
Feeling Snacky

Hey -

I have been doing so well food wise that today is really surprising me. All I want to do is eat. Is this Jawz coming back? I had a chocolate donut, a bagel with cream cheese and a bowl of cheerios for breakfast. Normally I just have the cereal. I am trying to see if it is tied to anything emotional - I don't think so, I feel great. It's kind of freaking me out. I just finished a Healthy Choice meal for lunch and I am thinking about chocolate again. Maybe it's the rain. Who knows. Anyway - just trying to stay tuned in for any clues and keep away from the snack bowl.

Have a wonderful weekend.


1 comment:

San said...

When I am feeling like that I need to change my focus ... go for a walk, read my goals, take my vitamins etc.
Hope it passed! xoxo