
Thanks Mark

Living in denial has not served me well.

Cardio-vascular disorders, kidney failure, blindness and foot amputations are just some of the typical consequences of an increased blood sugar level. The overall life expectancy of a diabetic is reduced by around a half. One in two sufferers die from premature heart disease and in total, approx. 30% of deaths caused by heart failure are diabetes-related. Diabetics are twice as likely to suffer a stroke than healthy people. What’s more, two in every three amputees are diabetics, as are 40% of all new dialysis patients and 30% of those registering as blind.

1 comment:

San said...

Great job on this concise and chilling report, Kate.
We are all candidates for diabetes if we don't get H & F so thank you for the wake up call!
I love you and see you diabetes free!