her tools, and new ways of thinking so she can get through the day with a little more ease. And maybe hold onto those thoughts to help her tomorrow, and the next tomorrow.
And I got a call from another person I've worked with before - just got laid off - he's the breadwinner in his family, 5 children. Spent time being a friend, listening, talking about options, talking about what he's already done positive in this transition, feeling grateful I had a couple of avenues to add to ones he's already exploring. I'd like to think he felt better at the end of our conversation.
And I called my Mom to talk with her too, not always an easy conversation. She deals with a lot of pain and turns quite easily to negative conversation. This is my biggest challenge to acknowledge and love her where she is and also give her hope. I do feel the most inadequate here.
It's so easy to become overwhelmed by the news, by people in a hurry, by what we can't do, or by what we don't have that we think we need to have. And, when it comes down to it, what's priceless and precious is how we treat others and how we treat ourselves.
I love San's idea of committing to one change every day. Doesn't matter how big or small, because there's no way to know the ultimate impact. I know I've fallen off with drinking water - not getting enough. So on Wednesday I will drink at least 74 oz of water...and by the way...no wine either. :-)
Feeling so much gratitude right now for all of you and how you inspire and empower! me.
Today was a day when I could bring part of that gift to a few others. One of my friends from Verizon called, stressed, taking time to talk, gain a new perspective, breath deep and live this moment now. I find myself using many of the things we've learned over the past several weeks. And that feels good. Giving her tools, and new ways of thinking so she can get through the day with a little more ease. And maybe hold onto those thoughts to help her tomorrow, and the next tomorrow.
And I got a call from another person I've worked with before - just got laid off - he's the breadwinner in his family, 5 children. Spent time being a friend, listening, talking about options, talking about what he's already done positive in this transition, feeling grateful I had a couple of avenues to add to ones he's already exploring. I'd like to think he felt better at the end of our conversation.
And I called my Mom to talk with her too, not always an easy conversation. She deals with a lot of pain and turns quite easily to negative conversation. This is my biggest challenge to acknowledge and love her where she is and also give her hope. I do feel the most inadequate here.
It's so easy to become overwhelmed by the news, by people in a hurry, by what we can't do, or by what we don't have that we think we need to have. And, when it comes down to it, what's priceless and precious is how we treat others and how we treat ourselves.
I love San's idea of committing to one change every day. Doesn't matter how big or small, because there's no way to know the ultimate impact. I know I've fallen off with drinking water - not getting enough. So on Wednesday I will drink at least 74 oz of water...and by the way...no wine either. :-)
Feeling so much gratitude right now for all of you and how you inspire and empower! me.
Hello Team,
I too loved the call last night. Mark, you are really like intravenous LOVE AND LIGHT.
We had a good Discover Meeting and then went across the street ... no wine, no margarita and NO TORTILLA CHIPS AND SALSA and they make the best ever.
Gerri and I each had sparkling water and a bowl of delicious soup. jawz was napping nicely.
This morning I met Gerri to walk and I did four miles!!! Gerri did two before I got there, what an inspiration.
I loved the personal challenges we all took as we hung up last night and think it'd be fun to do something like that daily. Either add something positive or let go of something negative not permanently but a day here and there. This is so doable.
So for me, tomorrow I commit to NO POISON ... Fuel only for the entire day.
I love each of you dearly, San
I too loved the call last night. Mark, you are really like intravenous LOVE AND LIGHT.
We had a good Discover Meeting and then went across the street ... no wine, no margarita and NO TORTILLA CHIPS AND SALSA and they make the best ever.
Gerri and I each had sparkling water and a bowl of delicious soup. jawz was napping nicely.
This morning I met Gerri to walk and I did four miles!!! Gerri did two before I got there, what an inspiration.
I loved the personal challenges we all took as we hung up last night and think it'd be fun to do something like that daily. Either add something positive or let go of something negative not permanently but a day here and there. This is so doable.
So for me, tomorrow I commit to NO POISON ... Fuel only for the entire day.
I love each of you dearly, San
Good Morning! Almost done with my notes from last night but decided it would be better to post a note and finish those later.
Loved our call last night!
Motivation, inspiration and transformation, wow! We are being transformed! A day at a time and today is one more day I get to put all I've learned into action! I'm here! I recommitt!
I Love You All!
Loved our call last night!
Motivation, inspiration and transformation, wow! We are being transformed! A day at a time and today is one more day I get to put all I've learned into action! I'm here! I recommitt!
I Love You All!
End of the Day - 2 points
I have finished my day with some nice stretches, as I committed to do AND I didn't let jawz talk me into that last glass of wine that was calling my name when I got home tonight. So I got the last word in today!
Still in it
Hey gals -
San said that my last couple of posts sounded like I was checking out. Not Me. I recommit to this process and this team every day. What I was trying to convey in my last few posts is that what we are learning has really become a part of the fabric of who I am. I still have days where I am not 100% successful but I am aware - more aware than I have been in a long time.
I am looking forward to where this takes me -- and US!
Love, Tee
San said that my last couple of posts sounded like I was checking out. Not Me. I recommit to this process and this team every day. What I was trying to convey in my last few posts is that what we are learning has really become a part of the fabric of who I am. I still have days where I am not 100% successful but I am aware - more aware than I have been in a long time.
I am looking forward to where this takes me -- and US!
Love, Tee
Hello Awesome Team,
Well, I have to say that on the deepest level I have had a really rough week ... not going to go into details but all of the distractions really let JAWZ rear his ugly head.
I thought I was staying busy enough to keep him at bay but I talked with Mark this morning and as I was telling him what's been going on I COULD HEAR JAWZ not me talking.
Sooooooo, once again I am recommitting to my biggest and best goal of becoming the person I want and deserve to be, my intermediate goal of becoming Healthy and Fit and looking great in time for NTC (50 lbs!) and my short term goal of losing two more pounds by this Saturday.
I am so glad that we talk at 6. I will get on early if anyone wants to join me. Love, San
Well, I have to say that on the deepest level I have had a really rough week ... not going to go into details but all of the distractions really let JAWZ rear his ugly head.
I thought I was staying busy enough to keep him at bay but I talked with Mark this morning and as I was telling him what's been going on I COULD HEAR JAWZ not me talking.
Sooooooo, once again I am recommitting to my biggest and best goal of becoming the person I want and deserve to be, my intermediate goal of becoming Healthy and Fit and looking great in time for NTC (50 lbs!) and my short term goal of losing two more pounds by this Saturday.
I am so glad that we talk at 6. I will get on early if anyone wants to join me. Love, San
Wrap up from Tee
Had an okay weekend. Am learning that my food strategies are becomming more of who I am. We went to dinner on Saturday while we were Christmas shopping and I halved my meal (pasta with spinach, tomatoes, and asparagus) and I split a scoop of ice cream with my kids (i think we all three bites). I was fine. Then we walked around the mall for three hours.
Sunday, I fell victim to a dish of Hershey's minis. Jawz was the clear winner. Hmmm I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that I watched Jaws the movie on Sunday morning?
What I am finding very motivating are the comments I am getting from people. When I start to think about food, I remind myself how good it feels for someone to tell me how great I look.
Have been working my business too. IPAs everyday - although I am terrible about reporting them. I should try to get better at that. Momentum, momentum, momentum.
Talk to you all later.
Love, Tee
Sunday, I fell victim to a dish of Hershey's minis. Jawz was the clear winner. Hmmm I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that I watched Jaws the movie on Sunday morning?
What I am finding very motivating are the comments I am getting from people. When I start to think about food, I remind myself how good it feels for someone to tell me how great I look.
Have been working my business too. IPAs everyday - although I am terrible about reporting them. I should try to get better at that. Momentum, momentum, momentum.
Talk to you all later.
Love, Tee
Gerri's Sunday Post
Caught myself going after poison here and there today - won most of the time, not all. At least my digressions were earlier in the day so I was able to make sure I stayed active - hopefully balanced things out. Now off to bed for a good night's sleep!
Wow, what a weekend!
Hello Team Abundance,
I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! We accomplished so much ... entertained, shopped, decorated inside and out, finished cards etc. I really do love this time of year.
It's great to be busy and having fun ... NO time to think about food and lots of calorie burning activity.
I can't wait for our call tomorrow evening at 6. Just FYI, Gerri, Tee and I will have to be off the call at 7:15 for Discover Arbonne at Bethesda Euro Motorcars.
Hope to hear from each of you tonight and tomorrow. I love seeing so many posts.
Love, San
I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! We accomplished so much ... entertained, shopped, decorated inside and out, finished cards etc. I really do love this time of year.
It's great to be busy and having fun ... NO time to think about food and lots of calorie burning activity.
I can't wait for our call tomorrow evening at 6. Just FYI, Gerri, Tee and I will have to be off the call at 7:15 for Discover Arbonne at Bethesda Euro Motorcars.
Hope to hear from each of you tonight and tomorrow. I love seeing so many posts.
Love, San
Saturday's Checkin
Technically, it's Sunday, but I'm just now winding down from our dinner party and getting ready for bed, so it's still Saturday to me.
Overall, I'd say I did ok. Ate and drank in moderation - and at the end, with the few people that lingered late, I sat and drank water and talked. My head is clear, my stomach not stuffed, and I even gave little Arbonne gift bags to the two gals that were our help for the evening.
I am looking forward to getting back to my routine of grazing, doing IPAs and moving / exercising as much as possible. I have a business meeting with my early December hostess to talk about the business tomorrow (today...).
So much to look forward to and to be grateful for.
Wishing you all sweet dreams...or should I say healthy and happy dreams!.
Love and Hugs - Gerri
Overall, I'd say I did ok. Ate and drank in moderation - and at the end, with the few people that lingered late, I sat and drank water and talked. My head is clear, my stomach not stuffed, and I even gave little Arbonne gift bags to the two gals that were our help for the evening.
I am looking forward to getting back to my routine of grazing, doing IPAs and moving / exercising as much as possible. I have a business meeting with my early December hostess to talk about the business tomorrow (today...).
So much to look forward to and to be grateful for.
Wishing you all sweet dreams...or should I say healthy and happy dreams!.
Love and Hugs - Gerri
For Friday
It's Saturday morning and I realized I missed blogging Friday - so here is my post-Friday blog.
I started the day great and then downhill. Haven't had a day like this when I let jawz take control. Ate too much poison. Neither lunch nor dinner was that healthy. I know I had let myself get frustrated with my business. A client promised to call me - I had even seen her Thursday night - so I was sure she'd call. I did other business, but I kept waiting. Now I know I could have picked up the phone - things come up - no need to create a story - but once in a while I just want someone else to do what they say they are going to do. Needless to say, I let my guard down and jawz saw his chance. Ughhh!
So...today's a new day...and I recommit as I prepare for our big dinner party. I will graze sensibly today and tonight will be about moderation and relaxing and enjoying the company of friends.
I am so glad this isn't about guilt.
I started the day great and then downhill. Haven't had a day like this when I let jawz take control. Ate too much poison. Neither lunch nor dinner was that healthy. I know I had let myself get frustrated with my business. A client promised to call me - I had even seen her Thursday night - so I was sure she'd call. I did other business, but I kept waiting. Now I know I could have picked up the phone - things come up - no need to create a story - but once in a while I just want someone else to do what they say they are going to do. Needless to say, I let my guard down and jawz saw his chance. Ughhh!
So...today's a new day...and I recommit as I prepare for our big dinner party. I will graze sensibly today and tonight will be about moderation and relaxing and enjoying the company of friends.
I am so glad this isn't about guilt.
Friday from Tee
I just had lunch with some of my favorite gal pals. I relaxed and enjoyed myself with a soup and wonderful autumn salad. And I enjoyed some dessert - and I mean I enjoyed it. NO guilt. No beating myself up. Because a healthy fit person knows that moderation is key.
I hope you all have wonderful weekends. I am looking forward to some great family time.
Keep up the great work.
Much love,
I hope you all have wonderful weekends. I am looking forward to some great family time.
Keep up the great work.
Much love,
From Healthy Living ...
Healthy Living: The Holidays: Less Really is More
By Kelley Herring
So often, we lose the meaning of the holiday season in the hustle and bustle of "doing". There are meals to prepare, shopping to be done, gifts to wrap, and cards to mail. All of which can sap your energy, leaving you weary and flustered when guests finally arrive.
But through the years, I have learned two very important lessons that help to keep me relaxed and put my guests at ease:
#1 Plan ahead and #2 Keep it simple.
A great way to save time (and money too) is to plan ahead and shop online. In fact, there's no better way to hit 25 stores in 25 minutes to find that perfect cashmere sweater at the best price. They'll wrap it and ship it with just a few clicks of a mouse, usually for a lot less than you'd find at a department store.
What's more, you didn't waste time or gasoline milling about, possibly at the last minute to find that special gift. Make your list, turn on your favorite holiday tunes and shop in the comfort of your own home. It doesn't get much more stress-free than that!
We all look forward to the festive holiday dinner, but they too take a toll on us. Holiday fare needn't be elaborate or expensive to ensure happy guests. In fact, wholesome food, simply prepared is a perfect example of less equaling more.
Think slow roasted organic pork with fresh herbs, spice-rubbed winter squash, mixed greens with seasonal fruit. Simple flavors, quick preparation, and fast cleanup. Your guests will be delighted and you'll have energy to spare!
The holidays are a perfect time to reflect on our blessings, express our gratitude and connect with our loved ones. And with a little careful planning, you'll be able to focus on just that!
[Ed Note: Who says dessert can't be healthy? Nutrition expert Kelley Herring's brand-new recipe e-book, Guilt-Free Desserts, reveals 40 easy-to-make, mouthwateringly delicious, 100% healthy dessert recipes you can make at home. Order today, and you'll receive the e-book Healthy Holiday Hors d'Oeuvres for free.]
By Kelley Herring
So often, we lose the meaning of the holiday season in the hustle and bustle of "doing". There are meals to prepare, shopping to be done, gifts to wrap, and cards to mail. All of which can sap your energy, leaving you weary and flustered when guests finally arrive.
But through the years, I have learned two very important lessons that help to keep me relaxed and put my guests at ease:
#1 Plan ahead and #2 Keep it simple.
A great way to save time (and money too) is to plan ahead and shop online. In fact, there's no better way to hit 25 stores in 25 minutes to find that perfect cashmere sweater at the best price. They'll wrap it and ship it with just a few clicks of a mouse, usually for a lot less than you'd find at a department store.
What's more, you didn't waste time or gasoline milling about, possibly at the last minute to find that special gift. Make your list, turn on your favorite holiday tunes and shop in the comfort of your own home. It doesn't get much more stress-free than that!
We all look forward to the festive holiday dinner, but they too take a toll on us. Holiday fare needn't be elaborate or expensive to ensure happy guests. In fact, wholesome food, simply prepared is a perfect example of less equaling more.
Think slow roasted organic pork with fresh herbs, spice-rubbed winter squash, mixed greens with seasonal fruit. Simple flavors, quick preparation, and fast cleanup. Your guests will be delighted and you'll have energy to spare!
The holidays are a perfect time to reflect on our blessings, express our gratitude and connect with our loved ones. And with a little careful planning, you'll be able to focus on just that!
[Ed Note: Who says dessert can't be healthy? Nutrition expert Kelley Herring's brand-new recipe e-book, Guilt-Free Desserts, reveals 40 easy-to-make, mouthwateringly delicious, 100% healthy dessert recipes you can make at home. Order today, and you'll receive the e-book Healthy Holiday Hors d'Oeuvres for free.]
Hey beautiful woman!!
Just got home from my 12 shift, but it was a pretty slow day, didn't even have one delivery! Now it starts at work, all the Docs start sending in all that food. So far I've been good, but next week will be the real challenge and its all poison!!! Hopefully I can resist most if not all of these temptations. Tomorrow night is my Christmas party for work, its going to be a real challenge, we'll see how well or how bad I do. Talk to you tommorrow
Just got home from my 12 shift, but it was a pretty slow day, didn't even have one delivery! Now it starts at work, all the Docs start sending in all that food. So far I've been good, but next week will be the real challenge and its all poison!!! Hopefully I can resist most if not all of these temptations. Tomorrow night is my Christmas party for work, its going to be a real challenge, we'll see how well or how bad I do. Talk to you tommorrow
Thursday Progress
Happy Thursday all. It's been raining all day here in Maryland and every time I run into someone complaining about it, I do mention that it could be snow - that turns their attitude around!
Had a last minute lunch date with a friend from Verizon who was having a bad day, so we net and talked. I did get a salad and water with lemon and then only ate half the salad, so I count that as 2 points for Gerri on Mark's scoreboard. Overall did good on food today. Did not exercise but have been up and down stairs in our house more than usual getting ready for our dinner party on Saturday. I have decided to fix a plate of raw veggies to have out with the other appetizers. This will give me something to start with that I know is healthy - it will be interesting to see if I have to share it with anyone.
Doing IPAs every day. Getting in 4-5 'asks' a day. I know that consistency, whether with my health and fitness or with my business, is a key to success. Met a client at a networking mixer tonight and she's going to be putting in a small holiday order as well as working on a January date for a party - so feeling positive about this as well.
No big aha's or breakthrus, just a nice balanced day. I'll take those too!
Had a last minute lunch date with a friend from Verizon who was having a bad day, so we net and talked. I did get a salad and water with lemon and then only ate half the salad, so I count that as 2 points for Gerri on Mark's scoreboard. Overall did good on food today. Did not exercise but have been up and down stairs in our house more than usual getting ready for our dinner party on Saturday. I have decided to fix a plate of raw veggies to have out with the other appetizers. This will give me something to start with that I know is healthy - it will be interesting to see if I have to share it with anyone.
Doing IPAs every day. Getting in 4-5 'asks' a day. I know that consistency, whether with my health and fitness or with my business, is a key to success. Met a client at a networking mixer tonight and she's going to be putting in a small holiday order as well as working on a January date for a party - so feeling positive about this as well.
No big aha's or breakthrus, just a nice balanced day. I'll take those too!
Checking In
Hello Team,
Wow have I been crazy busy since Tuesday's Nation Meeting until this very minute. Actually Rog and I were supposed to meet friends for Midnight Madness tonight in Annapolis but it is pouring rain and the four of us cancelled. Actually, it would have been madness to go. Now I can hunker down and get my Christmas cards finished up! I love doing them. :-)
I had a pretty good food day, though it is so much harder on the run and I have been running.
Tomorrow morning I meet Gerri to walk and I love how great that feels.
I am making this ReIgnite Campaign work ... my third sign on for Dec will go in tonight!
More soon. Love you all, San
Wow have I been crazy busy since Tuesday's Nation Meeting until this very minute. Actually Rog and I were supposed to meet friends for Midnight Madness tonight in Annapolis but it is pouring rain and the four of us cancelled. Actually, it would have been madness to go. Now I can hunker down and get my Christmas cards finished up! I love doing them. :-)
I had a pretty good food day, though it is so much harder on the run and I have been running.
Tomorrow morning I meet Gerri to walk and I love how great that feels.
I am making this ReIgnite Campaign work ... my third sign on for Dec will go in tonight!
More soon. Love you all, San
Thursday from Tee
Hello Gals -
Craving chocolate covered caramels right now. Haven't given in. Having a successful food day so far. Working to stay busy with a conference I am working on so that JAWZ doesn't win this one. I must say I am pretty proud of the restraint I have had. Now is the time of year when all of our associates and vendors send the big boxes of Christmas goodies. Yesterday it was a five pound box of chocolates ( I had a couple). Today it was these ridiculous cookies that contained 12 grams of fat and 250 calories in HALF of the cookie. I did not give in to that.
I receive a daily quote from The Foundation for Better Living. Here is what came today:
“Our doubts are traitors And makes us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt.”
—William Shakespeare (1564-1616); quote from: Lucio, Act I, scene IV Measure for Measure
Amazes me how so many "messages" about fear and doubt are popping up this week. Reinforces what we are all working on.
Also having a good IPA day. Gotta keep on keepin on.
Love to all,
Craving chocolate covered caramels right now. Haven't given in. Having a successful food day so far. Working to stay busy with a conference I am working on so that JAWZ doesn't win this one. I must say I am pretty proud of the restraint I have had. Now is the time of year when all of our associates and vendors send the big boxes of Christmas goodies. Yesterday it was a five pound box of chocolates ( I had a couple). Today it was these ridiculous cookies that contained 12 grams of fat and 250 calories in HALF of the cookie. I did not give in to that.
I receive a daily quote from The Foundation for Better Living. Here is what came today:
“Our doubts are traitors And makes us lose the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt.”
—William Shakespeare (1564-1616); quote from: Lucio, Act I, scene IV Measure for Measure
Amazes me how so many "messages" about fear and doubt are popping up this week. Reinforces what we are all working on.
Also having a good IPA day. Gotta keep on keepin on.
Love to all,
Mixed Bag
Just read Mark's assignment about the scoreboard. I'll have to pay attention to this tomorrow - today I think jaws and I were going back and forth. I really did some good things - did my time on the elliptical. Had a shopping 'bump into' with 2 gals who work with DC Public Schools - let go of inhibitions and gave them my card and talked about opportunity for income - definitely NOT in my comfort zone! I also talked to a wholesale client about the Welcome Back offer - she was grateful for the info and will probably place an order this weekend.
But jaws also got in his points too. When I'm not busy and not focused I falter. I second guess what might happen and then I find myself spinning my wheels and hesitating. Had friends over for dinner and jaws got the better of me there too.
I know I need to focus on the positive - right?! Anything is better than nothing and I really did make progress today. And tomorrow is another day to beat jaws. So I'll wipe the scoreboard clean and start new tomorrow!
But jaws also got in his points too. When I'm not busy and not focused I falter. I second guess what might happen and then I find myself spinning my wheels and hesitating. Had friends over for dinner and jaws got the better of me there too.
I know I need to focus on the positive - right?! Anything is better than nothing and I really did make progress today. And tomorrow is another day to beat jaws. So I'll wipe the scoreboard clean and start new tomorrow!
Over the Hump
Hello You Beautiful Empowerful Women!! Just checking in with You! Had a good day, ate well and got to go for a walk this afternoon in balmy 64 degrees! Crazy weather, it was 9 degrees Monday night when I dropped off My Bubba Boy! Look forward to connecting with you all next Monday! Met with Kitty Gold from the Women's Club today, all set for my presentation next month.
I have been working on my sampling program and mining the Commons, it's working out nicely!
Much Love To You All!
More Later!
I have been working on my sampling program and mining the Commons, it's working out nicely!
Much Love To You All!
More Later!
Hi Everyone,
Trying to fit this in while cooking dinner, multitasking! Doing alot of cleaning for Christmas this week, didn't stop to eat lunch, bad but I'll do better tomorrow because I'm back to work, yuck! Working on my 100 list and finding it alittle hard to come up with all those names, I'm trying not to prejudge about who will or won't want this product. Just have to believe everyone wants this product or should. Any pointers on this process would be appreciated. Well gals gotta go and finish dinner have a great night and keep on keeping on
Trying to fit this in while cooking dinner, multitasking! Doing alot of cleaning for Christmas this week, didn't stop to eat lunch, bad but I'll do better tomorrow because I'm back to work, yuck! Working on my 100 list and finding it alittle hard to come up with all those names, I'm trying not to prejudge about who will or won't want this product. Just have to believe everyone wants this product or should. Any pointers on this process would be appreciated. Well gals gotta go and finish dinner have a great night and keep on keeping on
I am ....
off to Pilates followed by a Networking Meeting.
Working on all fronts. More later. Love, San
Working on all fronts. More later. Love, San
Assignments from Mark!
I have more fun assignments for you:
I want you to keep a scoreboard… on one side put your new name… (did I tell you that I want you to come up with a hero name for yourself… this will be the name of the person who slays jawz) on the other side write ‘jawz’.
I want you to give yourself a point every time you have an urge to do something that is inconsistent with your goals (snacking on carbs or sitting and watching TV instead of eating healthy veggies, doing something physical and fun, etc) but somehow manage to overcome that urge (whether it is by doing something else that generates positive brain chemistry, using will power or telling jawz you will give it a treat LATER etc). Every time you give in to the urge I want you to give jawz a point.
The game can go to five points or to ten points (YOU decide)… once you beat jawz with either five or ten wins in a row (meaning you need to overcome the urge five or ten times in a row without giving in to the urge) you WIN. Every time you win I want to reward yourself with something that is ‘rewarding’ but consistent with your goals. (You will need to make a list of what those rewards might be… a call to your granddaughter, etc). I also want you to send an announcement to your team that you won another game against jawz so they can be inspired AND celebrate with you.
By the way, jawz wins every single time you give in to an urge… even once. You want to have a consequence for every time jawz wins and a bigger one if you ever give in several times in a row.
I would also like you to start really enrolling your spouse (and friends and family members) in your goals and efforts… he needs to start participating and supporting you more and more in this process (it will be GREAT for HIM too of course).
I would also like you to consider doing something huge like disconnecting your TV for one year. Just think about how much more ‘living’ you (and your family) can do without that TV and how much easier it will be to burn calories and break the habit of ‘lounging’… and by the end of the year you will have formed new habits and become a different person which means you can turn the TV back on and it won’t have the same effect on you… or how about… you can turn it back on when you hit your target weight!!!! I REALLY LIKE THAT ONE!!!! And by then you might not WANT to turn it on. At least try going a month without it…
And Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want you to keep a scoreboard… on one side put your new name… (did I tell you that I want you to come up with a hero name for yourself… this will be the name of the person who slays jawz) on the other side write ‘jawz’.
I want you to give yourself a point every time you have an urge to do something that is inconsistent with your goals (snacking on carbs or sitting and watching TV instead of eating healthy veggies, doing something physical and fun, etc) but somehow manage to overcome that urge (whether it is by doing something else that generates positive brain chemistry, using will power or telling jawz you will give it a treat LATER etc). Every time you give in to the urge I want you to give jawz a point.
The game can go to five points or to ten points (YOU decide)… once you beat jawz with either five or ten wins in a row (meaning you need to overcome the urge five or ten times in a row without giving in to the urge) you WIN. Every time you win I want to reward yourself with something that is ‘rewarding’ but consistent with your goals. (You will need to make a list of what those rewards might be… a call to your granddaughter, etc). I also want you to send an announcement to your team that you won another game against jawz so they can be inspired AND celebrate with you.
By the way, jawz wins every single time you give in to an urge… even once. You want to have a consequence for every time jawz wins and a bigger one if you ever give in several times in a row.
I would also like you to start really enrolling your spouse (and friends and family members) in your goals and efforts… he needs to start participating and supporting you more and more in this process (it will be GREAT for HIM too of course).
I would also like you to consider doing something huge like disconnecting your TV for one year. Just think about how much more ‘living’ you (and your family) can do without that TV and how much easier it will be to burn calories and break the habit of ‘lounging’… and by the end of the year you will have formed new habits and become a different person which means you can turn the TV back on and it won’t have the same effect on you… or how about… you can turn it back on when you hit your target weight!!!! I REALLY LIKE THAT ONE!!!! And by then you might not WANT to turn it on. At least try going a month without it…
And Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday from Tee
Good Morning to all!
Two out of five calls made. Looking to work on five again today. Something is better than nothing. My business will grow and I will change my family's bottom line. More importantly - I will change other people's lives with this opportunity.
The break through is coming. I can feel it - for all of us. Start visualizing the fabulous outfit for the walk across the stage as a newly minted NVP. Start visualizing the team you have built and the lives you have changed. Start visualizing the ways you can give back once you have earned time and financial freedom. This is it. We are on our way.
So on "Hump Day" I want to remind us all that we can get over any hump as long as we remember our healthy, fit principles and apply them to our personal health and wellness and the health and wellness of our businesses.
Love you all.
Two out of five calls made. Looking to work on five again today. Something is better than nothing. My business will grow and I will change my family's bottom line. More importantly - I will change other people's lives with this opportunity.
The break through is coming. I can feel it - for all of us. Start visualizing the fabulous outfit for the walk across the stage as a newly minted NVP. Start visualizing the team you have built and the lives you have changed. Start visualizing the ways you can give back once you have earned time and financial freedom. This is it. We are on our way.
So on "Hump Day" I want to remind us all that we can get over any hump as long as we remember our healthy, fit principles and apply them to our personal health and wellness and the health and wellness of our businesses.
Love you all.
Good Wednesday Morning,
I am checking in before my busy day starts to say ... today I feel like I can go all the way!
All the way to living in a state of joy and contribution to others, all the way to E! H & F which includes but is so much more than reaching my goal weight and all the way to ENVP!
Sending you Love and Light, San
"Anything is Better than Nothing"
I am checking in before my busy day starts to say ... today I feel like I can go all the way!
All the way to living in a state of joy and contribution to others, all the way to E! H & F which includes but is so much more than reaching my goal weight and all the way to ENVP!
Sending you Love and Light, San
"Anything is Better than Nothing"
Its still Tuesday
Hi Guys,
Well its 11:45 but its still Tuesday!!!! Loved last nights call, listen to everything Mark has to say but its still so hard for me with my business. I'm starting from the beginning, with getting started and hopefully things will go different this time. I too want this business so bad I can taste it, but theres something there thats holding me back and I'm not even sure what it is! I just know I'm really committed to make a go of it this time, the most important thing is we are offering an awesome product with an awesome company, so I guess we just have to keep thinking about the fact that we are sharing something everyone should know about for their own good!!
Thanks for being there everyone!
Lots of love
Well its 11:45 but its still Tuesday!!!! Loved last nights call, listen to everything Mark has to say but its still so hard for me with my business. I'm starting from the beginning, with getting started and hopefully things will go different this time. I too want this business so bad I can taste it, but theres something there thats holding me back and I'm not even sure what it is! I just know I'm really committed to make a go of it this time, the most important thing is we are offering an awesome product with an awesome company, so I guess we just have to keep thinking about the fact that we are sharing something everyone should know about for their own good!!
Thanks for being there everyone!
Lots of love
Wow...I'm impressed with the blogs and the excitement. What a good idea to do something each day. Right now I'm obsessed with having a great Christmas and worried about financial insecurity. Arbonne would be the key and I really love the products. I need to believe that even though people are struggling this is a good offer and opportunity. I WILL become healthy and fit and a great power of example.
God Bless
God Bless
Anything is Better than Nothing
Mark reminds us that in our Arbonne business, "Anything is Better than Nothing".
This principle has certainly served me well in Health and Fitness so I am going to start applying it to my Arbonne business as well!
This principle has certainly served me well in Health and Fitness so I am going to start applying it to my Arbonne business as well!
Standing makes Calling Easier
I really do notice a difference in my body when I'm standing to make calls versus sitting. When I'm sitting, I find my shoulder tend to hunch over, making me physically less open, which also affects my thoughts. When I stand, my back is more naturally straight, shoulders back, and I'm able to move around more easily and view more around me, making me open to more things, which also makes my conversations more open.
Now, like Tee, I've got a long way to go. I'm still a novice in many respects in learning how to ask. And my mind struggles as much as my hand does when it comes to picking up the phone and punching in those numbers. I'm willing to work on this tho, because what I am offering is so very, very special.
So here's to standing up for believing in my Arbonne business!
Now, like Tee, I've got a long way to go. I'm still a novice in many respects in learning how to ask. And my mind struggles as much as my hand does when it comes to picking up the phone and punching in those numbers. I'm willing to work on this tho, because what I am offering is so very, very special.
So here's to standing up for believing in my Arbonne business!
Hello Team,
I loved Mark's coaching last night.
My goal is to be half as passionate about life as Mark ... even that would be a gift to me and to the world. Thinking about you all. Love, San
I loved Mark's coaching last night.
My goal is to be half as passionate about life as Mark ... even that would be a gift to me and to the world. Thinking about you all. Love, San
Tuesday from Tee
So, I am sitting on the metro reading the paper and I took a look at my horoscope. I generally read the horoscope everyday but today struck me for how close it was to our discussion last night. Here is what it said:
PISCES - Make calls and schedule meetings. Others seek you out as well. Your ability to organize and handle a tough situation emerges. If you have a great gift idea, start pricing it now rather than wait. Tonight, play Santa's elf.
Make calls and schedule meetings! There it is in black and white. A direct order from the astrological gods. How can I ignore it? How can I ignore Pisces? Today, I vow to call five people and ask them to host. I am going to live in the moment, savoring each number pressed as a victory over fear and projecting into the future. I'll let you know the results.
Also, tonight I do get to play Santa's elf since we are dropping off our Ronald McDonald House gifts tonight.
So, let's see if a direct order from my star sign pushes me over the fear hump.
Love to you all.
PISCES - Make calls and schedule meetings. Others seek you out as well. Your ability to organize and handle a tough situation emerges. If you have a great gift idea, start pricing it now rather than wait. Tonight, play Santa's elf.
Make calls and schedule meetings! There it is in black and white. A direct order from the astrological gods. How can I ignore it? How can I ignore Pisces? Today, I vow to call five people and ask them to host. I am going to live in the moment, savoring each number pressed as a victory over fear and projecting into the future. I'll let you know the results.
Also, tonight I do get to play Santa's elf since we are dropping off our Ronald McDonald House gifts tonight.
So, let's see if a direct order from my star sign pushes me over the fear hump.
Love to you all.
Monday from Tee
I had to jump off the call right before it ended - My 8:00pm meeting thought the meeting was at 7:00pm. Hopefully, I didn't miss too much.
I enjoyed the call tonight. It was key to me that San brought up applying what we have learned to our businesses. I feel like the healthy and fit principles are becoming more of who I am each day. Not to say that I don't have slip ups. But my attitude toward food and health has definitely changed. But, I am stuck in my business. The success of my business is actually critical to shoring up my family's finances. I know what to do, why I do it, and how important moving my business forward is. Yet, I am stuck.
I know Mark talked about living in the moment and that we can't worry about the future but that feels like a harder message to rewrite than all of the stuff around food.
I want this business so badly I can taste it. I can talk about the product until I am blue in the face. I bask in the almost daily compliments about my skin and hair. Yet, when it comes to the ASK, I seize up in almost every situation.
I will work on what Mark said, and I will pick up the phone and live in the moment of dialing the numbers and just move through things one step at a time and try not to project what will happen. This will be my challenge for the week. To see how many people I can call and live in the moment while I am doing it. I'll keep you posted.
It amazes me how much baggage I need to get through to get what I want and be in a position to fully take it all in.
Love you all -
I enjoyed the call tonight. It was key to me that San brought up applying what we have learned to our businesses. I feel like the healthy and fit principles are becoming more of who I am each day. Not to say that I don't have slip ups. But my attitude toward food and health has definitely changed. But, I am stuck in my business. The success of my business is actually critical to shoring up my family's finances. I know what to do, why I do it, and how important moving my business forward is. Yet, I am stuck.
I know Mark talked about living in the moment and that we can't worry about the future but that feels like a harder message to rewrite than all of the stuff around food.
I want this business so badly I can taste it. I can talk about the product until I am blue in the face. I bask in the almost daily compliments about my skin and hair. Yet, when it comes to the ASK, I seize up in almost every situation.
I will work on what Mark said, and I will pick up the phone and live in the moment of dialing the numbers and just move through things one step at a time and try not to project what will happen. This will be my challenge for the week. To see how many people I can call and live in the moment while I am doing it. I'll keep you posted.
It amazes me how much baggage I need to get through to get what I want and be in a position to fully take it all in.
Love you all -
Encouragement Really Helps
Thanks for your blog. As I read about you preparing for your swim, not letting inertia stop you, and choosing to do the do anyway, I felt inspired.
I woke this morning thinking of you and your commitment, and that made it easier for me to get up, get my exercise clothes on and get on the elliptical.
It's amazing how much sharing makes a difference.
Thanks for giving me a boost!
Thanks for your blog. As I read about you preparing for your swim, not letting inertia stop you, and choosing to do the do anyway, I felt inspired.
I woke this morning thinking of you and your commitment, and that made it easier for me to get up, get my exercise clothes on and get on the elliptical.
It's amazing how much sharing makes a difference.
Thanks for giving me a boost!
Doin the do
Nice Blog Gerri
I still haven't figured out the things I like to do altho' yours sounded wonderful. I would like the tree to be up and decorated and the house to be warm, but what I'm doing is packing my gym bag so I can get up @ 6 and go to the Y in the morning and visualize the freezing cold water to be warm. And I'll be grateful gosh darn that I'm taking care of myself.
I wish I could get to where San is...right now.
Peace and love,
I still haven't figured out the things I like to do altho' yours sounded wonderful. I would like the tree to be up and decorated and the house to be warm, but what I'm doing is packing my gym bag so I can get up @ 6 and go to the Y in the morning and visualize the freezing cold water to be warm. And I'll be grateful gosh darn that I'm taking care of myself.
I wish I could get to where San is...right now.
Peace and love,
Winter Challenges
Oh my - how the old habits of winter months tug at me strongly! Winter, for me is about reading good books, sipping on something hot, which sometimes means hot chocolate and all this while having a nice soft and warm afghan wrapped around me and music in the background.
I am finding it a bit challenging to create new healthy and fit habits in place of these comfort habits. I have to thank my husband, Mark, yesterday for asking me when I was going to exercise - I was actually considering not - his question prompted me to take the step to get into my exercise clothes and get on the elliptical. I may need to ask him for more prompting until this becomes more natural. I still haven't exercised yet today.
I hadn't realized how much this seasonal change would throw me a curve ball. I do know that I'm still eating healthier, tho I did have a couple of small pieces of pizza the other night along with a nice spinach salad. I just find myself not as motivated to move.
Looking forward to our call tomorrow night to get that fire burning a bit more brightly under my feet!
Love you all,
I am finding it a bit challenging to create new healthy and fit habits in place of these comfort habits. I have to thank my husband, Mark, yesterday for asking me when I was going to exercise - I was actually considering not - his question prompted me to take the step to get into my exercise clothes and get on the elliptical. I may need to ask him for more prompting until this becomes more natural. I still haven't exercised yet today.
I hadn't realized how much this seasonal change would throw me a curve ball. I do know that I'm still eating healthier, tho I did have a couple of small pieces of pizza the other night along with a nice spinach salad. I just find myself not as motivated to move.
Looking forward to our call tomorrow night to get that fire burning a bit more brightly under my feet!
Love you all,
I woke up this morning ...
Good Morning Team~Abundance, I woke early this morning full of ...
Overflowing LOVE for Rog and my family
Gratitude for my healthy and fit (and becoming more so all the time) body and mind
Joy at the prospect of my Elissa, Ade and Maddie spending two weeks here for Christmas
Excitement about each of YOU and our Empowerful! Health & Fitness progress
Positive expectation for the healing and growth in the days ahead for the USA
Love and gratitude that we are working with Mark and helping each other become the women we want and deserve to be
Anticipation for all the great things headed our way via Arbonne
Recommitted to set the example that my goals are attainable and worth it!
.... and I just wanted to share these thoughts with you.
With My Love and Support, San
Overflowing LOVE for Rog and my family
Gratitude for my healthy and fit (and becoming more so all the time) body and mind
Joy at the prospect of my Elissa, Ade and Maddie spending two weeks here for Christmas
Excitement about each of YOU and our Empowerful! Health & Fitness progress
Positive expectation for the healing and growth in the days ahead for the USA
Love and gratitude that we are working with Mark and helping each other become the women we want and deserve to be
Anticipation for all the great things headed our way via Arbonne
Recommitted to set the example that my goals are attainable and worth it!
.... and I just wanted to share these thoughts with you.
With My Love and Support, San
Having a Rough Day
Work - Feh! I will be so glad when my time is my own and the business is mine to run. I am stewing over a mistake I made at work - not something I normally do- not bragging just the fact that I am good at my job - so when it happens, it feels gigantic to me. I'd love to indulge in some comfort food. Instead I will have a Clif Bar and a couple of clementines. When I am this hard on myself, food pops immediately to my mind. I will not give in this time. I'll keep my goals in mind - the spa day is going to be worth it.
I also think about how amazing Gerri looks - very inspiring to do the right thing.
Love you all - Tee
I also think about how amazing Gerri looks - very inspiring to do the right thing.
Love you all - Tee
Loving My Ritual ...
I just wanted to share how much I am enjoying my morning ritual.
It is not complete by any means as I'd like to add stretching and journaling but it's a start.
I spend 5-10 mins making my first cup of Detox Tea, my first NRG drink, my fantastic Protein~Fiber Shake breakfast and making up a little bowl of supplements including the two more NRG tablets for the day.
As I eat an Arbonne Chew, I roll up the wrapper and put it in the dish so I can count how many I have had during the day.
This just helps me to stay on track. Off to errands. 'See' you all tonight. xoxo
It is not complete by any means as I'd like to add stretching and journaling but it's a start.
I spend 5-10 mins making my first cup of Detox Tea, my first NRG drink, my fantastic Protein~Fiber Shake breakfast and making up a little bowl of supplements including the two more NRG tablets for the day.
As I eat an Arbonne Chew, I roll up the wrapper and put it in the dish so I can count how many I have had during the day.
This just helps me to stay on track. Off to errands. 'See' you all tonight. xoxo
Does Close Count?
Good Morning ladies and gent! Thanksgiving weekend was a nice one for me. I felt pleasantly sated from dinner, small amounts, no seconds, and no desire for more. I enjoyed being with Mark's family and continue to be amazed at the unending energy of my two nieces. Saturday Mark and I took a long walk around the lake at Centennial Park - he kept stopping to look at birds, I kept walking and retraced my steps a few times to allow us to walk together. And then I made great progress on decorating for the Christmas holidays!
I ended November at 148.5 - a 1/2 pound short of my goal. And what's great about that is that I lost 5.5 pounds last month! Being able to lose weight this time of year really is empowering. And now I'm looking at December goals. I am committed to a goal of reaching 143 pounds by the end of this month.
And I am recommitting to getting some focus on my core. I didn't do so well incorporating that last month, and it's nice to know that I can keep working on it! I found a pilates studio on line that is at Savage Mill - a old mill about 5 minutes from my house that is converted to shops, restaurants, artist's studios and more. And it's something where I can pay by the class, not a monthly membership, which is what I'd rather have right now. I also found a pilates show on TV and I've set it to tape just in case I'm busy at the time the show is on.
It's one thing to set these goals. It's quite another to share them. I know that by sharing them with you, it makes my commitment stronger, not because of additional pressure, but because I know you're cheering me on, just as I am cheering each of you.
So here's to a healthy, happy, and activity-filled December for all of us!
Much Love - Gerri
I ended November at 148.5 - a 1/2 pound short of my goal. And what's great about that is that I lost 5.5 pounds last month! Being able to lose weight this time of year really is empowering. And now I'm looking at December goals. I am committed to a goal of reaching 143 pounds by the end of this month.
And I am recommitting to getting some focus on my core. I didn't do so well incorporating that last month, and it's nice to know that I can keep working on it! I found a pilates studio on line that is at Savage Mill - a old mill about 5 minutes from my house that is converted to shops, restaurants, artist's studios and more. And it's something where I can pay by the class, not a monthly membership, which is what I'd rather have right now. I also found a pilates show on TV and I've set it to tape just in case I'm busy at the time the show is on.
It's one thing to set these goals. It's quite another to share them. I know that by sharing them with you, it makes my commitment stronger, not because of additional pressure, but because I know you're cheering me on, just as I am cheering each of you.
So here's to a healthy, happy, and activity-filled December for all of us!
Much Love - Gerri
The wonderful Trampoline
Exercise for the cells
Toxins or poisons can congrgate in the cells of the body for a number of reasons. They may have been introduced by ourselves, by smoking for example, or they may have entered through a cut or other broken skin, or by entering through the nose or mouth. Some toxins are produced during the normal course of the metabolic process. Most are fought off by the immune system and removed naturally through organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon and skin in the form of urine, feces and exhalation of air.
It is thought that the G force exerted on the body by the bodies motion on a trampoline, helps to "push out" the toxins and airborne the lower cell pressure permits the influx of nutrients and oxygen thus improving cell "exercise".
Bouncing for a healthy heart
Exercising on a trampoline has several benefits in terms of the body's cardiovascular system:
1- Increases strength and fitness of the muscles, especially of the legs to lighten the load on the heart when pumping blood around the body
2-Increases oxygen availability throughout the body
3-Maintains a healthy body weight and lessens the likelihood of obesity
4-Aids lymphatic circulation
5-Reduces levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
6-Stimulates the metabolism and digestive processes
Bones of Steel
Well, perhaps not quite, but it has been shown that this sort of high impace exercise, improves the bones mineral content and therefore the density of bones lessening the likelihood of fracures due to osteoporoses. Unlike other high impact exercise such as jogging, the bounciness of the trampoline absorbs the down force and won't cause jarring of the load bearing joints or spine.
Trampolining helps to develop motor skills because of the need to maintain height and balance simultaneously while responding to gravitational forces. Thus, all sides of the body and brain are involved in the exercise. You don't need a large trampoling to be able to benefit in the above benefits, small, portable ones, known as a rebounder will do just as well.
Toxins or poisons can congrgate in the cells of the body for a number of reasons. They may have been introduced by ourselves, by smoking for example, or they may have entered through a cut or other broken skin, or by entering through the nose or mouth. Some toxins are produced during the normal course of the metabolic process. Most are fought off by the immune system and removed naturally through organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon and skin in the form of urine, feces and exhalation of air.
It is thought that the G force exerted on the body by the bodies motion on a trampoline, helps to "push out" the toxins and airborne the lower cell pressure permits the influx of nutrients and oxygen thus improving cell "exercise".
Bouncing for a healthy heart
Exercising on a trampoline has several benefits in terms of the body's cardiovascular system:
1- Increases strength and fitness of the muscles, especially of the legs to lighten the load on the heart when pumping blood around the body
2-Increases oxygen availability throughout the body
3-Maintains a healthy body weight and lessens the likelihood of obesity
4-Aids lymphatic circulation
5-Reduces levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
6-Stimulates the metabolism and digestive processes
Bones of Steel
Well, perhaps not quite, but it has been shown that this sort of high impace exercise, improves the bones mineral content and therefore the density of bones lessening the likelihood of fracures due to osteoporoses. Unlike other high impact exercise such as jogging, the bounciness of the trampoline absorbs the down force and won't cause jarring of the load bearing joints or spine.
Trampolining helps to develop motor skills because of the need to maintain height and balance simultaneously while responding to gravitational forces. Thus, all sides of the body and brain are involved in the exercise. You don't need a large trampoling to be able to benefit in the above benefits, small, portable ones, known as a rebounder will do just as well.
Hope all you wonderful ladies had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!! We celebrated the day before Thanksgiving because I had to work on Thanksgiving day. There was lots of food, but most important lots of family and friends!!! We had a wonderful time, and I did pretty well with the food. The focus of the day was gratitude for all the blessings we have and just enjoying each others company. I thought about each and everyone of you and thanked God for having you all in my life. Over the last months, I've begun to realize that maybe I can fit in, and what a fabulous group to fit in with!!! Thanks for your words of encouragement Kate, they really meant alot to me!!! You guys are the very best and my prayers for all your successes are with each of you each day. Thanks again for each of you being the person you are! I do love you!!!
Hello Gorgeous, Healthy Women!
It's been great to read about your journeys to Empowerful! Health and Fitness. I love all of the wisdom and love being shared. We really ROCK!
This was a very different holiday for me, actually from a Spiritual perspective the past five or so years I have taken the emphasis off the food and put it on Gratitude and Giving.
This year, I didn't have to cook BUT where I was the food and stress were abundant. Food just wasn't that much of the event for me. I ate tiny portions and I have to laugh ... the kids are so wrapped up in their own drama that they not only didn't notice my portions but didn't notice our weight loss either!
One thing that happened is that I attracted another cold, really twice in one month is some kind of record for me. It took even more emphasis off the food, it's hard to eat when you can't breathe. So, WHAT's GREAT ABOUT THAT is that I lost two pounds over the weekend.
So, I am thrilled to say that after a full month long plateau, I am recommitting to my weight loss journey. Starting at 172, I am adjusting my December 31st Goal to 166 and I haven't seen the 160's since 1988!!
I look forward to getting caught up with all of you tomorrow night.
If you can join me early, I will be on the conference line by 5:45.
Love, Gratitude and Health! San
It's been great to read about your journeys to Empowerful! Health and Fitness. I love all of the wisdom and love being shared. We really ROCK!
This was a very different holiday for me, actually from a Spiritual perspective the past five or so years I have taken the emphasis off the food and put it on Gratitude and Giving.
This year, I didn't have to cook BUT where I was the food and stress were abundant. Food just wasn't that much of the event for me. I ate tiny portions and I have to laugh ... the kids are so wrapped up in their own drama that they not only didn't notice my portions but didn't notice our weight loss either!
One thing that happened is that I attracted another cold, really twice in one month is some kind of record for me. It took even more emphasis off the food, it's hard to eat when you can't breathe. So, WHAT's GREAT ABOUT THAT is that I lost two pounds over the weekend.
So, I am thrilled to say that after a full month long plateau, I am recommitting to my weight loss journey. Starting at 172, I am adjusting my December 31st Goal to 166 and I haven't seen the 160's since 1988!!
I look forward to getting caught up with all of you tomorrow night.
If you can join me early, I will be on the conference line by 5:45.
Love, Gratitude and Health! San
The Day After..
Hope you are all well. I took a nice walk last night after dinner and I took a walk with the dog this morning. I did the dishes last night and I have been on a cleaning binge all day today. My tree is up and my mantle is decorated. I will be on a hunt for fresh greens later this week. I also intend to paint two bathrooms. So, if I don't lose a pound this weekend it won't be because I didn't try.
Love to you all.
Love to you all.
Laugh it up
Health Tip of the Day"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"
According to Dr. Diane Snustad at the University of Virginia, one hundred laughs are equal to 15 minutes on the stationary bike.
According to Dr. Diane Snustad at the University of Virginia, one hundred laughs are equal to 15 minutes on the stationary bike.
Thanks and Giving
I am giving thanks this morning that this team came into my life and that San and Mark chose us to be the ones. My 91 year old mom is at the house with us and I am making sure she is having a wonderful time...my gifts to my family are me being present.
Here is a card for all of you...I hope you can open it.
PUMPKIN PIE <http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=HY27482779>
Happy Thanksgiving
Love, Kate
Here is a card for all of you...I hope you can open it.
PUMPKIN PIE <http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=HY27482779>
Happy Thanksgiving
Love, Kate
My Gratitude to Each of You
It's Thanksgiving morning. Mark and I are starting our prep for the dishes we are taking over his sister's home for our family gathering today. I am having my conversations with myself and with jawz. I've decided that jawz doesn't deserve center stage today (and going forward). I have decided that I will see him in lower case from now on. When I capitalize 'jawz' I am giving him more power than he deserves.
Instead, today I have Kate, Tee, Ginny, Suzanne, San and Mark in MY corner - filling me with gratitude for your friendship, support, wisdom, honesty and trust. Thru these past two months I have gained so much from this Empowerful journey we are on together. I still take steps back, AND I take many, many more forward. I celebrate each of you today and always. I wouldn't have gotten to this place, this weight, this sense of confidence that the changes are real, without you.
A part of me is wherever you are today. So celebrate today with me.
With Love and Gratitude,
Instead, today I have Kate, Tee, Ginny, Suzanne, San and Mark in MY corner - filling me with gratitude for your friendship, support, wisdom, honesty and trust. Thru these past two months I have gained so much from this Empowerful journey we are on together. I still take steps back, AND I take many, many more forward. I celebrate each of you today and always. I wouldn't have gotten to this place, this weight, this sense of confidence that the changes are real, without you.
A part of me is wherever you are today. So celebrate today with me.
With Love and Gratitude,
Where is the "Exercise Queen"?
Okay now Suzanne, if I can exercise, you can. I would love to see you regain your title....if you start I will send you a crown...no kidding.
This morning it was miserable...raining, cold, windy. That alarm went off...ouch...but I went...it's become a habit. I think it took about 3 weeks and then it became second nature. I'm actually shocked that this can be done. I just go. It's like automatic pilot. And the pride I feel after is like fireworks going off in my chest. I switched to going before work instead of on my lunch hour and I'm not a morning person, I'm a night owl.
I identify with you...take the first step.
Great call last night. I feel motivated. I love myself and all of you.
My short term goals...
to be able to put socks on while sitting in a chair. ( I go to work without socks cause I can't reach past my belly)
to be able to get out of the pool without the handicap stairs.
Love, Kate
This morning it was miserable...raining, cold, windy. That alarm went off...ouch...but I went...it's become a habit. I think it took about 3 weeks and then it became second nature. I'm actually shocked that this can be done. I just go. It's like automatic pilot. And the pride I feel after is like fireworks going off in my chest. I switched to going before work instead of on my lunch hour and I'm not a morning person, I'm a night owl.
I identify with you...take the first step.
Great call last night. I feel motivated. I love myself and all of you.
My short term goals...
to be able to put socks on while sitting in a chair. ( I go to work without socks cause I can't reach past my belly)
to be able to get out of the pool without the handicap stairs.
Love, Kate
Wonderfull call tonight
"Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations,but about your unfulfilled potential.Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,but with what it is still possible for you to do." Pope John XXIII
Thank you everyone for all of your support. I am going to use all of these great ideas and make this a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude.
Love, Kate
Thank you everyone for all of your support. I am going to use all of these great ideas and make this a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude.
Love, Kate
Lotosing weight over Tee Day
Hello Gals -
Look for a Turkey Trot activity in your area. We have a 5K Turkey Trot here in Montgomery County on Thanksgiving morning that benefits our local YMCA. A lot of families walk or run it together.
Sending you all super JAWZ fighting powers.
Look for a Turkey Trot activity in your area. We have a 5K Turkey Trot here in Montgomery County on Thanksgiving morning that benefits our local YMCA. A lot of families walk or run it together.
Sending you all super JAWZ fighting powers.
Whacking JAWZ on Thanksgiving
Hey - I figured if I'm the first to blog on this, I've got lots of options to tell about!
Here are a couple of tips I found on how to lose weight on Thanksgiving:
1 - Don't save calories from earlier meals for "the big one." You'll inevitably get too hungry and overeat to compensate for missing those meals. Graze, graze, graze. Drink your water (with Arbonne's fizzy tablet!). Then, you won't be too famished to practice portion control when dinnertime arrives.
2 - Don't Sleep it Off. Triptophan is a worthy adversary, but fight the urge to nap the evening away. Move more than usual -- take a walk -- or play with the kids -- or volunteer to do the dishes -- do anything that will help burn off a few more calories - not just Thursday - but that entire weekend. I've already told Mark we're doing our Christmas decorating that weekend so there's some extra effort planned in my weekend!
Here are a couple of tips I found on how to lose weight on Thanksgiving:
1 - Don't save calories from earlier meals for "the big one." You'll inevitably get too hungry and overeat to compensate for missing those meals. Graze, graze, graze. Drink your water (with Arbonne's fizzy tablet!). Then, you won't be too famished to practice portion control when dinnertime arrives.
2 - Don't Sleep it Off. Triptophan is a worthy adversary, but fight the urge to nap the evening away. Move more than usual -- take a walk -- or play with the kids -- or volunteer to do the dishes -- do anything that will help burn off a few more calories - not just Thursday - but that entire weekend. I've already told Mark we're doing our Christmas decorating that weekend so there's some extra effort planned in my weekend!
Happy Tee Day
As Thanksgiving Day (T-Day) approaches, I admit to looking forward to the feast that our family puts together every year. The food is plentiful and the flavor is divine. However, I am approaching the 10 pounds off mark and I had two terrible food days this past weekend (cake and cookies and ice cream - oh my!), so I am determined to get back on track and stay on track. If I can get to 165 by December 31st (I started at 180) then I will have earned my day at Elizabeth Arden. I know I can do it. I just need to make this T-Day more of a Tee Day.
I will use a smaller plate and take a taste of everything. Then I will get up and step away from the table. I will start the pots and pans while everyone else goes for seconds and thirds. I too, will invite everyone for a brisk walk after the dishes are done.
I realized that like San, I have had a block in terms of the pounds I am able to lose. Getting 10 pounds off has always seemed do-able but beyond that and I am in a rut. I want to push through the 10 pound barrier and hit 165. When I hit that goal weight, I will spend the day at the spa and then start on my second goal of losing 10 more.
I am grateful everyday for the support of this group but the coming Thanksgivng holiday magnifies that gratitude. This has been an amazing adventure and the transformations we have all made are stunning. Most importantly, I think we all now believe that anything is possible. How amazing is that! That belief is what is going to carry us all to the top of our business and to the top of who we are as fit, healthy, centered, grateful people.
Here's to whacking Jawz in the head with a turkey leg (versus eating the Turkey Leg like I would have done last year!)
Love you all,
I will use a smaller plate and take a taste of everything. Then I will get up and step away from the table. I will start the pots and pans while everyone else goes for seconds and thirds. I too, will invite everyone for a brisk walk after the dishes are done.
I realized that like San, I have had a block in terms of the pounds I am able to lose. Getting 10 pounds off has always seemed do-able but beyond that and I am in a rut. I want to push through the 10 pound barrier and hit 165. When I hit that goal weight, I will spend the day at the spa and then start on my second goal of losing 10 more.
I am grateful everyday for the support of this group but the coming Thanksgivng holiday magnifies that gratitude. This has been an amazing adventure and the transformations we have all made are stunning. Most importantly, I think we all now believe that anything is possible. How amazing is that! That belief is what is going to carry us all to the top of our business and to the top of who we are as fit, healthy, centered, grateful people.
Here's to whacking Jawz in the head with a turkey leg (versus eating the Turkey Leg like I would have done last year!)
Love you all,
Thanksgiving and the New ME
Can Thanksgiving really be just a few short days away? It seems like only a few short weeks ago we began this Empowerful! Health and Fitness adventure.
I know I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving for many reasons. JAWZ may think he's got an upper hand with tradition and family on his side, bringing in the reinforcements to encourage extra eating. I know I'm going to surprise him.
I'm feeling much too good about the progress I have made to spoil that progress to play with JAWZ. 12 pounds to date! I am looking forward to going over my sister-in-law's house and playing with my nieces - I may even let them convince me to play with them before AND after the meal! I do plan on eating some healthy veggies and plenty of water before leaving our house. I will make sure that more of my plate will be devoted to healthy items. Mark is making this great dish with brussel sprouts (didn't someone blog about that?!) and carmelized onions. And I know I want to stop eating before I feel full.
I am so grateful for each and every one of you, for the support I feel, for the things I am learning, for the ways I am changing. I want my family to see by my actions, even more than by my words, that I AM different. I can focus on enjoying their company and on reflecting the many other things I am grateful for in this life.
Looking forward to spending time with you on the call tomorrow night!
I know I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving for many reasons. JAWZ may think he's got an upper hand with tradition and family on his side, bringing in the reinforcements to encourage extra eating. I know I'm going to surprise him.
I'm feeling much too good about the progress I have made to spoil that progress to play with JAWZ. 12 pounds to date! I am looking forward to going over my sister-in-law's house and playing with my nieces - I may even let them convince me to play with them before AND after the meal! I do plan on eating some healthy veggies and plenty of water before leaving our house. I will make sure that more of my plate will be devoted to healthy items. Mark is making this great dish with brussel sprouts (didn't someone blog about that?!) and carmelized onions. And I know I want to stop eating before I feel full.
I am so grateful for each and every one of you, for the support I feel, for the things I am learning, for the ways I am changing. I want my family to see by my actions, even more than by my words, that I AM different. I can focus on enjoying their company and on reflecting the many other things I am grateful for in this life.
Looking forward to spending time with you on the call tomorrow night!
Where did we all go?!
Hello Team~Abundance,
If you are like me you have been using this time prior to Thanksgiving to work your business! I have had two vendor shows, one group, one networking event and lots of one on ones so I apologize for being among the missing!
How are you approaching Thanksgiving? With our E! H&F program we have new tools to handle the extra stress and calories. I had a great conversation with Gerri and we both feel like jaws is in for a big surprise this year!
For my Thanksgiving ... We are not cooking and we are spending the holiday with my stepson's mother ... otherwise known as Roger's first wife. I know, many think we are nuts but this is about what is right for my family and the fact that we are mature adults with big hearts. I never wanted to be one of those family's where the kids have to eat two turkey dinners to keep everyone happy. :-)
I know that my family will notice the way I look ... 23 pounds less than last year!!!
They will probably also notice the different choices I make. For me the holiday will be about gratitude, sharing and giving with far less emphasis on the meal.
I will also invite everyone to go for a walk after the dishes are done.
I'd love to hear from all of you about your plans.
With Gratitude and Love for YOU, San
PS I am sorry to say that I have a conflict for tomorrow night's call. Mark will join you at six and I will look forward to our personal coaching calls this week.
If you are like me you have been using this time prior to Thanksgiving to work your business! I have had two vendor shows, one group, one networking event and lots of one on ones so I apologize for being among the missing!
How are you approaching Thanksgiving? With our E! H&F program we have new tools to handle the extra stress and calories. I had a great conversation with Gerri and we both feel like jaws is in for a big surprise this year!
For my Thanksgiving ... We are not cooking and we are spending the holiday with my stepson's mother ... otherwise known as Roger's first wife. I know, many think we are nuts but this is about what is right for my family and the fact that we are mature adults with big hearts. I never wanted to be one of those family's where the kids have to eat two turkey dinners to keep everyone happy. :-)
I know that my family will notice the way I look ... 23 pounds less than last year!!!
They will probably also notice the different choices I make. For me the holiday will be about gratitude, sharing and giving with far less emphasis on the meal.
I will also invite everyone to go for a walk after the dishes are done.
I'd love to hear from all of you about your plans.
With Gratitude and Love for YOU, San
PS I am sorry to say that I have a conflict for tomorrow night's call. Mark will join you at six and I will look forward to our personal coaching calls this week.
Tame the Belly, Manage the Brain
Good Morning! Oh My, all your blogs are so wonderful, thank you so much for them. You are all so eloquent, I am intimidated when I think about writing something!
There is a 'Benefits of Quitting' (smoking) on my msn home page this morning which I just read....improvement in health in 20 minutes after stopping, then 12 hours later, then a week etc. It was great for my arsenal. Absolutely, I agree with T about my costs list....my children are more than enough reasons for me to stop!
So here is a synopsis from an article I read about eating and our brains.....Boston Globe, Nov 19.
Eating is as much about our brains as our stomaches. A hormone, gherlin, is released when your stomache is empty and growling and it may help stave off depression. Underfed mice with higher levels of this hormone showed fewer signs of depression and anxiety than their well-fed counterparts, swimming longer when put in water and more adventurous in a maze.
Goes on to say that some people may overeat because their brains simply don't get as much pleasure out of food, so they keep eating in an attempt to feel satisfied. We may have been hard wired like this in the womb. When a mother rat was fed a fatty diet her babies brains were wired with neurons that produce molecules that stimulate their appetite. Even mice that were stripped of their very ability to taste sweetness still preferred to sip sweet calorie laden drinks. Their brain pathways usually associated with tasting something scrumptious were activated when they consumed the sugary drink....even though they couldn't taste it!!
They raise the possibilty that high-fructose corn syrup, which is virtually unavoidable in processed foods, may trigger the brains reward circuitry more strongly than other types of sugars.
There is growing interest in how flavors and tastes impact the brain, because the brain is in control. If you want to understand abnormalities like obesity and anorexia you have to understand what brain practices are going awry.
So some of this may be our nature, but as we all know, we can change that!
Great Weekend and Much Love To Everyone!
There is a 'Benefits of Quitting' (smoking) on my msn home page this morning which I just read....improvement in health in 20 minutes after stopping, then 12 hours later, then a week etc. It was great for my arsenal. Absolutely, I agree with T about my costs list....my children are more than enough reasons for me to stop!
So here is a synopsis from an article I read about eating and our brains.....Boston Globe, Nov 19.
Eating is as much about our brains as our stomaches. A hormone, gherlin, is released when your stomache is empty and growling and it may help stave off depression. Underfed mice with higher levels of this hormone showed fewer signs of depression and anxiety than their well-fed counterparts, swimming longer when put in water and more adventurous in a maze.
Goes on to say that some people may overeat because their brains simply don't get as much pleasure out of food, so they keep eating in an attempt to feel satisfied. We may have been hard wired like this in the womb. When a mother rat was fed a fatty diet her babies brains were wired with neurons that produce molecules that stimulate their appetite. Even mice that were stripped of their very ability to taste sweetness still preferred to sip sweet calorie laden drinks. Their brain pathways usually associated with tasting something scrumptious were activated when they consumed the sugary drink....even though they couldn't taste it!!
They raise the possibilty that high-fructose corn syrup, which is virtually unavoidable in processed foods, may trigger the brains reward circuitry more strongly than other types of sugars.
There is growing interest in how flavors and tastes impact the brain, because the brain is in control. If you want to understand abnormalities like obesity and anorexia you have to understand what brain practices are going awry.
So some of this may be our nature, but as we all know, we can change that!
Great Weekend and Much Love To Everyone!
From Mark, 8 ways to burn calories without noticing
From Mark ... Assignment for Thanksgiving
Assignment for Thanksgiving…
Announce to your whole family that this Thanksgiving you are going to loose one pound!
Then make a game of figuring out how to do it…
Share ideas on the blog… make a game of it… spend the whole week blogging support and different ways of making this Thanksgiving the first one ever where you actually lost weight!!!!!!!
Announce to your whole family that this Thanksgiving you are going to loose one pound!
Then make a game of figuring out how to do it…
Share ideas on the blog… make a game of it… spend the whole week blogging support and different ways of making this Thanksgiving the first one ever where you actually lost weight!!!!!!!
Starting Over
Well, I knew this day would come as I watched the daily temperatures go lower and lower. I knew I had to look at an alternative to my outdoor walks, which I love. So today I ventured to the eliptical machine that we have downstairs to get in my walking. A sobering experience too.
I knew it would be 'harder', but I didn't realize how quickly I would feel the burn in my legs. There's definitely resistance at work with the machine that isn't there with my outdoor walks. And I admit I didn't last more than 15 minutes - ouch! Me, who walks for over an hour outside!
So, after allowing myself some momentary feelings of defeat, I realize this is a new challenge and not to be compared to what I was doing before. And it's all good! This may actually be the next natural step to energize my activity level even more ... (if I say this often enough....).
So tomorrow I plan to fit in 2 or 3 short sessions - keeping each to 10 or 15 minutes and building up as I go along. I do feel like I'm starting over. Though maybe this is really one of those times where I need to realize I've taken many steps forward and this may just be a couple of steps back. I'm not starting over, just changing things up and giving my body some new challenges.
I knew it would be 'harder', but I didn't realize how quickly I would feel the burn in my legs. There's definitely resistance at work with the machine that isn't there with my outdoor walks. And I admit I didn't last more than 15 minutes - ouch! Me, who walks for over an hour outside!
So, after allowing myself some momentary feelings of defeat, I realize this is a new challenge and not to be compared to what I was doing before. And it's all good! This may actually be the next natural step to energize my activity level even more ... (if I say this often enough....).
So tomorrow I plan to fit in 2 or 3 short sessions - keeping each to 10 or 15 minutes and building up as I go along. I do feel like I'm starting over. Though maybe this is really one of those times where I need to realize I've taken many steps forward and this may just be a couple of steps back. I'm not starting over, just changing things up and giving my body some new challenges.
Recommiting Again!!!
Hi ladies, Last nights call was a good one for me, it made me realize I make alot of excuses for smoking even though I know how BAD it is for you, especially for woman!! I remember during my nurse practitioner course they told us they even find nicotine in woman's cervix's, how very gross!! I'm recommitting to making even more of an effort to quit and am definitely looking into a hypnotist. I seemed to tell myself that this event is coming up or I'm doing this or that and how could I possibly get through it without smoking!! I think you can relate Ginny, but our road of life is one of decisions and purpose. I'll be posting something about smoking this week hopefully it will help Ginny and myself to put the smoking thing in prospective to where we are going and how smoking is not going to help us get there!!!
Have a great day and week
Have a great day and week
Recommit to Healthy and Fit
As I stated in my previous entry, I really do feel things moving around and breaking loose. Our calls, Mark's challenges, this blog, and my journaling are really strong reinforces to what we are learning. Each day, I wake up and remind myself that I must commit to the day and that I deserve all of the abundance God has in his plan for me.
Today was our all-staff breakfast at work. Usually, I go nuts at these things. I was so proud of myself today. I walked right by the sausage, the eggs, the fried potatoes and the breakfast pastries. I had fruit and a health bar - dried fruit, nuts, in a dense scone like thing - two small pieces of bacon and a fizzy. I am trying to work on not getting hungry like Mark suggested. So two ours later I had a small bowl of fruit and a small pack of oatmeal with sliced banana and about 15 dark chocolate chips. I am headed out at noon for a half hour walk and then I'll make something healthy for lunch. I am not sure why I am posting my food log, but maybe it is because I like to celebrate when I say NO to temptation.
When we talked about re-examining our pros and cons list last night, one thing hit me. The most important reason for me to be healthy and fit is that I have a seven year old daughter. Frankly, no other pro or con on the list compares to that in my book. She watches me like a hawk. I do not want her to grow up and repeat this pattern of excess followed by self loathing. She is beautiful and I owe it to her not to screw it up. I'd like for her to say one day, "I learned to love myself and take care of myself because that's what my mom did. My mom lives her life to the fullest and takes really good care of her health and fitness." All other victories - while important - would pale in comparison to a success story like that.
Each day is a new day. I am thankful for the chance to experience more forward progess.
Sending you all a big hug.
Love, Tee
Today was our all-staff breakfast at work. Usually, I go nuts at these things. I was so proud of myself today. I walked right by the sausage, the eggs, the fried potatoes and the breakfast pastries. I had fruit and a health bar - dried fruit, nuts, in a dense scone like thing - two small pieces of bacon and a fizzy. I am trying to work on not getting hungry like Mark suggested. So two ours later I had a small bowl of fruit and a small pack of oatmeal with sliced banana and about 15 dark chocolate chips. I am headed out at noon for a half hour walk and then I'll make something healthy for lunch. I am not sure why I am posting my food log, but maybe it is because I like to celebrate when I say NO to temptation.
When we talked about re-examining our pros and cons list last night, one thing hit me. The most important reason for me to be healthy and fit is that I have a seven year old daughter. Frankly, no other pro or con on the list compares to that in my book. She watches me like a hawk. I do not want her to grow up and repeat this pattern of excess followed by self loathing. She is beautiful and I owe it to her not to screw it up. I'd like for her to say one day, "I learned to love myself and take care of myself because that's what my mom did. My mom lives her life to the fullest and takes really good care of her health and fitness." All other victories - while important - would pale in comparison to a success story like that.
Each day is a new day. I am thankful for the chance to experience more forward progess.
Sending you all a big hug.
Love, Tee
If It's To Be It's Up To Me!
Good Morning You beautiful Women....You Too Mark!
Time for me to come up with a clear and concise plan! I just read a quote and it really got to me! 'If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.'
I have a life by design, not by default. I get to choose the right road for me.
My conversations with myself about my smoking are escalating. I will revisit my costs about smoking and add to them tonight.
It was a great call last night! Thanks for all your encouragement and love.
Make it a great dayy all.
More Later....
Time for me to come up with a clear and concise plan! I just read a quote and it really got to me! 'If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.'
I have a life by design, not by default. I get to choose the right road for me.
My conversations with myself about my smoking are escalating. I will revisit my costs about smoking and add to them tonight.
It was a great call last night! Thanks for all your encouragement and love.
Make it a great dayy all.
More Later....
Lets Pilate!
One of the main benefits of Pilates is it refreshes your physical and mental well being. Pilates is a series of controlled movements that unite the body and mind and creates a direct connection to the muscles. The benefit of pilates is it helps condition your body without punishing it. It is designed to stretch and strengthen muscles without adding bulk. The pilates abdominal exercise requires mental concentration along with coordinated breathing, beginning in the body's core(abdomen, back and buttocks) to build a balanced strength and agility to your body.
Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer developed this exercise system in the 1920s. Pilates routine can benefit men and women of any age and no matter what physical condition you are in.
It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movements places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a stronger center. One of the exciting aspects of pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime. Some of the pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise, who can't squeeze in 10 mins out of your day to improve your health and well being?
Some of the basic principles of the pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions. Pilate movements also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.
Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and the mind, strengthens bone density, flexibility and posture, with pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress. You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increased joint range of motion, acquire a flat, lean stomach, improve circulation and have more stamina and coordination.
The pilates movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefits of pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilates routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm, along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.
Joseph Pilates, a legendary physical trainer developed this exercise system in the 1920s. Pilates routine can benefit men and women of any age and no matter what physical condition you are in.
It was designed for people who recognize the importance of providing a firm support system for the spine. Pilates movements places its focus on the body's core. It works the deep muscles in the body creating a stronger center. One of the exciting aspects of pilates is that almost anyone can do it. There is no bouncing, jarring or stress to your body and it can be done almost anywhere at anytime. Some of the pilate routines take less than 10 minutes and are ideal for people who say they don't have enough time to exercise, who can't squeeze in 10 mins out of your day to improve your health and well being?
Some of the basic principles of the pilates philosophy include concentration and control. The emphasis is on the quality of the movement and not the number of repetitions. Pilate movements also includes centering and breathing which focuses attention to the body's core and breathing properly to oxygenate the entire body and cleanse it of impurities.
Pilates teaches balance and control of the body and the mind, strengthens bone density, flexibility and posture, with pilates you can even train the mind to relax and control stress. You create the ability to maintain proper posture, increased joint range of motion, acquire a flat, lean stomach, improve circulation and have more stamina and coordination.
The pilates movements start, stay and end in the core. The benefits of pilates are both emotional and physical. Pilates routines help you achieve inner awareness and calm, along with a sense of mastering the mind and body.
Thanks Mark
Living in denial has not served me well.
Cardio-vascular disorders, kidney failure, blindness and foot amputations are just some of the typical consequences of an increased blood sugar level. The overall life expectancy of a diabetic is reduced by around a half. One in two sufferers die from premature heart disease and in total, approx. 30% of deaths caused by heart failure are diabetes-related. Diabetics are twice as likely to suffer a stroke than healthy people. What’s more, two in every three amputees are diabetics, as are 40% of all new dialysis patients and 30% of those registering as blind.
Cardio-vascular disorders, kidney failure, blindness and foot amputations are just some of the typical consequences of an increased blood sugar level. The overall life expectancy of a diabetic is reduced by around a half. One in two sufferers die from premature heart disease and in total, approx. 30% of deaths caused by heart failure are diabetes-related. Diabetics are twice as likely to suffer a stroke than healthy people. What’s more, two in every three amputees are diabetics, as are 40% of all new dialysis patients and 30% of those registering as blind.

After battling with Jawz all week regarding food, I am going to have a great day and kick him down the stairs.
After my meeting that I go to on Sunday mornings, I'm meeting with a woman who is going to place an order, then meeting with a consultant who is going to have her first party on Wednesday AND I'm going to make healthy food choices starting with poached eggs for breakfast.
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any "woman", but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." Mark Twain
Omega-3 Fats
Boost Your Intake of Healthy Omega-3 Fats
Posted by Chrissie Cole Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:23 PM ESTCategory: Major Medical
Tags: Protecting Your Family, Food Safety, Heart Disease, Omega-3, Heart Healthy, Diet & Nutrition, Healthy Living
American Heart Association on Omega-3 fatty acids
WebMD: Good Fat, Bad Fat: The Facts About Omega-3
MayoClinic: Menus for Heart-Healthy Eating: Cut the Fat and Salt
InjuryBoard on Heart Disease
IMAGE SOURCE:© Wikimedia Commons/ piece of salmon / author: Dezidor
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health and benefit the heart of healthy people and those at high risk of – or who have – heart disease. But their benefits may be missed because the American diet is loaded with omega-6 fatty acids (unsaturated fats).
The benefits of omega-3s are far reaching and include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, reducing symptoms of high blood pressure, depression, attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD), rheumatoid problems and certain types of skin ailments.
Some research has even suggested that omega-3s can boost the immune system and protect us from an array of illness including Alzheimer’s disease.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (fatty fish) at least twice a week. Fish is a good source of protein and doesn’t contain high saturated fat that fatty meat products do.
Stocking up on omega-3s is fairly simple once you know what foods to look for next time you stock up the fridge. Below are foods rich in omega-3s.
Anchovies & Sardines. Admittedly, not everyone’s favorite, but they are a good source of omega-3. The downside, they tend to be high in sodium.
Beans. Legumes are your best option. Other choices include: kidney, pinto and mungo beans.
Bluefin Tuna. This fatty fish is packed with omega-3s and low in omega-6. Choices: herring, mackerel, rainbow trout and tuna.
Broccoli & Cauliflower. These veggies are loaded with omega-3s.
Crustaceans. Fish is not your only choice of seafood packed with omega-3. Alaskan king crab, mollusks and shrimp are healthy choices.
Nuts & Seeds. A handful of flaxeed or walnuts added to your salad or yogurt can easily up your intake of omega-3s.
Oils. A dash of flaxseed oil on salad or cooking with canola oil gives a nice hit of omega-3.
Papaya. This may be the only fruit in your grocery store with more omega-3s than omega-6.
Salmon. Is a well known fatty fish full of omega-3.
Spinach. Popeye may have had it right. Spinach is good for you and loaded with omega-3.
WebMD offers some heart healthy omega-3 recipes. And the MayoClinic has Menus for heart-healthy eating: Cut the fat and salt.
Also read: Reduce Inflammation Naturally,
Check out Arbonne's RE9 REsist Supplement!!
Posted by Chrissie Cole Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:23 PM ESTCategory: Major Medical
Tags: Protecting Your Family, Food Safety, Heart Disease, Omega-3, Heart Healthy, Diet & Nutrition, Healthy Living
American Heart Association on Omega-3 fatty acids
WebMD: Good Fat, Bad Fat: The Facts About Omega-3
MayoClinic: Menus for Heart-Healthy Eating: Cut the Fat and Salt
InjuryBoard on Heart Disease
IMAGE SOURCE:© Wikimedia Commons/ piece of salmon / author: Dezidor
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health and benefit the heart of healthy people and those at high risk of – or who have – heart disease. But their benefits may be missed because the American diet is loaded with omega-6 fatty acids (unsaturated fats).
The benefits of omega-3s are far reaching and include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, reducing symptoms of high blood pressure, depression, attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD), rheumatoid problems and certain types of skin ailments.
Some research has even suggested that omega-3s can boost the immune system and protect us from an array of illness including Alzheimer’s disease.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (fatty fish) at least twice a week. Fish is a good source of protein and doesn’t contain high saturated fat that fatty meat products do.
Stocking up on omega-3s is fairly simple once you know what foods to look for next time you stock up the fridge. Below are foods rich in omega-3s.
Anchovies & Sardines. Admittedly, not everyone’s favorite, but they are a good source of omega-3. The downside, they tend to be high in sodium.
Beans. Legumes are your best option. Other choices include: kidney, pinto and mungo beans.
Bluefin Tuna. This fatty fish is packed with omega-3s and low in omega-6. Choices: herring, mackerel, rainbow trout and tuna.
Broccoli & Cauliflower. These veggies are loaded with omega-3s.
Crustaceans. Fish is not your only choice of seafood packed with omega-3. Alaskan king crab, mollusks and shrimp are healthy choices.
Nuts & Seeds. A handful of flaxeed or walnuts added to your salad or yogurt can easily up your intake of omega-3s.
Oils. A dash of flaxseed oil on salad or cooking with canola oil gives a nice hit of omega-3.
Papaya. This may be the only fruit in your grocery store with more omega-3s than omega-6.
Salmon. Is a well known fatty fish full of omega-3.
Spinach. Popeye may have had it right. Spinach is good for you and loaded with omega-3.
WebMD offers some heart healthy omega-3 recipes. And the MayoClinic has Menus for heart-healthy eating: Cut the fat and salt.
Also read: Reduce Inflammation Naturally,
Check out Arbonne's RE9 REsist Supplement!!
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