
Thoughts of a fit healthy person

-A fit healthy person thinks about exercise as a challenge and something they like to do
-A fit healthy person doesn't have many problems passing up sweets (poison)
-A fit healthy person finds it fun and rewarding finding new recipes that entice her family and yet are healthy
-A fit healthy person finds smoking repulsive and the smell of smoke makes them nauseous
-A fit healthy person loves discovering the world and meeting challenges with confidence and enthusiasm
-A fit healthy person gives to others with selfless love and enthusiasm, trying to walk in the footsteps of Christ daily and in doing so receives so much
-A fit healthy person spreads the seeds and concepts of health and fitness to everyone they can, changing the world one person at a time
-A fit healthy person learns to change will power into their nature as they find that "giving up things" is not longer difficult and actually empowering
-A fit healthy person feels helping and giving is a mission of life, always looking for opportunities to empower others
-A fit healthy person has a balanced life of God, family, work, and play
-A fit healthy person uses exercise to relieve stress instead of negative things like smoking or drinking
-A fit healthy person presents and feels happy, healthy, humbled yet confident
-A fit healthy person deals with life's problems in a constructive and positive manner, refusing to blame, always learning and effectively problem solving
-A fit healthy person finds joy and thanksgiving in living every moment of everyday
-A fit healthy person keeps healthy and fit by mind changes, striving to live each day breathing free, eating well and pushing to maximize our bodies capabilities
-A fit healthy person finds new and fun ways to challenge the mind and body


Tee said...

Suzanne - Great post. I can tell tons of thought went in to them. Can't wait to hear about progress with the patch. Love, Tee

Ginny said...

What an awesome job you did on this!! Can I just say Ditto Suzanne's list?