
Recommit to Healthy and Fit

As I stated in my previous entry, I really do feel things moving around and breaking loose. Our calls, Mark's challenges, this blog, and my journaling are really strong reinforces to what we are learning. Each day, I wake up and remind myself that I must commit to the day and that I deserve all of the abundance God has in his plan for me.

Today was our all-staff breakfast at work. Usually, I go nuts at these things. I was so proud of myself today. I walked right by the sausage, the eggs, the fried potatoes and the breakfast pastries. I had fruit and a health bar - dried fruit, nuts, in a dense scone like thing - two small pieces of bacon and a fizzy. I am trying to work on not getting hungry like Mark suggested. So two ours later I had a small bowl of fruit and a small pack of oatmeal with sliced banana and about 15 dark chocolate chips. I am headed out at noon for a half hour walk and then I'll make something healthy for lunch. I am not sure why I am posting my food log, but maybe it is because I like to celebrate when I say NO to temptation.

When we talked about re-examining our pros and cons list last night, one thing hit me. The most important reason for me to be healthy and fit is that I have a seven year old daughter. Frankly, no other pro or con on the list compares to that in my book. She watches me like a hawk. I do not want her to grow up and repeat this pattern of excess followed by self loathing. She is beautiful and I owe it to her not to screw it up. I'd like for her to say one day, "I learned to love myself and take care of myself because that's what my mom did. My mom lives her life to the fullest and takes really good care of her health and fitness." All other victories - while important - would pale in comparison to a success story like that.

Each day is a new day. I am thankful for the chance to experience more forward progess.

Sending you all a big hug.

Love, Tee


dedikate said...

I love looking at your food log...I really like to know how others are getting through a day with food. And I need to become healthy for the same reasons. I adore my daughters ( 18 & 21 ) and I don't want to leave them early. It's that simple. And I also want to be an example of how you can face challenges and come out on the healthy side.
Love, Kate

San said...

I totally agree that for me the biggest Pay Off is living a long and healthy life to be with my amazing daughter, Elissa and my grandaughter, precious Madeline! They both bring me total JOY.
And I don't want to just be with them, I want to be an example for them and make a contribution to them. xoxo