I was thrilled to check the blog this morning and hear the GREAT news, San. And this is only the beginning. You are an inspiration in so many ways. Your courage and belief are infectious - in the best of ways!
This morning I was 175! Oh my gosh I am so excited I can't stand it. High on life!
By my calculations I still have all day today so I will report my final number tomorrow morning. And big things are happening today but right now I am racing out to a networking meeting. More later. Much love and Tee thank you for the extra support. This is so much fun! xoxo
By my calculations I still have all day today so I will report my final number tomorrow morning. And big things are happening today but right now I am racing out to a networking meeting. More later. Much love and Tee thank you for the extra support. This is so much fun! xoxo
T minus 36 hours !
Good Morning Beautiful Women,
Well, here I am at T minus 36 hours and I wanted to check in and let you know that I WILL make my goal of breaking through the 15 pound loss mental barrier by the 31st!!
I went to bed last night with one pound to go and today and tomorrow I am applying ALL of our newly learned tools and lots of activity to ensure that I can take it to and even beyond the 15 pound mark. In fact, 175 will take me to 23lbs from my all time heaviest weight! I am feeling so much better and Gerri told me the other day that is shows!!
This goal is hugely important because it is more about keeping the commitment I made to myself and all of you than it is about the pounds. Please send me your prayers, love, energy, good slimming thoughts etc BECAUSE MARK IS GOING TO CELEBRATE THIS SUCCESS WITH ME BY GIVING US ALL A BONUS CALL!
By the way, I have set another intermediate goal to keep me on track and making progress ... I Sandra Hicks, will be a healthy and fit 160 by December 31st! xoxo
Well, here I am at T minus 36 hours and I wanted to check in and let you know that I WILL make my goal of breaking through the 15 pound loss mental barrier by the 31st!!
I went to bed last night with one pound to go and today and tomorrow I am applying ALL of our newly learned tools and lots of activity to ensure that I can take it to and even beyond the 15 pound mark. In fact, 175 will take me to 23lbs from my all time heaviest weight! I am feeling so much better and Gerri told me the other day that is shows!!
This goal is hugely important because it is more about keeping the commitment I made to myself and all of you than it is about the pounds. Please send me your prayers, love, energy, good slimming thoughts etc BECAUSE MARK IS GOING TO CELEBRATE THIS SUCCESS WITH ME BY GIVING US ALL A BONUS CALL!
By the way, I have set another intermediate goal to keep me on track and making progress ... I Sandra Hicks, will be a healthy and fit 160 by December 31st! xoxo
From Mark ...
I hope you ALL read this AND I hope you all turn in a list to San so she can post it of the many things you can do (in place of eating or snacking) that will generate positive brain chemistry and reduce your cravings.
Great questions and points Kate.
In the future, it would be awesome if you could bring things like this up during our meetings; I can talk faster than I can write; plus my time for writing these blogs is very limited.
As for bread and butter… you crave the butter because it’s fat; we crave fat because of the feel-good brain chemistry it releases; also because our bodies keep wanting to store up fat for the ‘lean’ times… but there ARE no lean times for most Americans, so the fat never gets burned up. And you can get the feel-good brain chemistry in other ways.
You crave the bread because it’s a carb and our bodies crave carbs because they give us instant energy…. The biggest problem with carbs is that if our bodies are getting their energy from there… they can’t burn them from our fat stores. Do you see how it works? It’s like wanting to clean out your closet but you keep buying new clothes faster than you can get rid of the old ones… and since the new clothes get put at the front of the closet, all you do is keep throwing out your NEW clothes and you never get back to the old ones. At best… your ‘closet’ won’t get any fuller… but it won’t get any leaner either.
You could then say… ‘But I’ve lost weight anyhow.’… to which I would say… ‘Just imagine how much you would be losing if you cut way back on the carbs!!!!’.
Next… when you asked if you’re allowed at least a few ‘indulgences’… that’s actually a trick question: It assumes that poisoning yourself should be considered an indulgence just because poison tastes or feels good. You might than ask ‘Do you mean that bread is poison?’ To which I would reply ‘Healthy, whole grain breads are not poison … they are in the fuel family (processed white bread IS poison)… however… if they are getting in the way of getting your body to a healthy weight, they must be placed in the ‘temporary poison’ family. Temporary poisons are things that are not good for us at certain times… for instance you need to cut back on foods that create mucus when you have a bad cold… and spicy foods when you have the stomach flue… and carbs when you are trying to lose weight.
So… lets look at it this way; you ARE allowed to have ‘indulgences’… but who says they need to be in the area of FOOD? You need to see food in a different way than ever before if you want to permanently win this battle… as a healthy-fit person you need to see food as nothing more than a form of fuel. You must begin looking elsewhere for pleasure. It’s just like with alcohol; when a person becomes an alcoholic and wishes to change their life, they aren’t allowed ‘a few indulgences’ in the area of alcohol… they can’t just cut out the hard stuff and keep drinking beer and wine for instance; they must see alcohol for what it is: poison… ALL poison. In the case of food it isn’t ALL poison but it isn’t all fuel either.
No you don’t want to ‘demonize’ food… only the food that is destroying your life. And any food that keeps you from being a healthy-fit person weighing your ideal weight and loving yourself in every possible way… is… well it certainly isn’t your ‘friend’.
The bottom line here is that you DO need to get that happy brain chemistry… but you need to get it from other sources. If you haven’t done so yet, make a list of every healthy way you know for feeling good… dancing; sex; going for healthy walks in beautiful parks or along beaches or with friends; window shopping; writing; reading (while you stand or even walk if possible)… better still, listen to ALL your books or personal growth materials on CD so you can ‘learn while you burn’ by walking at the same time… etc. Chat with San about this… she has a great list… and it’s working. The next thing you do is to begin substituting… every time you feel a craving for a certain food immediately distract yourself by doing one of the ‘healthy’ things you can do for your brain chemistry; train your brain to look elsewhere and eventually it will happen automatically.
And if you keep yourself filled up with healthy foods like vegetables and water and Arbonne products you won’t have nearly as many cravings.
This transformation won’t happen overnight and JAWZ will fight like crazy at first, but as you stay with it jawz will back down and eventually wonder off (as it is doing with San), and you will find this new lifestyle becoming easier and easier until one day you find yourself surrounded by people asking ‘How did you do it? Can you help ME do it? Where do I sign up?’
Great questions and points Kate.
In the future, it would be awesome if you could bring things like this up during our meetings; I can talk faster than I can write; plus my time for writing these blogs is very limited.
As for bread and butter… you crave the butter because it’s fat; we crave fat because of the feel-good brain chemistry it releases; also because our bodies keep wanting to store up fat for the ‘lean’ times… but there ARE no lean times for most Americans, so the fat never gets burned up. And you can get the feel-good brain chemistry in other ways.
You crave the bread because it’s a carb and our bodies crave carbs because they give us instant energy…. The biggest problem with carbs is that if our bodies are getting their energy from there… they can’t burn them from our fat stores. Do you see how it works? It’s like wanting to clean out your closet but you keep buying new clothes faster than you can get rid of the old ones… and since the new clothes get put at the front of the closet, all you do is keep throwing out your NEW clothes and you never get back to the old ones. At best… your ‘closet’ won’t get any fuller… but it won’t get any leaner either.
You could then say… ‘But I’ve lost weight anyhow.’… to which I would say… ‘Just imagine how much you would be losing if you cut way back on the carbs!!!!’.
Next… when you asked if you’re allowed at least a few ‘indulgences’… that’s actually a trick question: It assumes that poisoning yourself should be considered an indulgence just because poison tastes or feels good. You might than ask ‘Do you mean that bread is poison?’ To which I would reply ‘Healthy, whole grain breads are not poison … they are in the fuel family (processed white bread IS poison)… however… if they are getting in the way of getting your body to a healthy weight, they must be placed in the ‘temporary poison’ family. Temporary poisons are things that are not good for us at certain times… for instance you need to cut back on foods that create mucus when you have a bad cold… and spicy foods when you have the stomach flue… and carbs when you are trying to lose weight.
So… lets look at it this way; you ARE allowed to have ‘indulgences’… but who says they need to be in the area of FOOD? You need to see food in a different way than ever before if you want to permanently win this battle… as a healthy-fit person you need to see food as nothing more than a form of fuel. You must begin looking elsewhere for pleasure. It’s just like with alcohol; when a person becomes an alcoholic and wishes to change their life, they aren’t allowed ‘a few indulgences’ in the area of alcohol… they can’t just cut out the hard stuff and keep drinking beer and wine for instance; they must see alcohol for what it is: poison… ALL poison. In the case of food it isn’t ALL poison but it isn’t all fuel either.
No you don’t want to ‘demonize’ food… only the food that is destroying your life. And any food that keeps you from being a healthy-fit person weighing your ideal weight and loving yourself in every possible way… is… well it certainly isn’t your ‘friend’.
The bottom line here is that you DO need to get that happy brain chemistry… but you need to get it from other sources. If you haven’t done so yet, make a list of every healthy way you know for feeling good… dancing; sex; going for healthy walks in beautiful parks or along beaches or with friends; window shopping; writing; reading (while you stand or even walk if possible)… better still, listen to ALL your books or personal growth materials on CD so you can ‘learn while you burn’ by walking at the same time… etc. Chat with San about this… she has a great list… and it’s working. The next thing you do is to begin substituting… every time you feel a craving for a certain food immediately distract yourself by doing one of the ‘healthy’ things you can do for your brain chemistry; train your brain to look elsewhere and eventually it will happen automatically.
And if you keep yourself filled up with healthy foods like vegetables and water and Arbonne products you won’t have nearly as many cravings.
This transformation won’t happen overnight and JAWZ will fight like crazy at first, but as you stay with it jawz will back down and eventually wonder off (as it is doing with San), and you will find this new lifestyle becoming easier and easier until one day you find yourself surrounded by people asking ‘How did you do it? Can you help ME do it? Where do I sign up?’
Not the Devil I Thought
This process is so enlightening for me. I learn so much each day - both large and small things. One of the things that was surprising to me, is the food I am having trouble letting go of. I thought it would be chocolate. It's not. I am having trouble letting go of bread and butter - yummy, warm, crispy bread. It is an absolute weakness. I thought trouble would lie in the chocolate candy bar aisle. Candy bars have landed solidly in the Poison column. I am having trouble figuring out where bread goes. Am I allowed to have my indulgence? I don't want to demonize all of my favorite things.
On another note, I faced another devil today. One of the things that has been holding me back in my business was the ASK. I am bubbling over inside with enthusiasm for our company and products yet I have a hard time actually saying to someone - Would you host an event for me? This week I decided to face down that fear of the ASK and approach two women on my chicken list and ask them to host an event. I had lunch with one of them today. She placed an order for a full RE9 set and agreed to host for me in November. It felt awkward to me in the moment but it was amazing the way I felt afterward. I was walking on air. It gave me the courage to go to another lunch tomorrow and do the same thing. Plus, I work with a former Miss California and she is a client. She has now moved to the ASK list. We'll see how that one turns out.
I was afraid to hear "No". I heard "No" so much when I was a kid that it is something I don't like to hear as an adult. "No" feels extremely negative to me. Ironically, "No" is not really negative. It doesn't have to be the end of the world. It's a word in a moment and doesn't define me or the path am I on.
San reminded me on our call today that "No" from someone just means that that person doesn't K-N-O-W. Planting the seeds are just as important as an immediate "yes".
Love you guys a bunch. Keep up the good work.
On another note, I faced another devil today. One of the things that has been holding me back in my business was the ASK. I am bubbling over inside with enthusiasm for our company and products yet I have a hard time actually saying to someone - Would you host an event for me? This week I decided to face down that fear of the ASK and approach two women on my chicken list and ask them to host an event. I had lunch with one of them today. She placed an order for a full RE9 set and agreed to host for me in November. It felt awkward to me in the moment but it was amazing the way I felt afterward. I was walking on air. It gave me the courage to go to another lunch tomorrow and do the same thing. Plus, I work with a former Miss California and she is a client. She has now moved to the ASK list. We'll see how that one turns out.
I was afraid to hear "No". I heard "No" so much when I was a kid that it is something I don't like to hear as an adult. "No" feels extremely negative to me. Ironically, "No" is not really negative. It doesn't have to be the end of the world. It's a word in a moment and doesn't define me or the path am I on.
San reminded me on our call today that "No" from someone just means that that person doesn't K-N-O-W. Planting the seeds are just as important as an immediate "yes".
Love you guys a bunch. Keep up the good work.
You go Girls!!!
Its so inspiring to me to hear how well all you guys are doing it helps me to recommit everyday, even though I fail at times. As I told San on our call on Tues, I feel like I'm behind all you guys, haven't lost any weight and still smoking although I have cut down. I am feeling really empowered though because I put on my first nicotine patch tomorrow and I'm hoping it works!! It doesn't help to live with two people who smoke, but I can't let that be my excuse, I have to move on and do what I have to do to be a healthier person. Ginny any pointers? Since we are the only 2 smokers maybe we can help each other with this. Its a difficult addiction and you at least I make so many excuses for why I have to smoke one more day or until after a stressful event or a celebration event. Its so crazy. Tee love those messages from the universe too, if I'm feeling down they really lift you up!!! Keep on keeping on ladies, you are a true inspiration for me, love you all and love all your successes!!!!!!!
Enjoyed Celebrating the Empowerful Healthy Fit Way!
I LOVED the way that I was able to celebrate my birthday with San yesterday. Just being able to have San to myself is an amazing gift. San, I can say from the bottom of my heart that I like myself best when I'm with you.
I was THRILLED when San suggested a walk and a movie instead of lunch. Isn't THAT a change! It's great to feel so alive and full of energy. And we enjoyed the movie free of poison snacks, unlike others in the theater. No temptation at all. We had it the best.
And I totally 2nd the recommedation to see The Secret Life of Bees, just be sure to take some klennex - we were unprepared!
Addendum - The scale this morning showed me another gift for making healthy choices - I weighed in at 153.5 - had to step on the scale a 2nd time to believe it - that's 8.5 pounds since we've started! I can now fit into some size 10 pants, depending on the cut - that hasn't happened for over 2 years. And as I was putting away some spring/summer clothes I KNEW they would be too big come next year. Looks like I'm going to have to schedule in some clothes shopping time soon!
I am so grateful to be in this program with ALL of you. We ARE amazing, powerful, health-full women.
I was THRILLED when San suggested a walk and a movie instead of lunch. Isn't THAT a change! It's great to feel so alive and full of energy. And we enjoyed the movie free of poison snacks, unlike others in the theater. No temptation at all. We had it the best.
And I totally 2nd the recommedation to see The Secret Life of Bees, just be sure to take some klennex - we were unprepared!
Addendum - The scale this morning showed me another gift for making healthy choices - I weighed in at 153.5 - had to step on the scale a 2nd time to believe it - that's 8.5 pounds since we've started! I can now fit into some size 10 pants, depending on the cut - that hasn't happened for over 2 years. And as I was putting away some spring/summer clothes I KNEW they would be too big come next year. Looks like I'm going to have to schedule in some clothes shopping time soon!
I am so grateful to be in this program with ALL of you. We ARE amazing, powerful, health-full women.
Hello Team~Abundance!
I have been talking with the chef that came to my house about doing a group healthy cooking class and she is totally into it. The cost would be $45 and when we are done, we'd enjoy the meal together.
Our 'out of state' Team Members are invited to come for a visit and participate. In fact, I could schedule it close to a Nation's Meeting or Discover Arbonne so you could really benefit and of course write off the trip. I do have three guest rooms so that would work out perfectly.
Dana will be in town for our December Nations (12/9) so that would be ideal. I will start with the Team and then fill the group around us depending on who wants to participate.
We of course will share what we learn if you can't make it happen right now. I am sending out the four recipes we made on Monday .
Let me hear your thoughts. Love, San
I have been talking with the chef that came to my house about doing a group healthy cooking class and she is totally into it. The cost would be $45 and when we are done, we'd enjoy the meal together.
Our 'out of state' Team Members are invited to come for a visit and participate. In fact, I could schedule it close to a Nation's Meeting or Discover Arbonne so you could really benefit and of course write off the trip. I do have three guest rooms so that would work out perfectly.
Dana will be in town for our December Nations (12/9) so that would be ideal. I will start with the Team and then fill the group around us depending on who wants to participate.
We of course will share what we learn if you can't make it happen right now. I am sending out the four recipes we made on Monday .
Let me hear your thoughts. Love, San
Happy, Healthy Birthday, Gerri!
Today was the day that Gerri and I set a while back to celebrate her big 50!
I had selected a wonderful new restaurant with well made food, though I am not sure it would be considered real fuel.
As the day got closer I was thinking it wasn't going to be serving either of our goals so early this morning I asked Gerri if she would rather meet at Arundel Mills Mall to walk and go see a movie. A resounding YES was the answer! We did three laps which is three miles and then enjoyed our NRG water during the movie.
We were feeling quite healthy when other women came in laden down with their POISON snacks.
By the way, we both highly recommend the movie ... The Secret Life of Bees.
Happy, healthy Birthday Gerri!
Love, San
I had selected a wonderful new restaurant with well made food, though I am not sure it would be considered real fuel.
As the day got closer I was thinking it wasn't going to be serving either of our goals so early this morning I asked Gerri if she would rather meet at Arundel Mills Mall to walk and go see a movie. A resounding YES was the answer! We did three laps which is three miles and then enjoyed our NRG water during the movie.
We were feeling quite healthy when other women came in laden down with their POISON snacks.
By the way, we both highly recommend the movie ... The Secret Life of Bees.
Happy, healthy Birthday Gerri!
Love, San
Hubba Hubba
Tee....wow. You are so beautiful. I didn't know. You look like a totally different person. You look like an ENVP. I love the Universe e-mails...they are so fitting for us. I've had a great morning, passing over cake and water jogging.
Also thank you Mark for the blog on alcohol. Being an alcoholic, I always felt I was cursed to "have to" give it up, but I'm not. It's another gift I've been given because I could never work on myself if I was brain altering high. I'm so grateful to have a clear mind.
Love to everyone...
Also thank you Mark for the blog on alcohol. Being an alcoholic, I always felt I was cursed to "have to" give it up, but I'm not. It's another gift I've been given because I could never work on myself if I was brain altering high. I'm so grateful to have a clear mind.
Love to everyone...
From Mark ...
God morning again,
I just responded to one of my other ‘clients’ who was concerned that she was drinking too much wine and didn’t know what to do about it.
My reply was simple and direct and it occurred to me that it might be helpful to some of YOU. So here it is below:
I used to drink wine… one day it occurred to me that I drink wine in order to produce ‘feel good’ brain chemistry but I always pay a cost when the chemistry wears off and I not only feel worse later, but I have polluted my body with empty calories… I then realized that using an outside source (such as wine) to alter my brain chemistry weakens my own internal ability to do it… kind of like taking an elevator instead of the stairs allows my muscles to atrophy… until one day the elevator isn’t working and I CAN’T take the stairs because I’m too weak.
So I stopped drinking and began ‘exercising’ my ability to produce the same happy chemistry that alcohol creates… and NOW I can get ‘high’ any time I want day and night without the help of anything or anyone and without any nasty side effects. It’s worth developing this ‘skill’.
I just responded to one of my other ‘clients’ who was concerned that she was drinking too much wine and didn’t know what to do about it.
My reply was simple and direct and it occurred to me that it might be helpful to some of YOU. So here it is below:
I used to drink wine… one day it occurred to me that I drink wine in order to produce ‘feel good’ brain chemistry but I always pay a cost when the chemistry wears off and I not only feel worse later, but I have polluted my body with empty calories… I then realized that using an outside source (such as wine) to alter my brain chemistry weakens my own internal ability to do it… kind of like taking an elevator instead of the stairs allows my muscles to atrophy… until one day the elevator isn’t working and I CAN’T take the stairs because I’m too weak.
So I stopped drinking and began ‘exercising’ my ability to produce the same happy chemistry that alcohol creates… and NOW I can get ‘high’ any time I want day and night without the help of anything or anyone and without any nasty side effects. It’s worth developing this ‘skill’.
From Mark ...
God morning ladies!
You did great last night; I love how you are beginning to be more open and vocal during our sessions.
Have you seen Tee’s new photo and entry? They’re both great!!!
I LOVE it!!!!!
WoW… what a difference a happy picture makes!!!!!!!!!!
From now on THIS is who you are for me Tee and who you will always be… happy, excited and full of life!!!!!!
Get your new pictures up girls!!!! And ‘Make TODAY one of your best efforts EVER!’
You did great last night; I love how you are beginning to be more open and vocal during our sessions.
Have you seen Tee’s new photo and entry? They’re both great!!!
I LOVE it!!!!!
WoW… what a difference a happy picture makes!!!!!!!!!!
From now on THIS is who you are for me Tee and who you will always be… happy, excited and full of life!!!!!!
Get your new pictures up girls!!!! And ‘Make TODAY one of your best efforts EVER!’
Message from the Universe
Hello Team!
Each morning I get a message from the Universe in my inbox. Today's message seemed appropriate to where we all are in this process (funny how the messages from the Universe always seem to mirror where I am in in my journey) - Here it is:
Do you know what happens the instant I become a brand new "someone," Teresa?
You know, the moment I begin to play, grow, and become more than I was, within the jungles of time and space?
I feel alone, disconnected, like I'm missing something. Even though I'm none of those things.
And neither are you.
Rock on, loveable - The Universe
I thought I would share this as a reminder that as we all become these new people through this work together, we may feel like we are missing something as we let go of old baggage and habits. We aren't. We may feel like we are the only ones making these necessary changes. We aren't. We are making room for all of the new and good and healthy.
So in the words of the Universe -
Rock on, Gals!
Love you all,
Each morning I get a message from the Universe in my inbox. Today's message seemed appropriate to where we all are in this process (funny how the messages from the Universe always seem to mirror where I am in in my journey) - Here it is:
Do you know what happens the instant I become a brand new "someone," Teresa?
You know, the moment I begin to play, grow, and become more than I was, within the jungles of time and space?
I feel alone, disconnected, like I'm missing something. Even though I'm none of those things.
And neither are you.
Rock on, loveable - The Universe
I thought I would share this as a reminder that as we all become these new people through this work together, we may feel like we are missing something as we let go of old baggage and habits. We aren't. We may feel like we are the only ones making these necessary changes. We aren't. We are making room for all of the new and good and healthy.
So in the words of the Universe -
Rock on, Gals!
Love you all,
- I love life as an Arbonne NVP. The challenges, the rewards, the friendships, the lives I am touching and changing for the better, and the lives that are touching me and making me a better person. I continue to be amazed and grateful in being part of this company and its culture of generosity, authenticity and true opportunity.
– I am in much better shape today than I was 5 years ago – Thanks to that first Empowerful! Health and Fitness team 5 years ago. I am a trim 133 lbs – have been for a couple of years now. I have more flexibility, strength and energy too – making a few of my friends envious and curious about my “secret’. There is no secret – I invite them to join one of my Empowerful teams.
- The best part of my life is being able to do things with family and friends. I’m able to host a long weekend every year now with my brother and sisters – just the four of us. It’s brought us so much closer. And my circle of friends keeps expanding. I feel blessed with the people that are a part of my life. It is truly filled with love, joy and laughter.
3 year
- Life just keeps getting better. I’m an ERVP now. My team is growing both here and abroad. I continue on my healthy lifestyle. I have actually slimmed down to 133 and it feels real, not forced. I continue to coach and bring others into the Empowerful Health and Fitness program. And it’s brought new people into my life both with my business and with my friendships. I feel like I’ve hit my stride and it’s wonderful!
1 year
- I have to say my 50th year has been one for milestones. I am now an Arbonne RVP with 3 Areas and several Districts, and one of those Areas is international. I am committed to providing the BEST in customer service and in building long term relationships with my clients. It’s that focus that has brought in some of my newer business builders. I also feel confident in being a healthy/fit person. I’ve been at my goal weight of 138 for over 6 months now. People actually look to me for advice on how I did it! I tell them how I got here and invite them to be part of an Empowerful Health and Fitness team. I make it a priority to work on my personal relationships as well. I feel closer to my family than ever before. And I have friends spread across the US and overseas too. This makes it fun to decide where to travel to next – I love mixing friends and travel – two of my favorite things!
6 months
- I have a very solid Area now. It feels so much better this time around. I’m looking forward to going to NTC this year with several team members who will be there for the first time. I have more confidence in my business and in myself, and it shows. I am at my goal weight of 138 and I’m doing well at maintaining that. I’m making better choices, naturally. It’s been a stretch for me to work with my own Empowerful Health and Fitness teams, and yet it also feels exciting and rewarding. I’m excited about today and and about what’s ahead.
3 months
- It’s a new year and I’ve entered it as a new woman. My weight is now in the low 140’s. I can see and feel my goal weight as if it is already reality. I am more committed than ever to my Arbonne business and to my team members and clients. My calendar is full, I’m working with new business builders, and new opportunities present themselves often. I feel grateful for so many things in my life. That feeling just keeps growing. And I feel good about knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of others too.
1 month
- This month I have reached a weight of 148 pounds. I can’t tell you how many years it’s been since I’ve seen that number! I’m sleeping better and I have more energy and more focus. I feel like I’m making better decisions in all areas of my life. I’m consistent in my activity with my business. I’m doing 2500 in personal volume and signing on new consultants. I’m filling my calendar for future months as well. I am definitely seeing changes in my body with my focus on core exercises. It’s been fun to try new exercises and get tips and encouragement from my Empowerment partners. And I’m seeing changes in the things I do for fun, too – less emphasis on activities around food or wine, and much more about experiencing the other pleasures around me. A whole new world is opening up. And it isn’t even Christmas yet!
1 week
- I start each day with a recommitment to my health, my business, and my personal growth. I am consistent in doing 5 IPAs a day and 30 minutes of personal development reading/listening. I exercise my smile, my positive attitude and my body every day. I do something every day to learn more and incorporate more into my life as a healthy / fit person.
Oct ‘12
I am just home from working out at the gym. I still walk/run but I have added weight bearing exercises to my routine. I have an awesome schedule since I only work at my Arbonne business. I am a RVP and my car presentation was awesome, Mark Fournier was the guest speaker. My income has increased enough for me to no longer have to work for anyone but myself and my team. I have maintained the 130 lbs I weighed after my Empowerment Health and Fitness goals were met. Most importantly I haven’t been smoking for more than 3 years!
I am happy healthy wealthy and wise. My Family continues to thrive and I adore my two children. I have built my business to the point where I can leave a legacy for them.
Oct ‘09
I am easily doing Area volume in my District, finally, a true solid Area and well on my way to Region. I have signed on 3 new business builders and they are all solid Districts well on their way to Areas. The Area Managers retreat and NTC were as usual great motivators for me. I have reached my weight goal and continue to walk/run; I am up to 5 miles a day. I haven’t had a cigarette in 7 months!!
April ‘09
I am forming my Empowerment Health and Fitness Team. I am launching 2 new business builders and they are coming to NTC with me. I haven’t smoked for 2 months!
Jan ‘09
I am totally feeling all the effects from our Empowerment Health and Fitness ‘course’. It has changed my life and I am truly empowered to take care of myself, health wise, eating right, exercising and it has empowered my business. I am deciding on some business builders, sorting through and I continue to add clients all the time. I had a super successful presentation for the Mashpee Women’s Club. I feel better, look better and I am counting down the days I have left to smoke, although I have one so seldom……. I hardly think of smoking.
Nov ‘08
I easily did District volume myself this month, I had a few good presentations and a few interested women for the business. I continue my exercise and eating healthy.
One Week
I am preparing a call list and thinking of other IPA’s in order for me to reach my Nov goal. I am losing some weight, my clothes fit better and I continue to cut down on my smoking. I am looking forward to seeing both my children over the Holidays!
November 1, 2013
I am enjoying my life as an Executive National Vice President with Arbonne International. I have a strong, loving, ethical team who spread the joy of the products and the company on a daily basis. I still work at growing my own business but more of my efforts are spent helping my team grow their businesses. I want for all of them to reach whatever their goals are. I am happy to travel around the country to trainings and car presentations and Discover Arbonne meetings. This business has settled into my soul.
My business has provided me with financial and time freedom. It has allowed my husband and I to live debt free and to put away comfortable savings accounts for all of the big milestones in the lives of our children (cars, graduations, weddings, homes). I have also been able to make the lives of my parents more comfortable in their golden years.
Because I run the business on my own timeline and not on the timeline dictated by a J-O-B, my husband and I have been able to work with a trainer and chef to get in the best shape our lives and to share that example with our children.
To continue to be successful as an ENVP, I need to always remember that my success comes from helping other people be successful. I cannot rest on my laurels or take any of this for granted. I need to be available, and balanced, and grateful.
November 1, 2010
As a Regional Vice President, I am happily building a team that will take me to Nation. I am using what I learned after so many years as part of the Abundance Nation to develop my region into what will be a strong nation. My salary at Region has allowed me to finally leave my J-O-B and give my full time and attention to my Arbonne passion. I am enjoying sharing the opportunity with people bother here in the US and abroad.
My car presentation was amazing. It was so fun to go back over the things that have happened to me in this business. It was satisfying to see the looks of belief on the faces of the non-believers. A new Mercedes Benz. Wow. I love my new license plate – TeesBenz. I have been working for this moment since I started my business in 2007.
To get to Nation, I need to keep building my own base. I need to keep sharing the Arbonne gift and continue to promote districts. The more people who understand the miracle that is Arbonne the more successful my team will be. I need to support and develop the teams in my region.
To get to Nation I need to maintain a positive work life balance. I need to remember to include and honor my family who is making this journey with me.
November 1, 2009
I have promoted to Area Manager! This is a huge deal for me. Getting from District to Area required a lot of work on myself and my beliefs. I needed to re-write a lot of old messages in my head and recognize that it was okay to have the abundance that God was holding for me. I needed to be insistent and consistent with my IPAs. I needed to stop caring what other people think about me and this business. I needed to recognize that offering the gift of Arbonne is precious and that some people will get it and some people wont. I can’t let their ignorance be a reflection on me and I cannot let it diminish my passion. “Bothering” people for a few minutes is a small price to pay to reach the Area Manager title.
November 1, 2008
I am a District Manager who has recommitted herself to her business and her dreams. To be promote to and be successful at Area I need to do some hard work on myself. I need to start a the very core of what I believe and make sure my head and heart are working together. I need to stop being afraid of the ask. I need to ask in order to get where and what I want. Follow up is critical and daily, mandatory IPA work is a must. I am making a real push to build momentum to get to Area. It would be nice to earn the trip to Phoenix but if I don’t, it won’t be because I didn’t work hard. I am re-examining and building up my dream board. I am believing that I will achieve these dreams.
October 27, 2008
I am figuring out all of the IPAs I need to do to generate the momentum to make a real push for Phoenix. I am committing to doing 5-7 from the list every day. I am posting my mantra so that when I doubt myself or my dreams it will be right in front of me as a reminder. I am living in the moment and embracing all opportunities.
KATE'S GOALS 2011-2013 3-5 years
I am Kate Thompson, a strong, healthy,beautiful, successful woman. I am now in my 60’s, although I look and feel much younger I am an author( because I have learned that I can write a page a day) and have made a difference in many lives, as I share my life experiences, and show others how to be the person they were meant to be. My Arbonne business is flourishing with healthy, strong people, whose main goal is to help others. I am 172 pounds. I am diabetes free. I am wearing original designs by Chelsea Thompson who has benefited greatly from her mom’s success. People love to be around me and I love to be around them. My daughters have become happy, strong woman by using these tools and sharing them with other young people. I love being of services to others and putting genuine smiles on peoples faces.
October 2009 1 year
I am a strong, healthy, beautiful, successful woman. I am working every day on my Arbonne business with my team and spreading our knowledge of health and fitness. I am 200 pounds. I am attracting great people to be on my team I am committed with my family to pay our heavy financial debt down.
April 2009 6 months
I am at NTC as a district manager, well traveled on the road to being a strong, healthy, beautiful, successful woman. I am 30 pounds less than I was 3 months ago. My family is proud of me and they have hope for my future. My team consists of 4 hardworking women
January 2009. 3 months
I am working every day on myself and my business I am booking 4 parties a month, and talking to everyone I meet about health and fitness and how Arbonne fits into this. I am attracting people to come into the business. I am encouraging my family and friends to stay the course with taking care of themselves
November 2008 1 month
I am 300#. I am working with Ellen and ready to let her go on her own. I am deciding who I’d like to have on my EHF team. I am staring down food. I am looking for others to join the business. I am helping my family change the way they view food.
November 3rd 2008
I have signed on Ellen to join my team and have worked out a plan of action for her and myself. I am eating good healthy foods. I am a power of example for my friends and family. I am 310.pounds.
Five Years ~ Oct 1, 2013
I have a healthy body and mind. I am joy filled, fit, firm, flexible with abundant energy and core strength. I am 133# or my perfect goal weight. I exude wellness and I'm an inspiration to people my age and half my age.
I share an incredible healthy, intimate, loving relationship with Roger. I am surrounded with wonderful friends. I have a healthy balance of work and play. My children all live on the East Coast and perhaps ... more grandchildren!?!
We have financial peace, are enjoying our custom home built on the Chesapeake Bay and our annual international travel.
I am a loving and supportive leader and ENVP with 4+ direct E/NVPs . I love working with Mark as an Empowerful! H&F Leader with thousands benefiting from the program .
ONE YEAR ~ Oct 1, 2009
Healthy Body and Mind.
Joy filled, fit, firm, flexible with abundant energy and core strength.
133# or perfect goal weight. Exude wellness.
Lose the last of my excess weight to reach 133 or perfect weight
Start having some procedures … depending on income
More of the same
Rog retires and develops a new life style for himself
Celebrate our 20th Anniversary with a trip to Greece and Italy
Thanksgiving here for my entire family
NVP with three or four direct RVPs
E! H & F Program is duplicating
SIX MONTH ~ Apr 1, 2009
I have lost FIFTY~FIVE pounds and am now 137!
My new wardrobe includes a gorgeous winter white suit for NTC
More of the same
Visit CA in February and April
YaYa’s visit here in the Spring
I have promoted one or two direct RVPs and am now an ERVP!!
I have built my personal Client Base back to 100+.
I have attracted and launched two new direct leaders
I have attend the AM Retreat with my AM Team and we successfully shared the energy and experience with our Teams
I have attended NTC with my incredible Team and we are now moving like a school of fast flying fish!
THREE MONTH ~ Jan 1, 2009
I have lost fifteen more pounds and now weigh 162!
I enjoy my daily Walks and Yoga and my weekly Pilates Session.
The monthly Arbonne Detox Cleanse is boosting my successful weight loss and overall health.
More of the same
Rog and celebrate our 19th Anniversary
Rog and I host a healthy and joy filled holiday for pur family!
My personal business is thriving and my PRV is $3500 with overall Dec RV of $80K+
We have successfully completed the alpha E! H&F Program and have our next Teams in place
ONE MONTH ~ Nov 1, 2008
I have successfully lost seven more pounds … 175 and I have broken my fifteen pound mental barrier.
More of the same
Beach Weekend with CBF Girls
Oct RV $60K+
Continue 5 IPAs Daily
Attract new leaders to my Team
E! H&F Team feeling empowered and hopeful
- I love life as an Arbonne NVP. The challenges, the rewards, the friendships, the lives I am touching and changing for the better, and the lives that are touching me and making me a better person. I continue to be amazed and grateful in being part of this company and its culture of generosity, authenticity and true opportunity.
– I am in much better shape today than I was 5 years ago – Thanks to that first Empowerful! Health and Fitness team 5 years ago. I am a trim 133 lbs – have been for a couple of years now. I have more flexibility, strength and energy too – making a few of my friends envious and curious about my “secret’. There is no secret – I invite them to join one of my Empowerful teams.
- The best part of my life is being able to do things with family and friends. I’m able to host a long weekend every year now with my brother and sisters – just the four of us. It’s brought us so much closer. And my circle of friends keeps expanding. I feel blessed with the people that are a part of my life. It is truly filled with love, joy and laughter.
3 year
- Life just keeps getting better. I’m an ERVP now. My team is growing both here and abroad. I continue on my healthy lifestyle. I have actually slimmed down to 133 and it feels real, not forced. I continue to coach and bring others into the Empowerful Health and Fitness program. And it’s brought new people into my life both with my business and with my friendships. I feel like I’ve hit my stride and it’s wonderful!
1 year
- I have to say my 50th year has been one for milestones. I am now an Arbonne RVP with 3 Areas and several Districts, and one of those Areas is international. I am committed to providing the BEST in customer service and in building long term relationships with my clients. It’s that focus that has brought in some of my newer business builders. I also feel confident in being a healthy/fit person. I’ve been at my goal weight of 138 for over 6 months now. People actually look to me for advice on how I did it! I tell them how I got here and invite them to be part of an Empowerful Health and Fitness team. I make it a priority to work on my personal relationships as well. I feel closer to my family than ever before. And I have friends spread across the US and overseas too. This makes it fun to decide where to travel to next – I love mixing friends and travel – two of my favorite things!
6 months
- I have a very solid Area now. It feels so much better this time around. I’m looking forward to going to NTC this year with several team members who will be there for the first time. I have more confidence in my business and in myself, and it shows. I am at my goal weight of 138 and I’m doing well at maintaining that. I’m making better choices, naturally. It’s been a stretch for me to work with my own Empowerful Health and Fitness teams, and yet it also feels exciting and rewarding. I’m excited about today and and about what’s ahead.
3 months
- It’s a new year and I’ve entered it as a new woman. My weight is now in the low 140’s. I can see and feel my goal weight as if it is already reality. I am more committed than ever to my Arbonne business and to my team members and clients. My calendar is full, I’m working with new business builders, and new opportunities present themselves often. I feel grateful for so many things in my life. That feeling just keeps growing. And I feel good about knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of others too.
1 month
- This month I have reached a weight of 148 pounds. I can’t tell you how many years it’s been since I’ve seen that number! I’m sleeping better and I have more energy and more focus. I feel like I’m making better decisions in all areas of my life. I’m consistent in my activity with my business. I’m doing 2500 in personal volume and signing on new consultants. I’m filling my calendar for future months as well. I am definitely seeing changes in my body with my focus on core exercises. It’s been fun to try new exercises and get tips and encouragement from my Empowerment partners. And I’m seeing changes in the things I do for fun, too – less emphasis on activities around food or wine, and much more about experiencing the other pleasures around me. A whole new world is opening up. And it isn’t even Christmas yet!
1 week
- I start each day with a recommitment to my health, my business, and my personal growth. I am consistent in doing 5 IPAs a day and 30 minutes of personal development reading/listening. I exercise my smile, my positive attitude and my body every day. I do something every day to learn more and incorporate more into my life as a healthy / fit person.
Oct ‘12
I am just home from working out at the gym. I still walk/run but I have added weight bearing exercises to my routine. I have an awesome schedule since I only work at my Arbonne business. I am a RVP and my car presentation was awesome, Mark Fournier was the guest speaker. My income has increased enough for me to no longer have to work for anyone but myself and my team. I have maintained the 130 lbs I weighed after my Empowerment Health and Fitness goals were met. Most importantly I haven’t been smoking for more than 3 years!
I am happy healthy wealthy and wise. My Family continues to thrive and I adore my two children. I have built my business to the point where I can leave a legacy for them.
Oct ‘09
I am easily doing Area volume in my District, finally, a true solid Area and well on my way to Region. I have signed on 3 new business builders and they are all solid Districts well on their way to Areas. The Area Managers retreat and NTC were as usual great motivators for me. I have reached my weight goal and continue to walk/run; I am up to 5 miles a day. I haven’t had a cigarette in 7 months!!
April ‘09
I am forming my Empowerment Health and Fitness Team. I am launching 2 new business builders and they are coming to NTC with me. I haven’t smoked for 2 months!
Jan ‘09
I am totally feeling all the effects from our Empowerment Health and Fitness ‘course’. It has changed my life and I am truly empowered to take care of myself, health wise, eating right, exercising and it has empowered my business. I am deciding on some business builders, sorting through and I continue to add clients all the time. I had a super successful presentation for the Mashpee Women’s Club. I feel better, look better and I am counting down the days I have left to smoke, although I have one so seldom……. I hardly think of smoking.
Nov ‘08
I easily did District volume myself this month, I had a few good presentations and a few interested women for the business. I continue my exercise and eating healthy.
One Week
I am preparing a call list and thinking of other IPA’s in order for me to reach my Nov goal. I am losing some weight, my clothes fit better and I continue to cut down on my smoking. I am looking forward to seeing both my children over the Holidays!
November 1, 2013
I am enjoying my life as an Executive National Vice President with Arbonne International. I have a strong, loving, ethical team who spread the joy of the products and the company on a daily basis. I still work at growing my own business but more of my efforts are spent helping my team grow their businesses. I want for all of them to reach whatever their goals are. I am happy to travel around the country to trainings and car presentations and Discover Arbonne meetings. This business has settled into my soul.
My business has provided me with financial and time freedom. It has allowed my husband and I to live debt free and to put away comfortable savings accounts for all of the big milestones in the lives of our children (cars, graduations, weddings, homes). I have also been able to make the lives of my parents more comfortable in their golden years.
Because I run the business on my own timeline and not on the timeline dictated by a J-O-B, my husband and I have been able to work with a trainer and chef to get in the best shape our lives and to share that example with our children.
To continue to be successful as an ENVP, I need to always remember that my success comes from helping other people be successful. I cannot rest on my laurels or take any of this for granted. I need to be available, and balanced, and grateful.
November 1, 2010
As a Regional Vice President, I am happily building a team that will take me to Nation. I am using what I learned after so many years as part of the Abundance Nation to develop my region into what will be a strong nation. My salary at Region has allowed me to finally leave my J-O-B and give my full time and attention to my Arbonne passion. I am enjoying sharing the opportunity with people bother here in the US and abroad.
My car presentation was amazing. It was so fun to go back over the things that have happened to me in this business. It was satisfying to see the looks of belief on the faces of the non-believers. A new Mercedes Benz. Wow. I love my new license plate – TeesBenz. I have been working for this moment since I started my business in 2007.
To get to Nation, I need to keep building my own base. I need to keep sharing the Arbonne gift and continue to promote districts. The more people who understand the miracle that is Arbonne the more successful my team will be. I need to support and develop the teams in my region.
To get to Nation I need to maintain a positive work life balance. I need to remember to include and honor my family who is making this journey with me.
November 1, 2009
I have promoted to Area Manager! This is a huge deal for me. Getting from District to Area required a lot of work on myself and my beliefs. I needed to re-write a lot of old messages in my head and recognize that it was okay to have the abundance that God was holding for me. I needed to be insistent and consistent with my IPAs. I needed to stop caring what other people think about me and this business. I needed to recognize that offering the gift of Arbonne is precious and that some people will get it and some people wont. I can’t let their ignorance be a reflection on me and I cannot let it diminish my passion. “Bothering” people for a few minutes is a small price to pay to reach the Area Manager title.
November 1, 2008
I am a District Manager who has recommitted herself to her business and her dreams. To be promote to and be successful at Area I need to do some hard work on myself. I need to start a the very core of what I believe and make sure my head and heart are working together. I need to stop being afraid of the ask. I need to ask in order to get where and what I want. Follow up is critical and daily, mandatory IPA work is a must. I am making a real push to build momentum to get to Area. It would be nice to earn the trip to Phoenix but if I don’t, it won’t be because I didn’t work hard. I am re-examining and building up my dream board. I am believing that I will achieve these dreams.
October 27, 2008
I am figuring out all of the IPAs I need to do to generate the momentum to make a real push for Phoenix. I am committing to doing 5-7 from the list every day. I am posting my mantra so that when I doubt myself or my dreams it will be right in front of me as a reminder. I am living in the moment and embracing all opportunities.
KATE'S GOALS 2011-2013 3-5 years
I am Kate Thompson, a strong, healthy,beautiful, successful woman. I am now in my 60’s, although I look and feel much younger I am an author( because I have learned that I can write a page a day) and have made a difference in many lives, as I share my life experiences, and show others how to be the person they were meant to be. My Arbonne business is flourishing with healthy, strong people, whose main goal is to help others. I am 172 pounds. I am diabetes free. I am wearing original designs by Chelsea Thompson who has benefited greatly from her mom’s success. People love to be around me and I love to be around them. My daughters have become happy, strong woman by using these tools and sharing them with other young people. I love being of services to others and putting genuine smiles on peoples faces.
October 2009 1 year
I am a strong, healthy, beautiful, successful woman. I am working every day on my Arbonne business with my team and spreading our knowledge of health and fitness. I am 200 pounds. I am attracting great people to be on my team I am committed with my family to pay our heavy financial debt down.
April 2009 6 months
I am at NTC as a district manager, well traveled on the road to being a strong, healthy, beautiful, successful woman. I am 30 pounds less than I was 3 months ago. My family is proud of me and they have hope for my future. My team consists of 4 hardworking women
January 2009. 3 months
I am working every day on myself and my business I am booking 4 parties a month, and talking to everyone I meet about health and fitness and how Arbonne fits into this. I am attracting people to come into the business. I am encouraging my family and friends to stay the course with taking care of themselves
November 2008 1 month
I am 300#. I am working with Ellen and ready to let her go on her own. I am deciding who I’d like to have on my EHF team. I am staring down food. I am looking for others to join the business. I am helping my family change the way they view food.
November 3rd 2008
I have signed on Ellen to join my team and have worked out a plan of action for her and myself. I am eating good healthy foods. I am a power of example for my friends and family. I am 310.pounds.
Five Years ~ Oct 1, 2013
I have a healthy body and mind. I am joy filled, fit, firm, flexible with abundant energy and core strength. I am 133# or my perfect goal weight. I exude wellness and I'm an inspiration to people my age and half my age.
I share an incredible healthy, intimate, loving relationship with Roger. I am surrounded with wonderful friends. I have a healthy balance of work and play. My children all live on the East Coast and perhaps ... more grandchildren!?!
We have financial peace, are enjoying our custom home built on the Chesapeake Bay and our annual international travel.
I am a loving and supportive leader and ENVP with 4+ direct E/NVPs . I love working with Mark as an Empowerful! H&F Leader with thousands benefiting from the program .
ONE YEAR ~ Oct 1, 2009
Healthy Body and Mind.
Joy filled, fit, firm, flexible with abundant energy and core strength.
133# or perfect goal weight. Exude wellness.
Lose the last of my excess weight to reach 133 or perfect weight
Start having some procedures … depending on income
More of the same
Rog retires and develops a new life style for himself
Celebrate our 20th Anniversary with a trip to Greece and Italy
Thanksgiving here for my entire family
NVP with three or four direct RVPs
E! H & F Program is duplicating
SIX MONTH ~ Apr 1, 2009
I have lost FIFTY~FIVE pounds and am now 137!
My new wardrobe includes a gorgeous winter white suit for NTC
More of the same
Visit CA in February and April
YaYa’s visit here in the Spring
I have promoted one or two direct RVPs and am now an ERVP!!
I have built my personal Client Base back to 100+.
I have attracted and launched two new direct leaders
I have attend the AM Retreat with my AM Team and we successfully shared the energy and experience with our Teams
I have attended NTC with my incredible Team and we are now moving like a school of fast flying fish!
THREE MONTH ~ Jan 1, 2009
I have lost fifteen more pounds and now weigh 162!
I enjoy my daily Walks and Yoga and my weekly Pilates Session.
The monthly Arbonne Detox Cleanse is boosting my successful weight loss and overall health.
More of the same
Rog and celebrate our 19th Anniversary
Rog and I host a healthy and joy filled holiday for pur family!
My personal business is thriving and my PRV is $3500 with overall Dec RV of $80K+
We have successfully completed the alpha E! H&F Program and have our next Teams in place
ONE MONTH ~ Nov 1, 2008
I have successfully lost seven more pounds … 175 and I have broken my fifteen pound mental barrier.
More of the same
Beach Weekend with CBF Girls
Oct RV $60K+
Continue 5 IPAs Daily
Attract new leaders to my Team
E! H&F Team feeling empowered and hopeful
From Mark ...
Okay ladies… I am seeing some real commitment and progress here… I can see that several of you are clearly beginning to ‘think and act’ like ‘Healthy-Fit’ people!!!!
Going in to see the REAL chip mfg process was brilliant Kate! That is exactly the kind of thing a healthy-fit person would do!
Healthy fit people become experts in health and fitness… they become obsessive… kind of like ‘over eaters’ become obsessive about food. Only a healthy-fit person’s obsession is well… ‘healthy’.
Your next assignment is for each of you to go to the internet or to a book or magazine and learn something about health and fitness that you never knew before… and then post it to the blog so you can educate each other on this subject. It can be about nutrition, weight loss, breaking bad habits, exercise… anything in this genre.
Now that we are ALL ‘Healthy-Fit’ people (and Non-smokers)…
I want each of you to find the most flattering photo you have ever taken (I don’t care if its 20 years old)… OR it can be a photo of when you felt the very best about yourself… and post it to the blog in place of those ‘before’ pictures… the ‘before’ pictures will be put in another file that you can go click on… but no longer are they going to be the first thing we see when we go to the blog because this isn’t who you are anymore!!!!!
You are now the person in the new photo that you will blog!!!!!!!!!!
We need to mentally and visually embrace this new person… THIS is WHO you now ARE!!! And remember, any time you ‘slip’, it doesn’t mean you failed… it only means you momentarily forgot who you are!
Love to ALL of you!!!!!!!
Going in to see the REAL chip mfg process was brilliant Kate! That is exactly the kind of thing a healthy-fit person would do!
Healthy fit people become experts in health and fitness… they become obsessive… kind of like ‘over eaters’ become obsessive about food. Only a healthy-fit person’s obsession is well… ‘healthy’.
Your next assignment is for each of you to go to the internet or to a book or magazine and learn something about health and fitness that you never knew before… and then post it to the blog so you can educate each other on this subject. It can be about nutrition, weight loss, breaking bad habits, exercise… anything in this genre.
Now that we are ALL ‘Healthy-Fit’ people (and Non-smokers)…
I want each of you to find the most flattering photo you have ever taken (I don’t care if its 20 years old)… OR it can be a photo of when you felt the very best about yourself… and post it to the blog in place of those ‘before’ pictures… the ‘before’ pictures will be put in another file that you can go click on… but no longer are they going to be the first thing we see when we go to the blog because this isn’t who you are anymore!!!!!
You are now the person in the new photo that you will blog!!!!!!!!!!
We need to mentally and visually embrace this new person… THIS is WHO you now ARE!!! And remember, any time you ‘slip’, it doesn’t mean you failed… it only means you momentarily forgot who you are!
Love to ALL of you!!!!!!!
Carpe Momento
I thought I had subdued Jawz, but apparently not. I don't seem to deal very well with not getting my own way. I only have an hour for the Y so I need everything to go smoothly. Today there was a wait for a lane...so Jawz is saying "leave" and I hate everybody. But the part of me that's remaining on track no matter what said do whatever you can...it doesn't HAVE to be 30 minutes. Then I get in the car after the swim and stop to buy a cup of soup for my lunch because I forgot mine at home today and out of nowhere comes "I'm going to get a choc chip cookie w/that, then...AND a p'nut butter one...yes I'm gonna do it..I'll just write off today and NO ONE WILL KNOW....and then I felt crushed because that meant I'd have to sneak eat from you guys and it made me want to cry. So, I'm battling today, but it's proof positive that you all mean a lot to me.
I don't want to be this huge woman, who has such a difficult time fitting comfortably in this world.
I love you guys
I don't want to be this huge woman, who has such a difficult time fitting comfortably in this world.
I love you guys
Back on Track
Hello Ladies and Gent!
I'm back! And, while vacation was great, it's good to be home. My vacation goal was to lose 3-5 pounds. I didn't make it. Before vacation I was 156 and I was 156 after. I acknowledged my initial disappointment and frustration - I really FELT better and thinner after this vacation. So not losing anything was a surprise. And then I was grateful for this team and the ability to RECOMMIT each and every day. Of course, the 'old' Gerri would have been amazed and overjoyed at not gaining weight after a week's vacation, so there is that.
I know I was a different person on this vacation. I loved the fact that our timeshare was next to Riverwalk where I had wonderful places to walk in the morning. I did my 1 hour+ walk Sunday thru Thursday and this included STEPS, which initially was a big strain, but by Wed and Thurs I was looking for MORE steps! And I wasn't as interested in hearing about restaurant recommendations as I was about interesting places to visit. Food just didn't have as much of a draw for me. We did a LOT of walking, so even though JAWZ tagged along now and then, I found he had less of a hold on me than ever before.
So here's to being healthy and fit at 50!
I'm back! And, while vacation was great, it's good to be home. My vacation goal was to lose 3-5 pounds. I didn't make it. Before vacation I was 156 and I was 156 after. I acknowledged my initial disappointment and frustration - I really FELT better and thinner after this vacation. So not losing anything was a surprise. And then I was grateful for this team and the ability to RECOMMIT each and every day. Of course, the 'old' Gerri would have been amazed and overjoyed at not gaining weight after a week's vacation, so there is that.
I know I was a different person on this vacation. I loved the fact that our timeshare was next to Riverwalk where I had wonderful places to walk in the morning. I did my 1 hour+ walk Sunday thru Thursday and this included STEPS, which initially was a big strain, but by Wed and Thurs I was looking for MORE steps! And I wasn't as interested in hearing about restaurant recommendations as I was about interesting places to visit. Food just didn't have as much of a draw for me. We did a LOT of walking, so even though JAWZ tagged along now and then, I found he had less of a hold on me than ever before.
So here's to being healthy and fit at 50!
From Mark ...
It’s great to have you back Tee!
Congrats on your two breakthroughs and on your weight loss…
And thanks for contributing to the others by participating in the blog!
I love your attitude!!!!!
Congrats on your two breakthroughs and on your weight loss…
And thanks for contributing to the others by participating in the blog!
I love your attitude!!!!!
I get on the scale Thursdays...I am down 3 more pounds. 317. I need to just clarify that I started a "diet" on 9/4 so that I would be prepared to do this team....get in the "mindset". My mindset was depravation, watching calories, but eating anything that adds up to alotted amount. So I started 9/4 at 340 and on 9/20 when I took the picture on the blog, I was 328. Now the difference as I see it, is that if there was no team, right about now, I would be giving in because nothing in my brain would have changed. I still record what I eat because it keeps me more aware of what I'm doing. So I've actually lost 23 pounds! I just need to do that 6 more times.
Anyway, at lunch today, I took a walk (we're on the same street as the Cape Cod Potatoe Chip factory) and halfway through my walk I was passing by and decided to go in and take the brief tour of the factory...5 minutes.. Grease EVERYWHERE including the floor....the huge cookers filled with grease frying chips over and over. Honestly, if you didn't see the chips, you would think it was a rendering plant. The smells of chips cooking gets everyone craving them around this neighborhood. Not anymore for me. Stare the enemy down. My fear of food is getting less day by day. Hurray.
Love, Kate
Anyway, at lunch today, I took a walk (we're on the same street as the Cape Cod Potatoe Chip factory) and halfway through my walk I was passing by and decided to go in and take the brief tour of the factory...5 minutes.. Grease EVERYWHERE including the floor....the huge cookers filled with grease frying chips over and over. Honestly, if you didn't see the chips, you would think it was a rendering plant. The smells of chips cooking gets everyone craving them around this neighborhood. Not anymore for me. Stare the enemy down. My fear of food is getting less day by day. Hurray.
Love, Kate
Celebrating the small victories
Dear Fellow Babes (thanks Kate! :) -
I started this venture at 180 pounds. I got on the scale this morning and (drumroll please) I weigh 175! Fuel vs Poison is really working for me. I promised myself a spa day when I get the next 10 pounds off. I LOVE spa Days!!!! I believe I can do this and I see myself as the 150 pound size 8 I want to be.
I had an amazing call with San yesterday. San, you are better at this coaching gig than you know. I had at least two break through moments yesterday and I am grateful to you for that. I did my morning pages today and already I feel calmer and more focused in my mind. Thank you for helping me to remember how important journaling has been to me. Thanks to San, I realized that while I am not 100% pleased with my current J-O-B, it is the best place for me to be to grow my Arbonne business. I need to view my day job as a partner toward the ultimate goal. I feel better about going to work today.
I am looking forward to working on my 3-5 exercise. I know it will further clarify my path.
My husband just told me that I have no idea how beautiful I am. I am hoping this process will help me to see myself as my husband always has.
Keep posting your breakthroughs and victories. I am inspired by them all.
Keep going wonderful, beautiful babes!
Love and respect to you all.
I started this venture at 180 pounds. I got on the scale this morning and (drumroll please) I weigh 175! Fuel vs Poison is really working for me. I promised myself a spa day when I get the next 10 pounds off. I LOVE spa Days!!!! I believe I can do this and I see myself as the 150 pound size 8 I want to be.
I had an amazing call with San yesterday. San, you are better at this coaching gig than you know. I had at least two break through moments yesterday and I am grateful to you for that. I did my morning pages today and already I feel calmer and more focused in my mind. Thank you for helping me to remember how important journaling has been to me. Thanks to San, I realized that while I am not 100% pleased with my current J-O-B, it is the best place for me to be to grow my Arbonne business. I need to view my day job as a partner toward the ultimate goal. I feel better about going to work today.
I am looking forward to working on my 3-5 exercise. I know it will further clarify my path.
My husband just told me that I have no idea how beautiful I am. I am hoping this process will help me to see myself as my husband always has.
Keep posting your breakthroughs and victories. I am inspired by them all.
Keep going wonderful, beautiful babes!
Love and respect to you all.
From Mark ...
San… you’re doing it!!!!!
Almost EXACTLY as we once dreamed you would…
Do you remember the conversation we first had about putting together a group of highly committed women and helping to turn their lives around with YOU helping to lead them through this process?
Do you remember how distant and nearly impossible it seemed at first?
And then as you thought and talked about it… it began to seem like ‘maybe… just maybe you could pull it off’… along with the 50 pound weight loss of your own?
And once you saw the essays these amazing women sent in you began to BELIEVE…
And once you realized the only thing standing between you and your 50 pound goal was… YOU… and since you control YOU… you believed COMPLETELY…
And NOW… it is REAL… not only for YOU but for all of them…
And soon they too will begin to believe that not only are their own goals a forgone conclusion… but they too will one day lead others as you are leading them!
With love & support,
San… you’re doing it!!!!!
Almost EXACTLY as we once dreamed you would…
Do you remember the conversation we first had about putting together a group of highly committed women and helping to turn their lives around with YOU helping to lead them through this process?
Do you remember how distant and nearly impossible it seemed at first?
And then as you thought and talked about it… it began to seem like ‘maybe… just maybe you could pull it off’… along with the 50 pound weight loss of your own?
And once you saw the essays these amazing women sent in you began to BELIEVE…
And once you realized the only thing standing between you and your 50 pound goal was… YOU… and since you control YOU… you believed COMPLETELY…
And NOW… it is REAL… not only for YOU but for all of them…
And soon they too will begin to believe that not only are their own goals a forgone conclusion… but they too will one day lead others as you are leading them!
With love & support,
From Mark ...
And YOU Ginny…
Than YOU for sharing these powerful thoughts and words!
And thank you for acknowledging San for what is happening… because if it weren’t for HER none of this would be taking place!!!!!!!!
She IS amazing!
And so you are… my NON-SMOKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With love & support!
Than YOU for sharing these powerful thoughts and words!
And thank you for acknowledging San for what is happening… because if it weren’t for HER none of this would be taking place!!!!!!!!
She IS amazing!
And so you are… my NON-SMOKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With love & support!
From Mark ...
I have goose bumps from head to toe Kate!!!!You DO get it!And NOW our job is to keep REMINDING you and each other of who you are; and to let you know that on the days when you forget (and everyone does at first), it doesn't mean ANYTHING...it just means you forgot who you were that day!Just keep believing Kate!Keep believing!You inspire me!!!!!!!!!
With love, Mark
With love, Mark
I love it, we ARE all brilliant babes!
Kate, your pool story was really amazing. I am so excited for you and so appreciate your sharing it. Your story made me stronger for the evening. I had had such a great day and I was starting to think maybe I could splurge a little. Huh, not after reading your entry!
I am so excited to share that I weighed 178 this morning. I belief I will not only hit 175 by the 31st but pass it! I had a very healthy day. Lots of water, two shakes and a very light and healthy dinner. Food is feeling less important to me.
I had my Pilates session today and really felt the difference in my body. I am gaining a range of motion I didn't have before.
The best part of my day was that I attended the Networking Happy Hour tonight and I enjoyed, really enjoyed two glasses of water and didn't have even one nibble of food. It actually all looked greasy and unappealing. And I talked about my goals and not being able to make every social outing an exception. :-) I made a couple of great connections.
Ginny, thank YOU for your kind words. Believe me, this is helping me as much as it is helping you! I felt great when we hung up this morning.
Tee and I had a great call too and we committed to get back to journaling in the morning to work through issues. We have both had success with journaling in the past and want to use it now to reach our Health and Fitness Goals.
What a great day for the TEAM. I hope that Gerri had a great day on vacation and Suzanne had a great day at work too.
Much love and gratitude to each of you and to MARK for helping us become the women we are meant to be! San
I am so excited to share that I weighed 178 this morning. I belief I will not only hit 175 by the 31st but pass it! I had a very healthy day. Lots of water, two shakes and a very light and healthy dinner. Food is feeling less important to me.
I had my Pilates session today and really felt the difference in my body. I am gaining a range of motion I didn't have before.
The best part of my day was that I attended the Networking Happy Hour tonight and I enjoyed, really enjoyed two glasses of water and didn't have even one nibble of food. It actually all looked greasy and unappealing. And I talked about my goals and not being able to make every social outing an exception. :-) I made a couple of great connections.
Ginny, thank YOU for your kind words. Believe me, this is helping me as much as it is helping you! I felt great when we hung up this morning.
Tee and I had a great call too and we committed to get back to journaling in the morning to work through issues. We have both had success with journaling in the past and want to use it now to reach our Health and Fitness Goals.
What a great day for the TEAM. I hope that Gerri had a great day on vacation and Suzanne had a great day at work too.
Much love and gratitude to each of you and to MARK for helping us become the women we are meant to be! San
Thank You Sandra Lee Hicks
I was going to email this to you My Sandra Lee but decided to blog it....because....you are an amazingly wonderful, giving and loving woman to me, so generous with your time and energy and to so many. I am going to do the same for you as you did for me when you need to hear how wonderful you are!!
I will tell you Sandra, Oprah ain't got nothin' on you!! After our follow up conversation I read a quote from Oprah in her magazine and it was just what you told me this morning......
'What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope,
for you become what you believe!'
And Kate's blog is evidence of just that, she was a 172 lb woman walking into the pool today!
Now that I am back in the now, and read what Kate said, I am going to tackle the assignment with a renewed sense of myself! Me, the non-smoker, who is extremely fit and in optimum health!
Thank You San!
And Thank You Mark! Thank You Kate!
I love it, 'Mark Mark's Words'....I think Mark might like to think about asking Kate to collaborate on his next book, and we can all be in it!!
Create a Happy Healthy Evening Everybody!
I will tell you Sandra, Oprah ain't got nothin' on you!! After our follow up conversation I read a quote from Oprah in her magazine and it was just what you told me this morning......
'What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope,
for you become what you believe!'
And Kate's blog is evidence of just that, she was a 172 lb woman walking into the pool today!
Now that I am back in the now, and read what Kate said, I am going to tackle the assignment with a renewed sense of myself! Me, the non-smoker, who is extremely fit and in optimum health!
Thank You San!
And Thank You Mark! Thank You Kate!
I love it, 'Mark Mark's Words'....I think Mark might like to think about asking Kate to collaborate on his next book, and we can all be in it!!
Create a Happy Healthy Evening Everybody!
Mark Mark's words...
I want you all to know this....Something is happening to me. I went to the pool yesterday and walked in as 172# woman. Actually, I had been her all morning and because I rush, it just stuck. So, I'm in my suit walking into the pool room with a smile on my face ( for the first time ) and my bathing suit felt huge and 4 men were staring and I just smiled adjusted my suit and went in, where I felt MUCH lighter....no kidding. I have been very angry at the pool in my head and no natural smiles for anyone, but not anymore. And it happened just like that. There's another thing I need to say...Re: the homework...I definately could have looked at this differently, but the way I see it ( as a 172 pound babe) is that I'm a different person today than I was when I've done a goals project before. And, get this, I'm not going to look at any past goal work, because I'm thinking differently now and it's going to come out different. I am just visualizing the 3-5 now and when they're set in my mind, I'll write them down.
Another thing is I really am a woman who doesn't eat sugar and pretend sugar and am not worried about any holidays or events in the future.
BTW...We all can do this....What a team we are...We are not drop-outs, we are achievers. We are not complainers, we are BELIEVERS! We are Brilliant and we are Babes.
Peace and Love,
Another thing is I really am a woman who doesn't eat sugar and pretend sugar and am not worried about any holidays or events in the future.
BTW...We all can do this....What a team we are...We are not drop-outs, we are achievers. We are not complainers, we are BELIEVERS! We are Brilliant and we are Babes.
Peace and Love,
My Goals
I will lose 10 pounds by the end of the year. I will be firm, toned and will continue to walk my schedule, which is 4 days a week minimum! I will continue to fuel my body and eat healthy. I will stop smoking by my birthday, Feb. '09! I will also be a support for all you amazing women, however I am needed!
Ta Da!
Ta Da!
Workin' it!
Hello Team,
Grazing ... it is how I love to eat but realized this weekend that it leaves me not knowing how much I have eaten. Even when it is healthy fuel you can still eat too much. I guess what I am saying is that I realize how important portion control is for me.
Saturday and Sunday I pre-filled a dinner plate instead of filling and refilling my adorable little appetizer plates to get some control and I did much better.
Tonight, I start a full week of being out each evening, either presenting or networking, and those situations can be lethal for me too. I intend to be totally prepared to make good decisions and will start by bringing a shake tonight. I have six more pounds to lose by the 31st and I will! What you believe, you achieve! Love you all and talk at 6! San
Grazing ... it is how I love to eat but realized this weekend that it leaves me not knowing how much I have eaten. Even when it is healthy fuel you can still eat too much. I guess what I am saying is that I realize how important portion control is for me.
Saturday and Sunday I pre-filled a dinner plate instead of filling and refilling my adorable little appetizer plates to get some control and I did much better.
Tonight, I start a full week of being out each evening, either presenting or networking, and those situations can be lethal for me too. I intend to be totally prepared to make good decisions and will start by bringing a shake tonight. I have six more pounds to lose by the 31st and I will! What you believe, you achieve! Love you all and talk at 6! San
A few more words
Hey Tee...Welcome back
Suzanne...I can identify...I also need to commit to scheduling my eating, because what happens when I don't is that I graze all day. So it was good to be reminded of that as I go back to work tomorrow. I also have to schedule getting up from my desk, because I have a sit down computer job.
I was on vacation this past week, so it was very different being at home and not at work..I felt really disorganized and unstructured, which as a result, I didn't accomplish a heck of a lot. Tonight I regret time wasted.
Things I did that were good...I ate healthy. I chose healthy meals when eating out. I threw out and gave away unhealthy (for me) foods.
Areas of my life that I’d like to make changes are:
Less TV…Right now I am so addicted to the elections…I spend too much time watching.
Home clutter. Learn how to throw things away and not accumulate.
The way I think about food (which I am changing).
Learn how to be more structured in my personal life.
Learn to move my body.
Thanks, everyone.
Suzanne...I can identify...I also need to commit to scheduling my eating, because what happens when I don't is that I graze all day. So it was good to be reminded of that as I go back to work tomorrow. I also have to schedule getting up from my desk, because I have a sit down computer job.
I was on vacation this past week, so it was very different being at home and not at work..I felt really disorganized and unstructured, which as a result, I didn't accomplish a heck of a lot. Tonight I regret time wasted.
Things I did that were good...I ate healthy. I chose healthy meals when eating out. I threw out and gave away unhealthy (for me) foods.
Areas of my life that I’d like to make changes are:
Less TV…Right now I am so addicted to the elections…I spend too much time watching.
Home clutter. Learn how to throw things away and not accumulate.
The way I think about food (which I am changing).
Learn how to be more structured in my personal life.
Learn to move my body.
Thanks, everyone.
In with all that I am
Hey team! Missing two weeks has been dreadful. I was thinking of you each week as our time to talk rolled around. I am back. I have been reviewing the Blog and trying to get up to speed on what you amazing gals have accomplished. Whoa! What an inspirational group. I am also re-committing to myself and to you all and to our collective success.
Let me share a couple of things. The Fuel or Poison thing works. I have incorporated that into my dialogue with food. More often than not I am opting for fuel. Sometimes a Poison made its way in but it was a MINDFUL choice and not a MINDLESS choice. I think there is a big difference. Thank you Mark for that.
As you all know, cruises are famous for the food. During our vacation the cruise line offered choices on the dinner menu from Cooking Light Magazine (appetizer, main course, and dessert). I am a total foodie and equate rich food with happiness (another message to change). So I was skeptical that the Cooking Light option could give me the gourmet experience I craved. BUT IT DID! I tried each night to choose the Cooking Light Choices and was always happy that I did. I left the dinner table pleased and not plump. I highly recommend checking out Cooking Light to give you some gourmet options during this journey. I also started every morning with 2 poached eggs, plain yogurt, fresh fruit, and very brown nutty bread. It was amazing how much better I felt on those days vs the one day I had waffles.
The list of cost/benefits was amazing. Thank you all for the list. I know many of those answers would have been mine.
So, today, I am re-committing to my goals (30 pounds with 15 pounds off by December 31, running again, and a spa day as a reward). I am also recommitting myself to my Arbonne business and will make a real effort to make it to Phoenix. I owe it to myself and to my family and to my team.
Looking forward to tomorrow night. Love to you all! Tee
Let me share a couple of things. The Fuel or Poison thing works. I have incorporated that into my dialogue with food. More often than not I am opting for fuel. Sometimes a Poison made its way in but it was a MINDFUL choice and not a MINDLESS choice. I think there is a big difference. Thank you Mark for that.
As you all know, cruises are famous for the food. During our vacation the cruise line offered choices on the dinner menu from Cooking Light Magazine (appetizer, main course, and dessert). I am a total foodie and equate rich food with happiness (another message to change). So I was skeptical that the Cooking Light option could give me the gourmet experience I craved. BUT IT DID! I tried each night to choose the Cooking Light Choices and was always happy that I did. I left the dinner table pleased and not plump. I highly recommend checking out Cooking Light to give you some gourmet options during this journey. I also started every morning with 2 poached eggs, plain yogurt, fresh fruit, and very brown nutty bread. It was amazing how much better I felt on those days vs the one day I had waffles.
The list of cost/benefits was amazing. Thank you all for the list. I know many of those answers would have been mine.
So, today, I am re-committing to my goals (30 pounds with 15 pounds off by December 31, running again, and a spa day as a reward). I am also recommitting myself to my Arbonne business and will make a real effort to make it to Phoenix. I owe it to myself and to my family and to my team.
Looking forward to tomorrow night. Love to you all! Tee
Well ladies, I'm trying again to blog, don't know if this will get published either!!
Kate, you are such an inspiration, I just feel myself going go girl every time I read one of your blogs!!! I'm trying to get that committed about my weight lose, but I feel I have a different problem than most of you guys, but just as bad and sabotages my goals. I don't have much of a problem with sweets or junk food as I've mentioned in the areas I'd like to change, I forget to eat, today I didn't even think about food until 4:00!!! I'm working on an eating schedule so I have to eat and trying to figure out the best things to eat, any help out there? I am also recommitting to Arbonne. I love the products, the philosophy and the people sooo much, then why can't I get myself started? Maybe I think I don't deserve the success, I'm not sure why but I know theres some reason I can't get started. I'm going to start from the very beginning with getting started like I never heard of the company before, I hope that sparks something from within because I truly want and need to do this. Thanks for all of your inspirational blogs, they really do help me in my daily struggle
Kate, you are such an inspiration, I just feel myself going go girl every time I read one of your blogs!!! I'm trying to get that committed about my weight lose, but I feel I have a different problem than most of you guys, but just as bad and sabotages my goals. I don't have much of a problem with sweets or junk food as I've mentioned in the areas I'd like to change, I forget to eat, today I didn't even think about food until 4:00!!! I'm working on an eating schedule so I have to eat and trying to figure out the best things to eat, any help out there? I am also recommitting to Arbonne. I love the products, the philosophy and the people sooo much, then why can't I get myself started? Maybe I think I don't deserve the success, I'm not sure why but I know theres some reason I can't get started. I'm going to start from the very beginning with getting started like I never heard of the company before, I hope that sparks something from within because I truly want and need to do this. Thanks for all of your inspirational blogs, they really do help me in my daily struggle
I am woman, hear me roar...
From this day forth I am a woman whose body size paralells the size of my heart and my committments to shopping and eating healthfully. I am working hard at keeping my body fit, clean and functioning well inside and out. I record the foods I eat and the exercise I do, so that I can be true to myself and my committments. I share truthfully with others to help myself and them achieve our goals. I am fully cabable of earning an income that helps my family and others and I intend to work to develop this income.
I pray to be a positive example to my family, friends and others. My life will be a tribute to all that can be done. By the time I'm through, Jawz will only be a distant memory.
I pray to be a positive example to my family, friends and others. My life will be a tribute to all that can be done. By the time I'm through, Jawz will only be a distant memory.
I am a woman of dignity and integrity. A woman who is committed to leading a happy healthy life. A woman who is capable of earning an income way above what I am making today. From this day forth I shall say what I do and do as I say. I will continue with my fitness plan of going for my walk/run 4 days a week. I can always add to that but that is the minimum of exercise for me. I will continue to improve my healthy eating habits. San recommended a cookbook for me, it's for single women, sounds good! I committ to a healthy lifestyle, strong in body and mind. I have cut down on my smoking, putting it off when the desire hits me. I continue to go over the costs of continuing to smoke on a daily basis.
Like Kate I am working on identifying the blocks that stop me from doing all the good I deserve!
'See' you all Monday night!
Like Kate I am working on identifying the blocks that stop me from doing all the good I deserve!
'See' you all Monday night!
Lack of energy
Potential Illness and worry about health: diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancer, osteoporosis, alcoholism and other diseases
Possibility of being of a burden
Possibility of shortened life span
Sacrificed quality of life
More aches and pains/Limited or decreased mobility
Less interest in learning and in doing new things
Limited options and activities: dancing, travel, success, travel, seeing children live their lives, see them married and grandchildren, family visits
Self conscious/Poor Self Image/Fat and Unattractive
Low Self Esteem/Comparison to others
Feeling of Futility/ Depression/Lethargy/Apathy
Hesitancy with new people and fear of seeing people from the past
Poor sleep quality/Indigestion/Snoring
Feel less deserving of love and affection
Dread shopping for clothes
Fear of food
Limited career success/financial success/Arbonne success
Less confidence about & forgoing opportunities to build Arbonne business
Not being our personal best
Feel great and have hope about each day
Lessen risks of disease/Be healthier
Lessen the risk of being a burden to others
Potential Longevity
Increased energy and stamina
Experience the joy of moving and exercise
Healthy Self Esteem/Positive self image/Feel more attractive
More confidence about self/Confidence about having sex
More options … dancing, travel with ease and energy, success, seeing children live their lives, see them married and grandchildren, family visits, world travel
Look better … aging gracefully
Breathe easier
Improved quality sleep
Core strength and Flexibility
Great digestion
No snoring/better quality sleep
Congruity … Live what we say about health and wellness
Desire & ability to share Arbonne’s H&F message & products with integrity
Empower others to achieve their greatness
Unlimited contribution/Unlimited income
Lack of energy
Potential Illness and worry about health: diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancer, osteoporosis, alcoholism and other diseases
Possibility of being of a burden
Possibility of shortened life span
Sacrificed quality of life
More aches and pains/Limited or decreased mobility
Less interest in learning and in doing new things
Limited options and activities: dancing, travel, success, travel, seeing children live their lives, see them married and grandchildren, family visits
Self conscious/Poor Self Image/Fat and Unattractive
Low Self Esteem/Comparison to others
Feeling of Futility/ Depression/Lethargy/Apathy
Hesitancy with new people and fear of seeing people from the past
Poor sleep quality/Indigestion/Snoring
Feel less deserving of love and affection
Dread shopping for clothes
Fear of food
Limited career success/financial success/Arbonne success
Less confidence about & forgoing opportunities to build Arbonne business
Not being our personal best
Feel great and have hope about each day
Lessen risks of disease/Be healthier
Lessen the risk of being a burden to others
Potential Longevity
Increased energy and stamina
Experience the joy of moving and exercise
Healthy Self Esteem/Positive self image/Feel more attractive
More confidence about self/Confidence about having sex
More options … dancing, travel with ease and energy, success, seeing children live their lives, see them married and grandchildren, family visits, world travel
Look better … aging gracefully
Breathe easier
Improved quality sleep
Core strength and Flexibility
Great digestion
No snoring/better quality sleep
Congruity … Live what we say about health and wellness
Desire & ability to share Arbonne’s H&F message & products with integrity
Empower others to achieve their greatness
Unlimited contribution/Unlimited income
RECOMMITMENT GOALS updated in bold
I will discover and breakthrough all of my self limiting programming
I will lose a minimum of 10 pounds by election day 11/4.After I de-clutter my food, I will de-clutter the rest of my life. More of my weight loss goal is to lose 29 pounds by Christmas '08 and 121 more pounds by NTC 2010My immediate goal is to embrace Mark's words and put them into action.
My goal is to lose at least 10 lbs, firm up, tone up and get walking on a daily basis! I'd love to just fit easily in my clothes and not be squeezing in to them like I have been! I so need to stop smoking too!
My goal is to lose 25 pounds by NTC (April 15th 2009) and buy 2 new outfits that show off my slimmer and healthier body!
I want to lose 30 pounds and get back in shape so I can run road races again. I want to treat myself to a full spa day when I reach my goal.
Suzanne My Goal is to lose about 30lbs and I really, really need to stop smoking.
I will discover and breakthrough my self limiting programming and lose 50 pounds by NTC, April 15, 2009.
I will blast through my 15 pound barrier by October 31st and I will have lost 25 pounds by December 31st, 2008. My new winter white suit is a certainty because my old clothes will be huge on me!
I will discover and breakthrough all of my self limiting programming
I will lose a minimum of 10 pounds by election day 11/4.After I de-clutter my food, I will de-clutter the rest of my life. More of my weight loss goal is to lose 29 pounds by Christmas '08 and 121 more pounds by NTC 2010My immediate goal is to embrace Mark's words and put them into action.
My goal is to lose at least 10 lbs, firm up, tone up and get walking on a daily basis! I'd love to just fit easily in my clothes and not be squeezing in to them like I have been! I so need to stop smoking too!
My goal is to lose 25 pounds by NTC (April 15th 2009) and buy 2 new outfits that show off my slimmer and healthier body!
I want to lose 30 pounds and get back in shape so I can run road races again. I want to treat myself to a full spa day when I reach my goal.
Suzanne My Goal is to lose about 30lbs and I really, really need to stop smoking.
I will discover and breakthrough my self limiting programming and lose 50 pounds by NTC, April 15, 2009.
I will blast through my 15 pound barrier by October 31st and I will have lost 25 pounds by December 31st, 2008. My new winter white suit is a certainty because my old clothes will be huge on me!
I'll admit it - I was one of the people that read Mark's blog and my defenses went haywire. It was not a pretty sight and I did unlock the door for JAWZ and let him bring his friends for a while. AND I also called San a couple of times to talk through my feelings and to try to get to what was really going on (THANK YOU SAN!!!). It's amazing to listen to myself as I talked to her and towards the end of our 2nd conversation yesterday I realized a BELIEF I had that holds me back.
Growing up, we didn't have a lot of money. We always had food on the table, but going out was rare. Even when I went to college, I watched my money and didn't go out a lot. So once I really started working and making decent money, part of my definition of success was being able to enjoy food, both at home and going out. And, that food was often times rich in calories...and when dining out - dessert was always a finishing touch. So I felt that I had worked hard to get to the point to enjoy ANY food.
Now I know that the freedom I have is even more important. I can afford more organic, I can be more selective to honor my body so I can enjoy the other pleasures in life that are out there waiting for me. I don't need food/poison for validation. It's even better than I could imagine.
I leave for vacation on Saturday. A week in San Antonio. It will be an active week, Mark and I do love to explore. I'm actually glad I'm not a person that sees vacation as laying by the pool or on the beach. I know I can get through this vacation without gaining weight - that's an easy goal. But, if I'm going to play full out here, I want to make this interesting. I am going to commit to losing between 3-5 pounds betweeen today and when I return on October 25th. AND I am going to have a FUN and INSPIRING vacation too!
So Mark - Thank You for the wake up call and for your belief in all of us. I know I've been making progress and I also know that I can do more. I am THINKING about this amazing healthy and fit person that I am becoming and taking step every day to get closer to that goal.
And San, Thank You for listening and helping me tear down a few walls. You are amazing and I am blessed beyond belief to have you in my life.
Growing up, we didn't have a lot of money. We always had food on the table, but going out was rare. Even when I went to college, I watched my money and didn't go out a lot. So once I really started working and making decent money, part of my definition of success was being able to enjoy food, both at home and going out. And, that food was often times rich in calories...and when dining out - dessert was always a finishing touch. So I felt that I had worked hard to get to the point to enjoy ANY food.
Now I know that the freedom I have is even more important. I can afford more organic, I can be more selective to honor my body so I can enjoy the other pleasures in life that are out there waiting for me. I don't need food/poison for validation. It's even better than I could imagine.
I leave for vacation on Saturday. A week in San Antonio. It will be an active week, Mark and I do love to explore. I'm actually glad I'm not a person that sees vacation as laying by the pool or on the beach. I know I can get through this vacation without gaining weight - that's an easy goal. But, if I'm going to play full out here, I want to make this interesting. I am going to commit to losing between 3-5 pounds betweeen today and when I return on October 25th. AND I am going to have a FUN and INSPIRING vacation too!
So Mark - Thank You for the wake up call and for your belief in all of us. I know I've been making progress and I also know that I can do more. I am THINKING about this amazing healthy and fit person that I am becoming and taking step every day to get closer to that goal.
And San, Thank You for listening and helping me tear down a few walls. You are amazing and I am blessed beyond belief to have you in my life.
From Mark ...
HI everyone… it appears that there has been some concern that my last blog challenge was too aggressive and inconsistent with my ‘start slow, finish strong’ philosophy. I have some great news; If you re-read the entry you will see that all I did was request that you start THINKING about reinventing yourself. Even when I say ‘now’ later in the blog… I am referring to the request that you start ‘thinking’ about it (now). My guess is that you thought I wanted you to all instantly drop everything… but what it says is to start imagining a version of yourself where you eventually drop unhealthy things.
I’m sure you will agree that if you can’t even begin thinking about it, there is little chance that you will begin actually doing it. With that said… I would once again like to request that you begin thinking about and envisioning your healthy-fit new you and new life… make the image so real that you are absolutely compelled to go there… and THEN… WHEN YOU ARE READY… make a bold commitment like San just did and announce it on the blog (when you are ready). I know you want results, and you know the only way of getting them is by making commitments and taking action, and we ALL know that we have a limited amount of time to work together on this… so… please know that we are ALL on the SAME team; no pressure… just passion!!!!
With love and support to you!!!!!
I’m sure you will agree that if you can’t even begin thinking about it, there is little chance that you will begin actually doing it. With that said… I would once again like to request that you begin thinking about and envisioning your healthy-fit new you and new life… make the image so real that you are absolutely compelled to go there… and THEN… WHEN YOU ARE READY… make a bold commitment like San just did and announce it on the blog (when you are ready). I know you want results, and you know the only way of getting them is by making commitments and taking action, and we ALL know that we have a limited amount of time to work together on this… so… please know that we are ALL on the SAME team; no pressure… just passion!!!!
With love and support to you!!!!!
On our last Coaching Session, Mark called me on my pattern of sabotaging my results when I near the minus 15 pound mark. I knew this subconsciously but had never owned the fact on the surface. Since I love to learn and make progress I couldn't wait for Wednesday's coaching session with Mark so we could shake this out and take a real look at it.
It turns out that I believe that I can lose 15 pounds but I didn't believe that I can lose more than that because I have stopped at 15 pounds so many times before. It is as simple as that!
Scientifically I know that I can lose more than 15 pounds so I had to admit that it was my very powerful brain ruling me and I want to learn to use that power FOR ME not AGAINST ME! The things I did to keep me stuck here amaze even me but the more I examined my behavior over the last month the more shocking behavior I found. But for me awareness alone is huge so ...
Drum roll please ... I have made a huge commitment to myself, to Mark and now I am making it to each of you that I am going to blast through this self imposed limitation that has been holding me back for years! I commit to break through the 15 pound weight loss mark and reach 175 pounds by Oct 31st! This is significant weight loss (six to nine pounds) in just 16 days. I wouldn't think of losing at this pace on a regular basis. However I choose to do this right now to get the self defeating behavior behind me. This will allow me to get on with achieving my goal of being healthy and fit and supporting you to do the same!
I will be reporting in often on our Blog. I am asking YOU all to support me and believe that I can do it too. This feels like freedom to me!
It turns out that I believe that I can lose 15 pounds but I didn't believe that I can lose more than that because I have stopped at 15 pounds so many times before. It is as simple as that!
Scientifically I know that I can lose more than 15 pounds so I had to admit that it was my very powerful brain ruling me and I want to learn to use that power FOR ME not AGAINST ME! The things I did to keep me stuck here amaze even me but the more I examined my behavior over the last month the more shocking behavior I found. But for me awareness alone is huge so ...
Drum roll please ... I have made a huge commitment to myself, to Mark and now I am making it to each of you that I am going to blast through this self imposed limitation that has been holding me back for years! I commit to break through the 15 pound weight loss mark and reach 175 pounds by Oct 31st! This is significant weight loss (six to nine pounds) in just 16 days. I wouldn't think of losing at this pace on a regular basis. However I choose to do this right now to get the self defeating behavior behind me. This will allow me to get on with achieving my goal of being healthy and fit and supporting you to do the same!
I will be reporting in often on our Blog. I am asking YOU all to support me and believe that I can do it too. This feels like freedom to me!
Woah.....Thank you Mark!
I'm on board. This morning I switched over to tea to celebrate. I printed Mark's blog out and I'm going to read it everytime I feel Jawz swimming around in my brain. I kept it at my bedside last night so I could read it when I got up. Today will be a great day. I am not a sugar/caffeine/fats guzzeler!
We can do this.
Love, Kate
I'm on board. This morning I switched over to tea to celebrate. I printed Mark's blog out and I'm going to read it everytime I feel Jawz swimming around in my brain. I kept it at my bedside last night so I could read it when I got up. Today will be a great day. I am not a sugar/caffeine/fats guzzeler!
We can do this.
Love, Kate
CAUTION!!!!! Read at your own risk… the following contains strong challenges and should only be read by those who are ready to REALLY get things going
From Mark ...
Great job last night ladies! Way to play full-out!
Time to give JAWZ a kick in the behind… are you ready?
As I review your questions for me and read your blog I can see that we are going to need a major paradigm shift in order to get you really moving in a truly healthy-fit direction.
I see some of you making minor modifications to your lifestyle and food choices … and this is great; however… at some point we all need to ask ourselves what we really want and what price we’re will to pay to get there.
Do you believe it is possible to be happy without eating unhealthy foods? Do you know of anyone on earth who lives on a healthy diet and is happy? For starters, you know ME… anyone else?
I NEED you to believe it is possible so you will begin considering the possibility of letting go of some of your unhealthy habits. I play hockey with a friend who runs the hockey rink. As such he plays hockey for free and generally plays four to five nights per week. For what it’s worth, that means he is burning about 5,000 calories per night. And yet he is still 35 pounds over weight (like San, he is only 5’2’ tall) and he can’t lose a pound of it. One day he was telling me about his challenge and about how he also works out every single night after hockey and I replied… “You must be doing something to keep the weight on.” He told me that he was eating a healthy diet and doing nothing at all wrong. Naturally I knew this couldn’t be true so I pressed on until he finally said… “Well aside from drinking a little wine at night to help me sleep… I can’t think of anything else I could be doing wrong.” To which I asked… “How much wine?” And he said “I don’t know a couple of glasses… maybe three.” And then we did the math and it turned out that between drinking wine at night and a few other ‘little bitty things’ that he didn’t think would matter, he was consuming between 5,000 and 6,000 calories per day… exactly the amount he was burning… which is why he couldn’t lose the weight.
As a solution, I told my friend to stop drinking… I didn’t say to cut back on his drinking… I flat out said STOP. I told him not to spend a breath of energy telling me about the medicinal and health benefits of wine… I said “If you want health benefits take a vitamin… if you want antioxidants eat broccoli or blueberries… if you want to sleep better take Melatonin… but quit trying to justify to yourself the empty calories of wine. And quit buying into the idea that life wouldn’t be any fun at all if you had to give up dessert and alcohol… there are millions of people all over the world from monks to missionaries who live incredibly happy, meaningful lives without polluting their bodies with sugars, fats or alcohol. CHOSE… do you want to be healthy and fit or not? It doesn’t even matter that some healthy-fit people drink… what matters more is that you aren’t one of them. If you were… you wouldn’t be 35 pounds overweight. “
I know it may SEEM like you aren’t doing anything at all to explain why you don’t lose weight… but that’s because you’ve become so used to doing it, you may not even bother figuring it into the equation. Either that or you honestly don’t believe you can be happy without it. But for what its worth… I know otherwise. So… do you trust me? If you do, my request is that you ALL start seriously thinking about creating an ENTIRELY different version of yourself … one that doesn’t smoke or drink (at ALL) or snack on sugars, carbs and fats or crave dessert… one that gets their kicks in a hundred OTHER ways… one who doesn’t justify or complain or fight for their right to eat or drink whatever they choose… or even feel like they are missing out… but rather… one who is happy and fulfilled and highly energetic and healthy and vibrant and in total control of their own life and body and cravings… one who is proud of the choices they make and living as an example and inspiration to everyone they meet of all that is possible in our lives. And as a result is more powerfully influencing others and making more money than ever before… because NOW… people BELIEVE in them!
And then… start doing it NOW.
After all… what do you have to lose???
You can always quit and go back to who you were before….
Lets ROCK!!!!
Please write an essay telling the world who you are from this day forth… and include some commitments that you intend to keep!!!!
Then post it to the blog and support each other.
San… consider doing a wake up call around this…
With Love & Support!!
Great job last night ladies! Way to play full-out!
Time to give JAWZ a kick in the behind… are you ready?
As I review your questions for me and read your blog I can see that we are going to need a major paradigm shift in order to get you really moving in a truly healthy-fit direction.
I see some of you making minor modifications to your lifestyle and food choices … and this is great; however… at some point we all need to ask ourselves what we really want and what price we’re will to pay to get there.
Do you believe it is possible to be happy without eating unhealthy foods? Do you know of anyone on earth who lives on a healthy diet and is happy? For starters, you know ME… anyone else?
I NEED you to believe it is possible so you will begin considering the possibility of letting go of some of your unhealthy habits. I play hockey with a friend who runs the hockey rink. As such he plays hockey for free and generally plays four to five nights per week. For what it’s worth, that means he is burning about 5,000 calories per night. And yet he is still 35 pounds over weight (like San, he is only 5’2’ tall) and he can’t lose a pound of it. One day he was telling me about his challenge and about how he also works out every single night after hockey and I replied… “You must be doing something to keep the weight on.” He told me that he was eating a healthy diet and doing nothing at all wrong. Naturally I knew this couldn’t be true so I pressed on until he finally said… “Well aside from drinking a little wine at night to help me sleep… I can’t think of anything else I could be doing wrong.” To which I asked… “How much wine?” And he said “I don’t know a couple of glasses… maybe three.” And then we did the math and it turned out that between drinking wine at night and a few other ‘little bitty things’ that he didn’t think would matter, he was consuming between 5,000 and 6,000 calories per day… exactly the amount he was burning… which is why he couldn’t lose the weight.
As a solution, I told my friend to stop drinking… I didn’t say to cut back on his drinking… I flat out said STOP. I told him not to spend a breath of energy telling me about the medicinal and health benefits of wine… I said “If you want health benefits take a vitamin… if you want antioxidants eat broccoli or blueberries… if you want to sleep better take Melatonin… but quit trying to justify to yourself the empty calories of wine. And quit buying into the idea that life wouldn’t be any fun at all if you had to give up dessert and alcohol… there are millions of people all over the world from monks to missionaries who live incredibly happy, meaningful lives without polluting their bodies with sugars, fats or alcohol. CHOSE… do you want to be healthy and fit or not? It doesn’t even matter that some healthy-fit people drink… what matters more is that you aren’t one of them. If you were… you wouldn’t be 35 pounds overweight. “
I know it may SEEM like you aren’t doing anything at all to explain why you don’t lose weight… but that’s because you’ve become so used to doing it, you may not even bother figuring it into the equation. Either that or you honestly don’t believe you can be happy without it. But for what its worth… I know otherwise. So… do you trust me? If you do, my request is that you ALL start seriously thinking about creating an ENTIRELY different version of yourself … one that doesn’t smoke or drink (at ALL) or snack on sugars, carbs and fats or crave dessert… one that gets their kicks in a hundred OTHER ways… one who doesn’t justify or complain or fight for their right to eat or drink whatever they choose… or even feel like they are missing out… but rather… one who is happy and fulfilled and highly energetic and healthy and vibrant and in total control of their own life and body and cravings… one who is proud of the choices they make and living as an example and inspiration to everyone they meet of all that is possible in our lives. And as a result is more powerfully influencing others and making more money than ever before… because NOW… people BELIEVE in them!
And then… start doing it NOW.
After all… what do you have to lose???
You can always quit and go back to who you were before….
Lets ROCK!!!!
Please write an essay telling the world who you are from this day forth… and include some commitments that you intend to keep!!!!
Then post it to the blog and support each other.
San… consider doing a wake up call around this…
With Love & Support!!
Weekend Survived!
Hi all - I would love to say I THRIVED this weekend, but I'll setting for surviving with small successes. I know late night activities usually show up on the scale the following days for me so I resisted the scale after my Friday and Saturday evening events. Monday I showed about a pound heavier than my best weight - so I do consider that a WIN!
How I did it - I drank as much water as I could and remembered to take my Going, Going, Gone supplement when I needed to. Friday night I split a Spinach salad with Mark, then ordered a Filet with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes - finished the asparagus and left 1/2 of both the filet and mashed potatoes - even tho the mashed potatoes were scrumptious! Then we all split a chocolate dessert - so I just took a few bites. Then we went back to our house with our friends and opened another bottle of wine and had some dark chocolate - I admit this was the weak part because we had the best wine to go with the dark chocolate, but I at least did both in moderation!
Saturday I walked 4 miles in the morning, not my usual 3 1/2 and ate healthy all day - knowing I'd be going to our wine club event. I even found a 'mostly' healthy recipe in Rachel Ray's magazine - BLT Chopped Salad Slippers - except for the bacon, it's all pretty healthy ingredients and it gave me a good option to fill up with for the evening. We did finish with a decadent chocolate cake (3 of us were celebrating birthdays), but even that I shared with Mark. Couldn't invoke Kate's poison cake stare with this one! I also couldn't resist 2nds on the chocolate dessert wine we had with the chocolate cake - too, too scrumptious! Throughout the evening I still had 2 20-oz bottles of water so - again - I still feel like I did MUCH better than I might otherwise have done!
Sunday - again a 4 mile morning walk and was able to eat in moderation, even at my in-laws, so this day was a breeze after getting through Friday and Saturday.
I do know that if I had just had ONE of these activities in a weekend, it would have been much easier to adjust both exercise and diet to balance things out. Even so, I'm not beating myself up for the 'extras' I did indulge in. I know the best thing for me to do is to get a small plate with mostly healthy items and then find someone to talk to - it's amazing how much longer the food lasts!
Onward to strengthening my healthy thoughts and habits!
How I did it - I drank as much water as I could and remembered to take my Going, Going, Gone supplement when I needed to. Friday night I split a Spinach salad with Mark, then ordered a Filet with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes - finished the asparagus and left 1/2 of both the filet and mashed potatoes - even tho the mashed potatoes were scrumptious! Then we all split a chocolate dessert - so I just took a few bites. Then we went back to our house with our friends and opened another bottle of wine and had some dark chocolate - I admit this was the weak part because we had the best wine to go with the dark chocolate, but I at least did both in moderation!
Saturday I walked 4 miles in the morning, not my usual 3 1/2 and ate healthy all day - knowing I'd be going to our wine club event. I even found a 'mostly' healthy recipe in Rachel Ray's magazine - BLT Chopped Salad Slippers - except for the bacon, it's all pretty healthy ingredients and it gave me a good option to fill up with for the evening. We did finish with a decadent chocolate cake (3 of us were celebrating birthdays), but even that I shared with Mark. Couldn't invoke Kate's poison cake stare with this one! I also couldn't resist 2nds on the chocolate dessert wine we had with the chocolate cake - too, too scrumptious! Throughout the evening I still had 2 20-oz bottles of water so - again - I still feel like I did MUCH better than I might otherwise have done!
Sunday - again a 4 mile morning walk and was able to eat in moderation, even at my in-laws, so this day was a breeze after getting through Friday and Saturday.
I do know that if I had just had ONE of these activities in a weekend, it would have been much easier to adjust both exercise and diet to balance things out. Even so, I'm not beating myself up for the 'extras' I did indulge in. I know the best thing for me to do is to get a small plate with mostly healthy items and then find someone to talk to - it's amazing how much longer the food lasts!
Onward to strengthening my healthy thoughts and habits!
Arbonne's Going Going Gone Supplements
For more info go to our Product Knowledge Manual online at Arbonne.com
Going Going Gone Supplements
Herb functions:
Garcinia Cambogia - Helps to reduce the appetite when taken before meals while playing a role in fat metabolism and the reduction of fatty acid formation. 1
ForsLean® Coleus Forskohlii - Stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown of stored fat) as well as inhibits the synthesis of fat in adipocytes (fat cells). 2
Green Tea - Aids in thermogenesis and promotes fat oxidation. 3 Contains catechins, noted for its powerful antioxidant properties. 2
Gymnema Sylvestre - Plays a role in improving blood sugar control. 2
Ginger - Noted for its ability to increase thermogenesis. 2
Black Pepper - Increases thermogenesis.
Banaba - Controls appetite and food cravings. Promotes healthy insulin levels and balances blood sugar.4
1. The Green Pharmacy, J. Duke, Ph.D.
2. The Healing Power of Herbs, Murray, M.T., N.D.
3. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999; 70:1040-5
4. “Supplement Watch”, Web site various authors
Going Going Gone Supplements
Herb functions:
Garcinia Cambogia - Helps to reduce the appetite when taken before meals while playing a role in fat metabolism and the reduction of fatty acid formation. 1
ForsLean® Coleus Forskohlii - Stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown of stored fat) as well as inhibits the synthesis of fat in adipocytes (fat cells). 2
Green Tea - Aids in thermogenesis and promotes fat oxidation. 3 Contains catechins, noted for its powerful antioxidant properties. 2
Gymnema Sylvestre - Plays a role in improving blood sugar control. 2
Ginger - Noted for its ability to increase thermogenesis. 2
Black Pepper - Increases thermogenesis.
Banaba - Controls appetite and food cravings. Promotes healthy insulin levels and balances blood sugar.4
1. The Green Pharmacy, J. Duke, Ph.D.
2. The Healing Power of Herbs, Murray, M.T., N.D.
3. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999; 70:1040-5
4. “Supplement Watch”, Web site various authors
Gerri's COSTS of being unhealthy and unfit:
· I may feel more self conscious and be hesitant rather than confident in interactions with new people.
· I may have decreased mobility and more aches and pains
· I may lose interest in learning and in doing new things
· I may sleep poorly, tossing and turning and feeling aches and pains.
· My activities will become more and more limited because of less energy and strength due to lack of exercise.
· I may die sooner.
· I will feel less attractive and less deserving of love and affection from my spouse.
· I will continue to dread shopping for clothes, not wanting to see myself in dressing room mirrors.
· I may forgo opportunities to build my business because of a lack of confidence and energy
· I could become an alcoholic like my dad, choosing to have alcohol numb my feelings
· The morning after indulging, I will wake feeling less than my best, both physically and mentally, and will end up wasting precious hours, if not the entire day, just trying to recover.
Gerri's PAYOFFS for being ‘healthy and fit’:
· I will be happier, calmer, more joyful and more grateful for each day’s abundance
· I will live longer and have the ability to enjoy it.
· My husband’s health and energy will improve along with mine since we will eat the same foods and encourage each other in exercise.
· I will enjoy shopping trips, and trying new clothes, discovering what styles enhance my healthy curves.
· The morning after will be one where I will wake refreshed, happy and energized and be able to take full advantage of another beautiful day.
· I will be an example and encouragement to friends and family members who have also struggled with the goal of being healthy and fit.
· I will sleep better.
· I will be able to talk about Arbonne’s Figure 8 products with confidence and conviction because I will be walking proof that they work.
· I will have more energy and stamina when I travel, making the discovery of new places even more pleasurable.
· I will feel more confident because I know I am being good to myself and looking and feeling better in the process.
· I will be more willing to be adventurous and try new things, continuing to expand my experiences and joy in living.
Kate's COSTS
I’m afraid of food.
I can’t reach to put socks on.
I am always worried about stoke or heart attack.
I am embarrassed about not fitting into seats everywhere...planes, theaters, restaurants, etc.
My weight often keeps me from going to places like the above.
I have low self esteem because of my weight.
My sex/love life is low.
I have tons of pain everywhere from excess weight.
My Dr. wants me to have back surgery.
I don’t do trips that require a lot of walking, esp. rough terrain.
I have a hard time getting out of the bathtub.
I have a hard time using public toilets.
Sometimes I feel handicapped.
I don’t go dancing, which my husband and I LOVE.
I’m afraid to see people from my past.
I can’t get into some cars and a lot of seatbelts don’t fit.
I have a hard time bathing myself. My stomach is so heavy.
I feel horrible at events.
I have NO confidence selling Arbonne.
The opposite of all of the above.
I will feel pretty and want to be seen in public.
I will want to help EVERYONE get healthy.
I will ask for a booth in a restaurant.
I will feel more confident and not less than
I will look forward to each day
I will carry around less baggage…literally
I will do what I love.
I will not be sneak eating.
I will be on less medication
Maybe I won’t have diabetes
San’s COSTS of not having great health & fitness/Not being my personal best
Poor self image
Low self esteem
Less or low energy
Feeling of futility
Possibility of shorter life span
Possibility of being of a burden
Clothes shopping is a chore
Off and on Depression/Lethargy/Apathy
Limited financial/Arbonne success
Lid on my Team
Feeling of futility
Limited travel and family visits
San’s PAYOFFS of having great health & fitness/Being My Personal Best
Healthy self esteem
Healthy weight
Increased energy
Potential longevity
Firm, slim body
Core strength and Flexibility
Great digestion
No snoring/better quality sleep
Ease in purchasing clothing, awesome, wardrobe!
Knowing my passionate purpose
Healthy Self Esteem
Empower others to achieve their greatness
Promotion to National VP
Unlimited contribution/Unlimited income
More Family time/Family Retreat
Home on the water
World Travel
Suzannnes' Negatives
-Will not have good health
-Possible debilitating illnesses(COPD, Cancer)
-Could die sooner
-Feel fat and unattractive
-Less likely to try to look good because you already feel you don't(whats the use)
-Punish yourself about not doing what you're suppose to do
-Obsess about smoking or eating
-Compare yourself to others
-Feel less attractive to your mate( why the hell would he want to be with me anyway!)
-Have less carefree sex because you think you're fat and unattractive, feel self conscious
Suzanne's Positives
-Feel healthier
-Have more energy
-Want to buy new clothes
-Live longer
-Feel good when you get up in the morning
-Feel more attractive
-Want to dress up more and not wear "fat clothes"
-Breathe easier
-Want to exercise
-Feel sexier, feel more confident about having sex
-Present a positive image to the public
-Live what you say about health and wellness
Ginny's Costs
1. I will most certainly shorten my life and or sacrifice the quality of life I wish to have
2. I am poised to develop any of the following complications due to my smoking; throat cancer, mouth cancer, lung cancer, CVA, CHF and emphysema
3. I could worsen my osteoporosis by not exercising or not doing some sort of weight bearing exercise
4. I could gain back all the weight I worked so hard to lose
5. I am lessening my chances of seeing my children live their lives, possibly get married and have children themselves
6. I think less of myself when I smoke and don’t exercise
Ginny's Payoffs
1. I could look forward to living a happy healthy life for another 30 + years
2. I can lessen my chances of disease by not smoking
3. I will create a way of living, a lifestyle for eating
4. By exercising regularly I would slow the osteoporosis, increase my energy level and be able to do more
5. I will greatly increase my chances of seeing grandchildren, watching them grow and take them on vacations
6. I will look better and feel better
7. I will stop contributing to the wrinkles around my mouth and other areas of my face affected by my smoking
8. I will be able to save a LOT of money by not smoking and put those monies toward something I want to do, like a yoga class or pilates
9. I know I will like myself better, feel better about myself when I stop these self defeating behaviors!
· I may feel more self conscious and be hesitant rather than confident in interactions with new people.
· I may have decreased mobility and more aches and pains
· I may lose interest in learning and in doing new things
· I may sleep poorly, tossing and turning and feeling aches and pains.
· My activities will become more and more limited because of less energy and strength due to lack of exercise.
· I may die sooner.
· I will feel less attractive and less deserving of love and affection from my spouse.
· I will continue to dread shopping for clothes, not wanting to see myself in dressing room mirrors.
· I may forgo opportunities to build my business because of a lack of confidence and energy
· I could become an alcoholic like my dad, choosing to have alcohol numb my feelings
· The morning after indulging, I will wake feeling less than my best, both physically and mentally, and will end up wasting precious hours, if not the entire day, just trying to recover.
Gerri's PAYOFFS for being ‘healthy and fit’:
· I will be happier, calmer, more joyful and more grateful for each day’s abundance
· I will live longer and have the ability to enjoy it.
· My husband’s health and energy will improve along with mine since we will eat the same foods and encourage each other in exercise.
· I will enjoy shopping trips, and trying new clothes, discovering what styles enhance my healthy curves.
· The morning after will be one where I will wake refreshed, happy and energized and be able to take full advantage of another beautiful day.
· I will be an example and encouragement to friends and family members who have also struggled with the goal of being healthy and fit.
· I will sleep better.
· I will be able to talk about Arbonne’s Figure 8 products with confidence and conviction because I will be walking proof that they work.
· I will have more energy and stamina when I travel, making the discovery of new places even more pleasurable.
· I will feel more confident because I know I am being good to myself and looking and feeling better in the process.
· I will be more willing to be adventurous and try new things, continuing to expand my experiences and joy in living.
Kate's COSTS
I’m afraid of food.
I can’t reach to put socks on.
I am always worried about stoke or heart attack.
I am embarrassed about not fitting into seats everywhere...planes, theaters, restaurants, etc.
My weight often keeps me from going to places like the above.
I have low self esteem because of my weight.
My sex/love life is low.
I have tons of pain everywhere from excess weight.
My Dr. wants me to have back surgery.
I don’t do trips that require a lot of walking, esp. rough terrain.
I have a hard time getting out of the bathtub.
I have a hard time using public toilets.
Sometimes I feel handicapped.
I don’t go dancing, which my husband and I LOVE.
I’m afraid to see people from my past.
I can’t get into some cars and a lot of seatbelts don’t fit.
I have a hard time bathing myself. My stomach is so heavy.
I feel horrible at events.
I have NO confidence selling Arbonne.
The opposite of all of the above.
I will feel pretty and want to be seen in public.
I will want to help EVERYONE get healthy.
I will ask for a booth in a restaurant.
I will feel more confident and not less than
I will look forward to each day
I will carry around less baggage…literally
I will do what I love.
I will not be sneak eating.
I will be on less medication
Maybe I won’t have diabetes
San’s COSTS of not having great health & fitness/Not being my personal best
Poor self image
Low self esteem
Less or low energy
Feeling of futility
Possibility of shorter life span
Possibility of being of a burden
Clothes shopping is a chore
Off and on Depression/Lethargy/Apathy
Limited financial/Arbonne success
Lid on my Team
Feeling of futility
Limited travel and family visits
San’s PAYOFFS of having great health & fitness/Being My Personal Best
Healthy self esteem
Healthy weight
Increased energy
Potential longevity
Firm, slim body
Core strength and Flexibility
Great digestion
No snoring/better quality sleep
Ease in purchasing clothing, awesome, wardrobe!
Knowing my passionate purpose
Healthy Self Esteem
Empower others to achieve their greatness
Promotion to National VP
Unlimited contribution/Unlimited income
More Family time/Family Retreat
Home on the water
World Travel
Suzannnes' Negatives
-Will not have good health
-Possible debilitating illnesses(COPD, Cancer)
-Could die sooner
-Feel fat and unattractive
-Less likely to try to look good because you already feel you don't(whats the use)
-Punish yourself about not doing what you're suppose to do
-Obsess about smoking or eating
-Compare yourself to others
-Feel less attractive to your mate( why the hell would he want to be with me anyway!)
-Have less carefree sex because you think you're fat and unattractive, feel self conscious
Suzanne's Positives
-Feel healthier
-Have more energy
-Want to buy new clothes
-Live longer
-Feel good when you get up in the morning
-Feel more attractive
-Want to dress up more and not wear "fat clothes"
-Breathe easier
-Want to exercise
-Feel sexier, feel more confident about having sex
-Present a positive image to the public
-Live what you say about health and wellness
Ginny's Costs
1. I will most certainly shorten my life and or sacrifice the quality of life I wish to have
2. I am poised to develop any of the following complications due to my smoking; throat cancer, mouth cancer, lung cancer, CVA, CHF and emphysema
3. I could worsen my osteoporosis by not exercising or not doing some sort of weight bearing exercise
4. I could gain back all the weight I worked so hard to lose
5. I am lessening my chances of seeing my children live their lives, possibly get married and have children themselves
6. I think less of myself when I smoke and don’t exercise
Ginny's Payoffs
1. I could look forward to living a happy healthy life for another 30 + years
2. I can lessen my chances of disease by not smoking
3. I will create a way of living, a lifestyle for eating
4. By exercising regularly I would slow the osteoporosis, increase my energy level and be able to do more
5. I will greatly increase my chances of seeing grandchildren, watching them grow and take them on vacations
6. I will look better and feel better
7. I will stop contributing to the wrinkles around my mouth and other areas of my face affected by my smoking
8. I will be able to save a LOT of money by not smoking and put those monies toward something I want to do, like a yoga class or pilates
9. I know I will like myself better, feel better about myself when I stop these self defeating behaviors!
Mindful of My Toes
So you all know I water jog on my lunch hour during the week. Well on Saturday Mornings, Brian goes to the Y at 6:30 and I've been going with him. During the week, I'm so rushed because I only have an hour to get there, do 30 min. and get back, but on Sat., I have all the time in the world, because Brian does laps for an hour. This morning after my 30, I go to the end of the pool and do exercizes with my legs, because during the jog, believe it or not it's my arms and heart that are getting the biggest workout. While I'm doing this I look down into the water and watch my feet and how they are dancing in the water and then I start seperating my toes and notice how they look sliding back and forth against the different color tiles on the pool and it becomes the most amazing thing to me that I'm taking care of myself in this wonderful pool, and I become grateful, possibly for the first time this week.
By the way San I love your gathered info on the dry brushing. I've been now wondering what is the usefullness of the going going gone supplement?
It's our 34th anniversary tomorrow and our oldest daughter, Merrill is coming home for the week-end....good times.
Love to everyone and looking forward to more great blogs.
By the way San I love your gathered info on the dry brushing. I've been now wondering what is the usefullness of the going going gone supplement?
It's our 34th anniversary tomorrow and our oldest daughter, Merrill is coming home for the week-end....good times.
Love to everyone and looking forward to more great blogs.
Dry Brushing~Detoxing our Body
Team Abundance,
Here's an excerpt from the information that I promised on Dry Brushing and Detoxing.
The document is too large to post here so I have sent it to you via email.
I hope that it inspires you to make Dry Brushing and detoxing using our incredible SeaSource products a part of your daily self care!
Love, San
In this day and age we are over exposed to harmful chemicals, residue, radiation, environmental toxins, polluted water, hormones, preservatives, additives and heavy metals just to name a few. These substances invade our bodies faster than the body can emit them causing toxic overload in every part of our system producing harmful effects in our state of health.
Many of these toxins become encased in mucus or fat. These deposits are then set aside in your body as a protection so that they cannot cause damage to your cells, organs and tissues. Many people carry 10-20 pounds or more of extra fat in their body that was created to house this toxic waste. It is not just excess fat but EXCESS TOXIC FAT that your body cannot cycle through because it is so extremely overloaded by more and more waste day in and day out... so the pounds continue to pile on.
Detoxing is very helpful in warding off disease. Detoxing should not be used only for preventative measures alone but also for those already in a chronic state of ill health. I don’t care what your disease is called, if the symptoms of that disease are chronic then you MUST cleanse to reverse that disease and regain your health.
''Detoxify'' is practically a household word now, but it is futile to consider doing a good job of reducing the body's toxins unless the skin is respected as the crucial elimination organ that it is. We now know that if the skin is not carrying out normal elimination, your lungs, kidneys and bowels will function poorly. Conversely, anything you can do to improve skin function will improve the function of the other elimination organs. The long and short of it is that skin-brushing, which is done for about five minutes while the skin is dry, before showering or bathing, removes the top layer of dead skin cells, stimulates the oil-secreting glands (thus moisturizing your skin), stimulates circulation and invigorates you.
In this day and age we are over exposed to harmful chemicals, residue, radiation, environmental toxins, polluted water, hormones, preservatives, additives and heavy metals just to name a few. These substances invade our bodies faster than the body can emit them causing toxic overload in every part of our system producing harmful effects in our state of health.
Many of these toxins become encased in mucus or fat. These deposits are then set aside in your body as a protection so that they cannot cause damage to your cells, organs and tissues. Many people carry 10-20 pounds or more of extra fat in their body that was created to house this toxic waste. It is not just excess fat but EXCESS TOXIC FAT that your body cannot cycle through because it is so extremely overloaded by more and more waste day in and day out... so the pounds continue to pile on.
Detoxing is very helpful in warding off disease. Detoxing should not be used only for preventative measures alone but also for those already in a chronic state of ill health. I don’t care what your disease is called, if the symptoms of that disease are chronic then you MUST cleanse to reverse that disease and regain your health.
''Detoxify'' is practically a household word now, but it is futile to consider doing a good job of reducing the body's toxins unless the skin is respected as the crucial elimination organ that it is. We now know that if the skin is not carrying out normal elimination, your lungs, kidneys and bowels will function poorly. Conversely, anything you can do to improve skin function will improve the function of the other elimination organs. The long and short of it is that skin-brushing, which is done for about five minutes while the skin is dry, before showering or bathing, removes the top layer of dead skin cells, stimulates the oil-secreting glands (thus moisturizing your skin), stimulates circulation and invigorates you.
Dry Brushing is easy, inexpensive and invigorating and there are many other benefits as well:
1. Removes cellulite
2. Cleanses the lymphatic system
3. Removes dead skin layers
4. Strengthens the immune system
5. Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands
6. Tightens the skin preventing premature aging
7. Tones the muscles
8. Stimulates circulation
9. Improves the function of the nervous system
10. Helps digestion
1. Removes cellulite
2. Cleanses the lymphatic system
3. Removes dead skin layers
4. Strengthens the immune system
5. Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands
6. Tightens the skin preventing premature aging
7. Tones the muscles
8. Stimulates circulation
9. Improves the function of the nervous system
10. Helps digestion
I too love hearing from everyone.
We need to celebrate all these pounds coming off!! That is 24.5lbs that I know of!
Kate, Yikes, your Fizzy Experience could have been scary! You did make me laugh right out loud reading it. I love the Fizzy Drink and heard a rumor that Arbonne might add a new flavor!
I just came off of a very rough day ... really the first break in my new behavior that I have had so I can't be that hard on myself.
I won (that may be a misnomer) a big bag of goodies at a Networking Meeting the other night. Fairly healthy... nuts, trail mix and dried fruit ... so I wasn't freaked out but I swear it must have been laced with a drug of some kind because I couldn't stop eating it. UGH! And my body hated me for it. I think it must have been the sugar in the dried fruit. It put me in a coma!
Anyway, today I feel better both mentally and physically and I have stopped beating myself up. I got on the scale this morning and I didn't gain weight and thought I might be five pounds heavier. :-) So onward to a new day and new progress.
Gerri, may the force be with you for your weekend and Tee for your vacation. We can be successful with these situations because I am coming to terms with the fact that they are just LIFE! Everything can't be an exception. One of the tools Mark taught me is bargaining with jaws ... 'not this time but maybe we will have the Creme Brulee next time' It has helped me.
I am excited for Ginny to be thinking Fuel or Poison with cigarettes. This is a huge, huge win for you. So exciting.
I am FOR ALL OF US SUCCEEDING. Create a fun and healthy weekend and Much Love, San
We need to celebrate all these pounds coming off!! That is 24.5lbs that I know of!
Kate, Yikes, your Fizzy Experience could have been scary! You did make me laugh right out loud reading it. I love the Fizzy Drink and heard a rumor that Arbonne might add a new flavor!
I just came off of a very rough day ... really the first break in my new behavior that I have had so I can't be that hard on myself.
I won (that may be a misnomer) a big bag of goodies at a Networking Meeting the other night. Fairly healthy... nuts, trail mix and dried fruit ... so I wasn't freaked out but I swear it must have been laced with a drug of some kind because I couldn't stop eating it. UGH! And my body hated me for it. I think it must have been the sugar in the dried fruit. It put me in a coma!
Anyway, today I feel better both mentally and physically and I have stopped beating myself up. I got on the scale this morning and I didn't gain weight and thought I might be five pounds heavier. :-) So onward to a new day and new progress.
Gerri, may the force be with you for your weekend and Tee for your vacation. We can be successful with these situations because I am coming to terms with the fact that they are just LIFE! Everything can't be an exception. One of the tools Mark taught me is bargaining with jaws ... 'not this time but maybe we will have the Creme Brulee next time' It has helped me.
I am excited for Ginny to be thinking Fuel or Poison with cigarettes. This is a huge, huge win for you. So exciting.
I am FOR ALL OF US SUCCEEDING. Create a fun and healthy weekend and Much Love, San
Inspirations Abound!
Good morning all! It is nice to have more blogging going on. I do believe I'll look twice at my pills for a while now to be sure I'm not downing a fizzy tablet - Thanks for teaching us that lesson Kate - tho I don't envy you!
The Fuel vs Poison exercise is a good practice - tho frustrating at times. I found myself the other day searching for a snack - guess I didn't go fuel shopping well enough - or the fuel choices just didn't sound good. Anyway, it is unsettling to look at some foods that I have loved and starting to see them in a different light. I know this change is good, but it's not always easy!
This weekend will be a challenge for me so send me good thoughts! I start tonight going out with friends to celebrate Mark's birthday. Out to eat, a jazz performance and then back to our house for a small dessert. Then Saturday is our wine club get together where delicious and often poisonous appetizers abound. Any suggestions on a delicious fuel I can take? I'm on the search! And finally, we're probably going over Mark's parent's house on Sunday afternoon to celebrate both our birthdays. This may be the easiest because my mother-in-law tries to eat healthy too. There will still be cake...
This weekend will be a good test of changes I've been making. I've lost 4.5 pounds since we've started and am seeing a weight on the scale I haven't seen in maybe 3 years. I don't want to jeopardize that success because it does feel really, really good!
So each time I go out this weekend, I'm picturing all of you there with me. And, Kate, you are going to be my secret weapon, because I plan to work on that poison cake stare of yours!
The Fuel vs Poison exercise is a good practice - tho frustrating at times. I found myself the other day searching for a snack - guess I didn't go fuel shopping well enough - or the fuel choices just didn't sound good. Anyway, it is unsettling to look at some foods that I have loved and starting to see them in a different light. I know this change is good, but it's not always easy!
This weekend will be a challenge for me so send me good thoughts! I start tonight going out with friends to celebrate Mark's birthday. Out to eat, a jazz performance and then back to our house for a small dessert. Then Saturday is our wine club get together where delicious and often poisonous appetizers abound. Any suggestions on a delicious fuel I can take? I'm on the search! And finally, we're probably going over Mark's parent's house on Sunday afternoon to celebrate both our birthdays. This may be the easiest because my mother-in-law tries to eat healthy too. There will still be cake...
This weekend will be a good test of changes I've been making. I've lost 4.5 pounds since we've started and am seeing a weight on the scale I haven't seen in maybe 3 years. I don't want to jeopardize that success because it does feel really, really good!
So each time I go out this weekend, I'm picturing all of you there with me. And, Kate, you are going to be my secret weapon, because I plan to work on that poison cake stare of yours!
Great to hear from you T! How great was that meeting Chris Gardner! Talk about inspiration! Missing you and look forward to when you can join us again. Have a fabulous wedding anniversary trip! You deserve it!
And Kate, too much swallowing down a fizzy tablet...lol....glad you drank copious amounts of water after!! And congrats on the weight loss! You doin' it Girl!
I'm finding the fuel or poison very helpful and not only with food but the butts too!!
I have an Arbonne and Appetizers get together tonight, I'm psyched and happy about it! I also placed a small order for a client that I have an appt with next week, 95. but my comission was 33.15, not a bad take for a half hour of work!
Great Weekend To All!
And Kate, too much swallowing down a fizzy tablet...lol....glad you drank copious amounts of water after!! And congrats on the weight loss! You doin' it Girl!
I'm finding the fuel or poison very helpful and not only with food but the butts too!!
I have an Arbonne and Appetizers get together tonight, I'm psyched and happy about it! I also placed a small order for a client that I have an appt with next week, 95. but my comission was 33.15, not a bad take for a half hour of work!
Great Weekend To All!
Hi Inspirational Folks
I was just reading an article on Spark People and it used the phrase.."edible food-like substances" for OUR poison foods. I thought that was hilarious.
I have to tell you something that happened to me this morning. I got to work at 8:45...supposed to be 8:30, so I was feeling rushed... I had just taken my shake and vitamins and before I start work, I fill up the 2- 32 oz. water bottles with filterd water and then I plop a NRG fizz in one of them EXCEPT this morning, I guess my brain was still thinking vitamins, cause I took the fizz and plopped it in my mouth and started to drink it when I realized, because it was stuck in my throat, that oh no what'd I just do..oopsie....so for the next hour I drank all 64oz. of water, had throat pain and belched loudly for 2 hours.
Just thought everyone could use a good chuckle. On a more usefull point, I weighed myself on 9/26 at 328pounds and today I am 320. So progress is coming.
Love, Kate
I have to tell you something that happened to me this morning. I got to work at 8:45...supposed to be 8:30, so I was feeling rushed... I had just taken my shake and vitamins and before I start work, I fill up the 2- 32 oz. water bottles with filterd water and then I plop a NRG fizz in one of them EXCEPT this morning, I guess my brain was still thinking vitamins, cause I took the fizz and plopped it in my mouth and started to drink it when I realized, because it was stuck in my throat, that oh no what'd I just do..oopsie....so for the next hour I drank all 64oz. of water, had throat pain and belched loudly for 2 hours.
Just thought everyone could use a good chuckle. On a more usefull point, I weighed myself on 9/26 at 328pounds and today I am 320. So progress is coming.
Love, Kate
Thinking of You All
Dear wonderful friends,
This past week and the next week will be hard for me. I just got home from 6 days in Nashville going non-stop. I am home until Monday morning when I head off to the Bahamas to celebrate my 15th wedding anniversary. I want you all to know that this group is a priority for me but I have had to choose different priorities these two weeks. I continue to be inspired by you all and think of you each day.
Today, I spent three hours with Chris Gardner (he wrote the Pursuit of Happyness)and he is so inspiring. His life story is mind-blowing and his perseverance is inspiring. Buy and read his book. His journey will resonate with this group - he never gave up and he has transformed his life.
He was gracious to every person he spoke to and signed a book for every person who had one. I thanked him for being so gracious and he said that when you are as blessed as he is, being gracious is expected. I loved that. I am a big fan of gratitude and a HUGE fan of Chris.
I will plug in as best I can this next week. Know that I am thinking of each of you.
Love you all,
This past week and the next week will be hard for me. I just got home from 6 days in Nashville going non-stop. I am home until Monday morning when I head off to the Bahamas to celebrate my 15th wedding anniversary. I want you all to know that this group is a priority for me but I have had to choose different priorities these two weeks. I continue to be inspired by you all and think of you each day.
Today, I spent three hours with Chris Gardner (he wrote the Pursuit of Happyness)and he is so inspiring. His life story is mind-blowing and his perseverance is inspiring. Buy and read his book. His journey will resonate with this group - he never gave up and he has transformed his life.
He was gracious to every person he spoke to and signed a book for every person who had one. I thanked him for being so gracious and he said that when you are as blessed as he is, being gracious is expected. I loved that. I am a big fan of gratitude and a HUGE fan of Chris.
I will plug in as best I can this next week. Know that I am thinking of each of you.
Love you all,
Very Inspiring!
Gerri, that is so awesome about your walking! I am going in the morning, you inspired me! I have been putting everything else before it, now it has to be the other way around, walk first!
Like Mark says and San echoes, Anything is better than Nothing!!
Believe me you will see a difference! I know that's what helped me so much with my weight loss. I did cut down on my portions, drank a shake when I was hungry, especially in the evening....I'd just make one and down it!
The walking is so good, and it got me out of my mind! Any time I can do that I appreciate it!
'See' You Monday Night!
Like Mark says and San echoes, Anything is better than Nothing!!
Believe me you will see a difference! I know that's what helped me so much with my weight loss. I did cut down on my portions, drank a shake when I was hungry, especially in the evening....I'd just make one and down it!
The walking is so good, and it got me out of my mind! Any time I can do that I appreciate it!
'See' You Monday Night!
Good Morning!
Kate, I ditto Gerri's applause. You did a fabulous job with the poison cake situation! Good for you! One way to celebrate is to write us about your success. You get to put your thoughts and feelings into words, we get to support you and we get inspired! Win~Win~Win!
Gerri, you really have a handle on the walking so you too have inspired me.
I am going to go out for a short walk right now which is extra because I don't usually walk on the day I go to Pilates! Anything is better than nothing.
I believe every great decision and every extra activity will add up to us becoming the HEALTHY & FIT women we want to be!
Create a wonderful day!
Kate, I ditto Gerri's applause. You did a fabulous job with the poison cake situation! Good for you! One way to celebrate is to write us about your success. You get to put your thoughts and feelings into words, we get to support you and we get inspired! Win~Win~Win!
Gerri, you really have a handle on the walking so you too have inspired me.
I am going to go out for a short walk right now which is extra because I don't usually walk on the day I go to Pilates! Anything is better than nothing.
I believe every great decision and every extra activity will add up to us becoming the HEALTHY & FIT women we want to be!
Create a wonderful day!
Inspired by Kate!
Good morning Kate. I am so PROUD of YOU! Staring down that cake - I do believe you won that round against JAWS! And to continue to make observations of your co-workers that ate the cake - talk about seeing the cost of making unhealthy choices - that was really insightful. I must admit I had a mix of fuel and poison yesterday, but the increased awareness about what I'm really eating does create a different feeling around food.
Today I start drybrushing - so we'll be able to compare notes down the line on how that makes us feel. At this point I'd say I'm curious and skeptical, but in talking with San, I can hear the conviction in her voice that it works. I trust you San, so here goes!
Off for my morning walk now. This has definitely become a new healthy habit that I started earlier this year. I'm walking 3.5 miles 5 days a week or more. Started with 3-4 days while I was still at Verizon and then increased that after I left. It hasn't made that much difference in my weight but mentally I feel more refreshed and prepared for the day. I did recently discover that even though my weight has not changed much, it really is making a difference in my body. Now that the weather is cooling down, I'm wearing jeans again. And they fit different, better, looser! It's all good.
Create a GREAT Day everyone! And, Kate, thank you for starting my day of INSPIRED!
Today I start drybrushing - so we'll be able to compare notes down the line on how that makes us feel. At this point I'd say I'm curious and skeptical, but in talking with San, I can hear the conviction in her voice that it works. I trust you San, so here goes!
Off for my morning walk now. This has definitely become a new healthy habit that I started earlier this year. I'm walking 3.5 miles 5 days a week or more. Started with 3-4 days while I was still at Verizon and then increased that after I left. It hasn't made that much difference in my weight but mentally I feel more refreshed and prepared for the day. I did recently discover that even though my weight has not changed much, it really is making a difference in my body. Now that the weather is cooling down, I'm wearing jeans again. And they fit different, better, looser! It's all good.
Create a GREAT Day everyone! And, Kate, thank you for starting my day of INSPIRED!
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