
A few more words

Hey Tee...Welcome back
Suzanne...I can identify...I also need to commit to scheduling my eating, because what happens when I don't is that I graze all day. So it was good to be reminded of that as I go back to work tomorrow. I also have to schedule getting up from my desk, because I have a sit down computer job.
I was on vacation this past week, so it was very different being at home and not at work..I felt really disorganized and unstructured, which as a result, I didn't accomplish a heck of a lot. Tonight I regret time wasted.
Things I did that were good...I ate healthy. I chose healthy meals when eating out. I threw out and gave away unhealthy (for me) foods.
Areas of my life that I’d like to make changes are:
Less TV…Right now I am so addicted to the elections…I spend too much time watching.
Home clutter. Learn how to throw things away and not accumulate.
The way I think about food (which I am changing).
Learn how to be more structured in my personal life.
Learn to move my body.

Thanks, everyone.

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