

Gerri's COSTS of being unhealthy and unfit:
· I may feel more self conscious and be hesitant rather than confident in interactions with new people.
· I may have decreased mobility and more aches and pains
· I may lose interest in learning and in doing new things
· I may sleep poorly, tossing and turning and feeling aches and pains.
· My activities will become more and more limited because of less energy and strength due to lack of exercise.
· I may die sooner.
· I will feel less attractive and less deserving of love and affection from my spouse.
· I will continue to dread shopping for clothes, not wanting to see myself in dressing room mirrors.
· I may forgo opportunities to build my business because of a lack of confidence and energy
· I could become an alcoholic like my dad, choosing to have alcohol numb my feelings
· The morning after indulging, I will wake feeling less than my best, both physically and mentally, and will end up wasting precious hours, if not the entire day, just trying to recover.

Gerri's PAYOFFS for being ‘healthy and fit’:
· I will be happier, calmer, more joyful and more grateful for each day’s abundance
· I will live longer and have the ability to enjoy it.
· My husband’s health and energy will improve along with mine since we will eat the same foods and encourage each other in exercise.
· I will enjoy shopping trips, and trying new clothes, discovering what styles enhance my healthy curves.
· The morning after will be one where I will wake refreshed, happy and energized and be able to take full advantage of another beautiful day.
· I will be an example and encouragement to friends and family members who have also struggled with the goal of being healthy and fit.
· I will sleep better.
· I will be able to talk about Arbonne’s Figure 8 products with confidence and conviction because I will be walking proof that they work.
· I will have more energy and stamina when I travel, making the discovery of new places even more pleasurable.
· I will feel more confident because I know I am being good to myself and looking and feeling better in the process.
· I will be more willing to be adventurous and try new things, continuing to expand my experiences and joy in living.

Kate's COSTS
I’m afraid of food.
I can’t reach to put socks on.
I am always worried about stoke or heart attack.
I am embarrassed about not fitting into seats everywhere...planes, theaters, restaurants, etc.
My weight often keeps me from going to places like the above.
I have low self esteem because of my weight.
My sex/love life is low.
I have tons of pain everywhere from excess weight.
My Dr. wants me to have back surgery.
I don’t do trips that require a lot of walking, esp. rough terrain.
I have a hard time getting out of the bathtub.
I have a hard time using public toilets.
Sometimes I feel handicapped.
I don’t go dancing, which my husband and I LOVE.
I’m afraid to see people from my past.
I can’t get into some cars and a lot of seatbelts don’t fit.
I have a hard time bathing myself. My stomach is so heavy.
I feel horrible at events.
I have NO confidence selling Arbonne.

The opposite of all of the above.

I will feel pretty and want to be seen in public.
I will want to help EVERYONE get healthy.
I will ask for a booth in a restaurant.
I will feel more confident and not less than
I will look forward to each day
I will carry around less baggage…literally
I will do what I love.
I will not be sneak eating.
I will be on less medication

Maybe I won’t have diabetes

San’s COSTS of not having great health & fitness/Not being my personal best
Poor self image
Low self esteem
Less or low energy
Feeling of futility
Possibility of shorter life span
Possibility of being of a burden
Clothes shopping is a chore
Off and on Depression/Lethargy/Apathy
Limited financial/Arbonne success
Lid on my Team
Feeling of futility
Limited travel and family visits

San’s PAYOFFS of having great health & fitness/Being My Personal Best
Healthy self esteem
Healthy weight
Increased energy
Potential longevity
Firm, slim body
Core strength and Flexibility
Great digestion
No snoring/better quality sleep
Ease in purchasing clothing, awesome, wardrobe!
Knowing my passionate purpose
Healthy Self Esteem
Empower others to achieve their greatness
Promotion to National VP
Unlimited contribution/Unlimited income
More Family time/Family Retreat
Home on the water
World Travel

Suzannnes' Negatives
-Will not have good health
-Possible debilitating illnesses(COPD, Cancer)
-Could die sooner
-Feel fat and unattractive
-Less likely to try to look good because you already feel you don't(whats the use)
-Punish yourself about not doing what you're suppose to do
-Obsess about smoking or eating
-Compare yourself to others
-Feel less attractive to your mate( why the hell would he want to be with me anyway!)
-Have less carefree sex because you think you're fat and unattractive, feel self conscious

Suzanne's Positives
-Feel healthier
-Have more energy
-Want to buy new clothes
-Live longer
-Feel good when you get up in the morning
-Feel more attractive
-Want to dress up more and not wear "fat clothes"
-Breathe easier
-Want to exercise
-Feel sexier, feel more confident about having sex
-Present a positive image to the public
-Live what you say about health and wellness
Ginny's Costs
1. I will most certainly shorten my life and or sacrifice the quality of life I wish to have
2. I am poised to develop any of the following complications due to my smoking; throat cancer, mouth cancer, lung cancer, CVA, CHF and emphysema
3. I could worsen my osteoporosis by not exercising or not doing some sort of weight bearing exercise
4. I could gain back all the weight I worked so hard to lose
5. I am lessening my chances of seeing my children live their lives, possibly get married and have children themselves
6. I think less of myself when I smoke and don’t exercise

Ginny's Payoffs
1. I could look forward to living a happy healthy life for another 30 + years
2. I can lessen my chances of disease by not smoking
3. I will create a way of living, a lifestyle for eating
4. By exercising regularly I would slow the osteoporosis, increase my energy level and be able to do more
5. I will greatly increase my chances of seeing grandchildren, watching them grow and take them on vacations
6. I will look better and feel better
7. I will stop contributing to the wrinkles around my mouth and other areas of my face affected by my smoking
8. I will be able to save a LOT of money by not smoking and put those monies toward something I want to do, like a yoga class or pilates
9. I know I will like myself better, feel better about myself when I stop these self defeating behaviors!


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