
I LOVE our Empowerful! Team!!

Wow - I thought I checked the blog yesterday but I must not have because I've been busy catching up, writing comments and feeling so charged up by what I've read.

Kate - my Heart and Love and Belief in YOU is so strong - I hope that you feel all the positive supportive energy that surrounds you from all of us.

Tee - your blogs come from such a wonderful deep, grounded place of knowing that I always find myself coming back into focus about what's importantafter reading anything from you.

Ginny - even in your blogs I hear that cheerfulness in your voice that I love, and can see your lungs expanding with fresh air that helps us all.

Suzanne - our often silent partner, but no less an important part of who we are. When you do speak up and share, I want to listen and learn.

San - I will never tire of telling you how much you inspire me. I really do like myself best when I'm with you!

Can't do a love fest blog without letting Mark know that I feel like I'm in the presence of a truly enlightened soul. You expand us all (except for the waistlines!) :-D

Overflowing with Empowerful! Love! Gerri

1 comment:

San said...

Gerri, you rock! xoxo