
Ellie Krieger - A Healthy Fit Example

First of all, I have to smile to think I actually watch a cooking show - cooking has never been high on my list of activities to pursue - I do love having a husband that enjoys cooking! But with my new healthy-fit focus, I find myself enjoying Ellie Krieger's Healthy Appetite show on Food Network.

And I just borrowed a magazine from a friend with a short article on her - which has given me even more reason to like her. She really thinks like an Empowerful! Healthy Fit person.

Check out the following link to read her article. http://www.experiencelifemag.com/issues/january-february-2009/whole-life/an-appetite-for-change.html

It's short and very worth the read. She kept saying things that echoed our E!H&F principles. I'd vote for making Ellie an honorary member!

Hmmm....I may see an Ellie Krieger cookbook in my future. :-D

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