
Successful Day

Wait till you hear this...another person brought a new cake in today AGAIN...torture. after agonizing in my head for a while, I went in the kitchen and stared it down, called it poison and noticed all the different food colorings used since it was a photo cake...blues,greens, pink, purple and it looked like the colors were sweating and last but not least, I pictured the ball of lard at my intestine. So I went back to my office successful and watched everyone else and as the day went on, I noticed mood changes, headaches and indigestion and I felt grateful that it wasn't me.
So, now a question as I sift through poisons and fuel. I suspect coffee is a poison although I really don't want it to be.
I have a bad habit of eating something comforting before I go to bed. It's usually an almond butter sandwich and last night I talked my self into it saying what good quality food this is. Ha ...but it feels wrong. So does this make it poison or overeating?
Good things I did today.....dry brushed, Arbonne shake, vitamins, fizzie, water jogged for 30 min., wrote down foods.
Love to you all

1 comment:

Mark said...

Great job Kate!!!! I am so proud of you... we win this 'battle' once choice at a time. I REALLY love how you observed the negative reaction the others experienced afterwords.

As for the Coffee... keep it for a while longer... the cafine will give you more energy to stay active and it also acts as a diuretic, if possible start holding back on the 'cream & sugar'... start going toward straight black coffee.
I personally don't put any cafine in my body and you might get there too at some point.

As for the almond butter... your body is craving 'fats'; it wants fats at night so it an store them... even though you don't NEED to store them. In this situation, almond butter would be considered a poison. In fact... you really shouldn't be eating ANY fats or carbohydrates after 6:00... ever because your body can't burn them off. If you must snack after 6:00 beging looking at vegitables ... like baby carrots or lean meats like a roll of turkey.

You can still have healthy fats like Avacodo and nuts, but avoid them after 6:00 as well and keep them to a minimum until you reach your ideal weight.

One day at a time... one choice at a time... it will come!

With Love & Support,