
Inspirations Abound!

Good morning all! It is nice to have more blogging going on. I do believe I'll look twice at my pills for a while now to be sure I'm not downing a fizzy tablet - Thanks for teaching us that lesson Kate - tho I don't envy you!

The Fuel vs Poison exercise is a good practice - tho frustrating at times. I found myself the other day searching for a snack - guess I didn't go fuel shopping well enough - or the fuel choices just didn't sound good. Anyway, it is unsettling to look at some foods that I have loved and starting to see them in a different light. I know this change is good, but it's not always easy!

This weekend will be a challenge for me so send me good thoughts! I start tonight going out with friends to celebrate Mark's birthday. Out to eat, a jazz performance and then back to our house for a small dessert. Then Saturday is our wine club get together where delicious and often poisonous appetizers abound. Any suggestions on a delicious fuel I can take? I'm on the search! And finally, we're probably going over Mark's parent's house on Sunday afternoon to celebrate both our birthdays. This may be the easiest because my mother-in-law tries to eat healthy too. There will still be cake...

This weekend will be a good test of changes I've been making. I've lost 4.5 pounds since we've started and am seeing a weight on the scale I haven't seen in maybe 3 years. I don't want to jeopardize that success because it does feel really, really good!

So each time I go out this weekend, I'm picturing all of you there with me. And, Kate, you are going to be my secret weapon, because I plan to work on that poison cake stare of yours!

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