From Mark ...
Great job last night ladies! Way to play full-out!
Time to give JAWZ a kick in the behind… are you ready?
As I review your questions for me and read your blog I can see that we are going to need a major paradigm shift in order to get you really moving in a truly healthy-fit direction.
I see some of you making minor modifications to your lifestyle and food choices … and this is great; however… at some point we all need to ask ourselves what we really want and what price we’re will to pay to get there.
Do you believe it is possible to be happy without eating unhealthy foods? Do you know of anyone on earth who lives on a healthy diet and is happy? For starters, you know ME… anyone else?
I NEED you to believe it is possible so you will begin considering the possibility of letting go of some of your unhealthy habits. I play hockey with a friend who runs the hockey rink. As such he plays hockey for free and generally plays four to five nights per week. For what it’s worth, that means he is burning about 5,000 calories per night. And yet he is still 35 pounds over weight (like San, he is only 5’2’ tall) and he can’t lose a pound of it. One day he was telling me about his challenge and about how he also works out every single night after hockey and I replied… “You must be doing something to keep the weight on.” He told me that he was eating a healthy diet and doing nothing at all wrong. Naturally I knew this couldn’t be true so I pressed on until he finally said… “Well aside from drinking a little wine at night to help me sleep… I can’t think of anything else I could be doing wrong.” To which I asked… “How much wine?” And he said “I don’t know a couple of glasses… maybe three.” And then we did the math and it turned out that between drinking wine at night and a few other ‘little bitty things’ that he didn’t think would matter, he was consuming between 5,000 and 6,000 calories per day… exactly the amount he was burning… which is why he couldn’t lose the weight.
As a solution, I told my friend to stop drinking… I didn’t say to cut back on his drinking… I flat out said STOP. I told him not to spend a breath of energy telling me about the medicinal and health benefits of wine… I said “If you want health benefits take a vitamin… if you want antioxidants eat broccoli or blueberries… if you want to sleep better take Melatonin… but quit trying to justify to yourself the empty calories of wine. And quit buying into the idea that life wouldn’t be any fun at all if you had to give up dessert and alcohol… there are millions of people all over the world from monks to missionaries who live incredibly happy, meaningful lives without polluting their bodies with sugars, fats or alcohol. CHOSE… do you want to be healthy and fit or not? It doesn’t even matter that some healthy-fit people drink… what matters more is that you aren’t one of them. If you were… you wouldn’t be 35 pounds overweight. “
I know it may SEEM like you aren’t doing anything at all to explain why you don’t lose weight… but that’s because you’ve become so used to doing it, you may not even bother figuring it into the equation. Either that or you honestly don’t believe you can be happy without it. But for what its worth… I know otherwise. So… do you trust me? If you do, my request is that you ALL start seriously thinking about creating an ENTIRELY different version of yourself … one that doesn’t smoke or drink (at ALL) or snack on sugars, carbs and fats or crave dessert… one that gets their kicks in a hundred OTHER ways… one who doesn’t justify or complain or fight for their right to eat or drink whatever they choose… or even feel like they are missing out… but rather… one who is happy and fulfilled and highly energetic and healthy and vibrant and in total control of their own life and body and cravings… one who is proud of the choices they make and living as an example and inspiration to everyone they meet of all that is possible in our lives. And as a result is more powerfully influencing others and making more money than ever before… because NOW… people BELIEVE in them!
And then… start doing it NOW.
After all… what do you have to lose???
You can always quit and go back to who you were before….
Lets ROCK!!!!
Please write an essay telling the world who you are from this day forth… and include some commitments that you intend to keep!!!!
Then post it to the blog and support each other.
San… consider doing a wake up call around this…
With Love & Support!!
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