

Well ladies, I'm trying again to blog, don't know if this will get published either!!
Kate, you are such an inspiration, I just feel myself going go girl every time I read one of your blogs!!! I'm trying to get that committed about my weight lose, but I feel I have a different problem than most of you guys, but just as bad and sabotages my goals. I don't have much of a problem with sweets or junk food as I've mentioned in the areas I'd like to change, I forget to eat, today I didn't even think about food until 4:00!!! I'm working on an eating schedule so I have to eat and trying to figure out the best things to eat, any help out there? I am also recommitting to Arbonne. I love the products, the philosophy and the people sooo much, then why can't I get myself started? Maybe I think I don't deserve the success, I'm not sure why but I know theres some reason I can't get started. I'm going to start from the very beginning with getting started like I never heard of the company before, I hope that sparks something from within because I truly want and need to do this. Thanks for all of your inspirational blogs, they really do help me in my daily struggle


Tee said...

Suzanne - Your blog was published and it was great. Keep up the good work. This is so important on so many levels for all of us. I am so excited to meet the women who emerge on the other side. I am also recommitting to my business. Do you want to exchange IPA emails? I am setting a daily goal of 5-7 IPAs to get the momentum back in my business. Love, Tee

Ginny said...

Very Inspiring! Great to hear from you Suzanne. I can go all day not eating too, then I over eat at night because I think I can! Eating regularly has helped me, and portion control, that's the biggy, it's amazing how little food we really need!
See you tonight!